Disability inclusive DRM

Inclusive disaster risk management (DRM) combines disaster relief, emergency response and recovery with Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies such as prevention, preparation, and mitigation in an effort to reduce vulnerabilities of those who are ‘the most at risk’ during a disaster including people with disabilities, as well as to increase their capacity.

People with disabilities, and the most at risk groups, sometimes are forgotten during the risk assessment, consultation and decision-making phases often making them ‘invisible’ when disasters strike. It is essential that DRM interventions are inclusive of people with disabilities by ensuring their full participation, equal rights, removal of barriers and are responsive to their diverse characteristics, capacities and vulnerabilities. Disability inclusive DRR and DRM are closely linked which is highlighted in the DRR key list.

This key list contains key resources that provide a general introduction to DRM with related concepts and approaches, including community-based DRM, and then features practical manuals, case studies, links with climate change and contingency planning. We welcome your suggestions: please send comments or suggested additions to sourceassistant@hi-uk.org

Selected resources

A global review : UNDP support to institutional and legislative systems for disaster risk management


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This review reflects the results of a global analysis undertaken by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which examined the UNDP’s role in strengthening institutional and legislative systems for disaster risk management.  The report identifies important factors, both enabling and constraining factors, for disaster risk management in establishing institutional and legislative systems in 19 different countries. It also identifies lessons learned and ways to improved UNDP’s assistance and implementation strategies for the establishment of more effective and sustainable systems in the future

Disability and disasters : towards an inclusive approach | World Disaster Report 2007 : focus on discrimination

KETT, Martha

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This chapter explores why people with disabilities are often ignored or excluded at all levels of disaster preparedness, mitigation and intervention, and the mechanisms now in place to redress this, including the recent UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; and what they are doing to make themselves more resilient to disasters

Disability in conflict and emergency situations : focus on tsunami-affected areas

KETT, Maria
YEO, Rebecca

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This research report, produced for the UK Department for International Development's disability knowledge and research programme (Disability KaR), investigates the extent to which disabled people are included in emergency programmes following the tsunami in Asia. It also assesses the impact of networking and the role of resources in post-tsunami contexts in Sri Lanka, with contributions from India and Indonesia.
The research methodology was based on a wide range of principles and approaches, and underpinned by a social model approach. Particular tools were developed by field workers. Principles from emancipatory research were used, such as ensuring that the research fully involved and promoted the rights of disabled persons, while remaining flexible and sensitive as required in emergency and conflict situations

Disability inclusion and disaster risk management

BARD, Benjamin
March 2015

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This blog outlines author Benjamin Dard's (CBM Technical Advisor for Accessibility) experiences during a 3-day National Summit on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Management. It also highlights the importance of an inclusive approach to disaster risk management and contains links to numerous useful websites and papers

Disaster risk management


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This website provides information about the Disaster Risk Management in East Asia and the Pacific Series which "was started as a part of World Bank East Asia and Pacific Management Unit Initiatives in collaboration with the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) with the aim to promote capacity building and increase knowledge of professionals involved in DRM activities in the EAP client countries. The seminars cover a wide range of topics including post-disaster response, recovery planning, disaster risk assessment, prevention and mitigation, emergency preparedness and early warning systems, community and local level disaster risk management. They are designed to help DRM professionals in EAP client countries to drive the agenda for DRM activities in their respective countries and empower local partners"



Inclusion : the key to essential disaster risk management


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This briefing paper outlines the importance of including people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in disaster risk management. The paper gives on overview of the basic principles of inclusive Disaster Risk Management (DRM) before providing recommendations for practitioners, states and donors


Inclusive disaster risk management : a framework and toolkit

KHAMIS, Marion

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This framework and toolkit have been designed to support practitioners in challenging and deepening inclusiveness in their work. They have been designed in simple language, so the resource should be easy to adapt for the use of field staff as a complement to existing manuals and operational resources on DRM. The practical framework contains the following sections:introduction, framework for inclusive DRM, levels of achievements, and assessing inclusiveness, using the framework for,  annexes and Q&A. Throughout the resource, related resources and checklists are provided and the toolbox features cartoons, tools catalogue, learning pills, case studies, poster and 4D lenses. These resources are useful for practitioners who want to develop an understanding of inclusive DRM framework and to learn how to practically assess inclusiveness in in ongoing DRM situations

Inclusive disaster risk management : briefing paper

et al

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This briefing paper  presents the case for building safer, more resilient communities in South Asia using evidence-based inclusive approaches to Disaster Risk Management (DRM) through multi-stakeholder engagement. It is based on the learning from the Inclusive Community Resilience for Sustainable Disaster Risk Management (INCRISD) South Asia project, currently being implemented in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It concludes by highlighting ten recommendations more inclusive Disaster Risk Management framework, and, while the paper is based on South Asia experiences, the recommendations and approaches can have global application

The EU stresses the need for inclusive disaster risk management

January 2015

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The article presents information about the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union highlighting the need for stronger measures to guarantee the inclusion of people with disabilities in disaster risk management activities across the 28 EU member states

Workshop on the needs of persons with disabilities throughout disaster management cycle

January 2015

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This webpage contains the contents of the workshop on needs of persons with disabilities throughout disaster management cycle organised by the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The main page contains an overview of the workshops and provides links to a number of detailed presentations and related workshop information 

"Workshop on needs of persons with disabilities throughout disaster management cycle"
12-13 Jan 2015
Riga, Latvia

Disaster risk management for all : for the inclusion of children, elderly people and people with disabilities

World Food Programme
GIZ sector programmes
May 2013

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This publication explains the links between disasters, disaster risk management and particularly vulnerable sections of the population including children, elderly people and people with disabilities.  It gives an overview of the experience to date and provides some practical suggestions on how to meet the needs of all people on an equitable basis through disaster risk management.  Specific activities to strengthen inclusive disaster risk management are provided in this guide for all vulnerable groups

BMZ Information Brochure 1, 2013e

Inclusive disaster and emergency management for persons with disabilities : a review of needs, challenges, effective policies, and practices

RAJA, Deepti Samant

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This report provides an introduction into the needs of persons with disabilities in disasters and emergencies and reviews the challenges, effective policies and practices of inclusive disaster and emergency management.  It compiles international mandates and guidelines, strategies and practices for inclusive disaster management and gives an overview of the disaster and emergency management process and how persons with disabilities can be affected at each stage.  This report highlights the importance of information and communication technologies throughout the process and provides related case studies

Insights in DRM : a practitioner’s perspective on disaster risk management in Latin America and the Caribbean


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"Insights in DRM highlights the successes, challenges and lessons learned from our disaster risk management interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean. This bi-monthly, multimedia publication seeks to educate readers on various aspects of DRM, inspire development practitioners tackling similar issues, and demonstrate the impact of financing for a given project, program or initiative. The publication is geared toward DRM and development practitioners, as well as aficionados in government, private sector and civil society"

Community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) guidelines

et al

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This set of guidelines is designed to help Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) practitioners in building community resilience to disaster risk by coping with hazards and working around the issues of capacity and vulnerability. It is focused on building capacity in mobilising community collective resources in managing disaster risk instead of building their dependence on external support and assistance. The first half of the document details the importance of CBDRM, whilst the second explores the various tools at practitioners disposal (e.g. participatory research tools, facilitation methodologies and community organising strategies).

Disability inclusive community based disaster risk management : a toolkit for practice in South Asia

O’MEARA, Claire

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This toolkit, developed as part of Handicap International’s project ‘Make community-based disaster risk management inclusive in South Asia,’ addresses issues faced by persons with disability and attempts to ensure that services and systems are adapted to meet the diverse needs of the community in reducing risk. It has been designed for use by disaster risk management practitioners and policy makers who wish to understand more about how to make community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) inclusive of persons with disabilities.


The first part establishes the rationale for taking an inclusive approach, firmly establishing the links between disability and disasters and the need for action on inclusion. Part Two provides practical guidance on how to make core CBDRM activities inclusive. Separated into eight individual booklets, it takes each activity in turn and highlights what needs to be taken into account both in planning and in implementation. The Toolbox contains a number of tools to complement the advice given in Part Two and support good practices in implementation. These tools can be taken and used as provided or adapted for use as necessary


SD/PG 01


Fiji disability inclusive community based disaster risk management toolkit


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The toolkit is part of the pilot project called ‘Disability Inclusiveness in Disaster Risk Reduction Management’ in Fiji in partnership with the Pacific Disability Forum from 2011 – 2013. Fiji regularly experiences natural disasters so the toolkit was developed for the inclusion of disability within disaster management.  The toolkit is divided into three parts: part one presents an introduction to disability; part two provides detailed about disability inclusive community based disaster risk management activities in practice; and part three presents the toolbox. It is adapted from the Disability Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Management Toolkit for South Asia developed by Handicap International

Mainstreaming disability in disaster management : a toolkit

HANS, Asha
et al

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The toolkit promotes an understanding of the main issues and concerns from the perspective of people with disabilities in the context of disasters and provides an understanding for integration and mainstreaming. The comprehensive toolkit provides a step by step approach for the inclusion of disability in disaster management. 

  • It provides the user with a resource to help plan in mainstreaming disability in disaster management
  • A guidance note, which summarizes the mainstreaming needs and enables users to understand them from the perspective of a Person with Disability.
  • A guidance on the most appropriate methodology to be adopted for including disability in the disaster management process, to monitor and evaluate it; a good practice scenario and a road map.
  • A checklist for use and FAQs are provided in the last section. Section wise essential readings and a reference, which refers specifically to the issue, has been provided to give the background and deeper understanding. Most of these are accessible through the Internet. At the end of the document additional references are provided. This section refers to the most important writings, handbooks and guidelines available. As very few resources have been developed on the subject, generic material has been included

​This toolkit is intended for use by policy makers, government officials, members of Panchayati Raj Institutions, non-government organisations, disabled peoples organisations and disaster management practitioners

Manual on disability inclusive community-based disaster risk management

et al
December 2013

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"This manual provides specific tips and recommendations on how to include people with disabilities in community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) work; these tips are applicable to other socially marginalized groups such as illiterate people or ethnic minorities"

Community, disability and response to disaster mitigation in Bangladesh

MALLIK, Shahid

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This paper is prepared based on a study where some selected qualitative tools i.e. focus group discussion (FGD), case study and in-depth interviews, besides a questionnaire survey, were employed to understand the disability issue in relation to climate change, disaster preparedness and response activities including injury care in Bangladesh. The study found that in pre- and post- super-cyclone Sidr situation, no attention was paid to the disability issue

Empowerment and participation : good practices from South & South-East Asia in disability inclusive disaster risk management

BOLTE, Patrick
MARR, Samadhi
et al

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This report presents good practices showing examples of inclusion and active participation of persons with disabilities in disaster risk management. The paper is structured in three sections that illustrate general recommendations towards greater participation of persons with disabilities.

Section A provides the background on disability inclusive disaster risk management and reviews existing guidelines as to how the participation of people with disabilities in disaster risk management can be facilitated. 

Section B contains the actual good practices, structured in three separate chapters that illustrate general recommendations towards greater participation of persons with disabilities. Each practice highlights the involvement of individual persons as well as groups, describes the initial setting, the achievements, and the lessons learned from the practice. Each practice concludes with a box with key insights.

The final section C presents the key recommendations that can be drawn from the good practices and that are geared to inform future programming

Inclusive disaster risk management : governments, communities and groups acting together

March 2015

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This Issue Brief, presented in advance of the United Nations (UN) Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, outlines the UN position on the importance of developing more inclusive Disaster Risk Management (DRM) strategies. After initially outlining the importance of inclusivity, the paper goes on the present a number of key ways forward, including greater capacity development, greater understanding of risk, and the creation of innovative partnerships and institutional relationships

UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

14-18 March 2015

Sendai, Japan

Mainstreaming disability into disaster risk management in Indonesia and Philippines : lesson learned from the project


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This report compiles the lessons learned during Handicap International’s initiatives to mainstream disability into disaster risk management (DRM) through programmes implemented in Indonesia and Philippines.  It presents an overview of the programmes and the lessons learned that were identified and selected with a potential for replication or adaptation by other actors in other contexts, either as a full approach or with a focus on a specific component.

The lessons learned were identified through the development of case studies highlighting important steps of the project, a review of all available documentation, including project reports, proposal and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with project partners; notes of workshops, trainings and meetings; as well as interviews with key stakeholders.

This document was developed to accompany a training manual for DRM stakeholders, which provides practical tools and modules on how to implement disability-inclusive DRM. Both documents can serve as resources for DRM stakeholders aiming at mainstreaming disability in their initiatives

Strategy report on disaster risk management, reduction and response in Mongolia

May 2013

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"The report summarizes the current Disaster Risk Management (DRM) situation in Mongolia and draws conclusions based on initial scoping assessments of the advisor. These observations underpin recommendations for further strategic policy and programme development in the country consistent with Government interests and through United Nations and wider international organizations’ involvement to strengthen the DRM and specifically disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacities of the institutional mechanisms, policies and regulatory frameworks in Mongolia. The author has based his analysis on present circumstances in the subject area since 2005, and it is projected from current conditions and suggested trends at the present time forward to anticipated needs and conditions up to 2020"

Disaster risk reduction through climate change adaptation : Incheon declaration, remap and action plan

October 2010

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This conference report presents a summary of the agreements made during the fourth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. The report contains a roadmap, agreed by the States in attendance, to establish climate resilient disaster risk management (DRM) systems that contribute to sustainable development at regional, national, sub national and community levels by 2015. This roadmap details a wide range of activities, including delivering training to key stakeholders, developing communication plans relating to disaster risk reduction, and the promotion of child- and people-centered education for community preparedness and risk reduction

The 4th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

25-28 October 2010

Incheon, Republic of Korea

Business continuity & disaster preparedness plan


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"How quickly your company gets back to business after an earthquake, fire or flood often depends on the emergency planning you do today. Though each situation is unique, any organization can be better prepared if it plans carefully, puts emergency procedures in place, and practices for all kinds of emergencies. This planning document outlines common sense measures you can take to start getting ready and provides practical information to help you plan for your company’s future. A commitment to planning will help support your employees, your clients, the community, and the local economy. It also protects your business investment and gives your company a better chance for survival"

Contingency planning guide


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This document provides an overview of the key elements of contingency planning. This guide is aimed at assisting National Society and IFRC staff responsible for developing contingency plans at the local, national, regional or global levels. It is essential to develop contingency plans in consultation and cooperation with those who will have to implement or approve them. This document provides guidelines, not strict rules; planning priorities will differ according to the context and scope of any given situation. This guide breaks contingency planning down into five main steps: prepare, analyse, develop, implement and review. Each step is covered by a separate chapter in this document

Microcredit for self-employed disabled persons in developing countries

October 2005

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This paper aims to close the gap in knowledge and culture between the disability and the micro finance communities. Resource-based theory is applied to analyse when microcredit for disabled persons is an appropriate tool and when it is not. General recommendations are provided for the inclusion of disabled entrepreneurs, as well as lists of recommendations that are both easy to understand and to apply for micro fiance institutions, disabled people's organisations and donors. This paper is useful for academics, professionals and organisations interested in micro finance for people with disabilities in developing countries

Planning for business continuity after a disaster


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In this video the IRS provide advice on steps that organisations can take to plan for disasters in a way that protects the business and maximises the possibility of a fast recovery

Planning for disaster

SMITH, L Murphy
June 1994

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"The string of natural and man-made disasters that had recently devastated US businesses underscores the importance of disaster recovery planning (DRP). In addition to a general emergency plan, companies must also have computer contingency plans to protect critical information from loss, destruction, theft and other risks. An effective DRP should provide for the recovery of vital records, alternative telecommunication systems, evacuation of disabled employees, housing arrangements for the recovery team, food service and alternate sources of supplies. A computer contingency plan, on the other hand, should have emergency, back-up, recovery, test and maintenance plans. Adequate computer contingency planning should help firms to quickly regain their capabilities to process information and get back in business"

The CPA Journal Online

Task allocation model for rescue disabled persons in disaster area with help of volunteers

ARAI, Kohei
SANG, Tran Xuan
UYEN, Nguyen Thi

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This article presents an example of a task allocation model for search and rescue persons with disability in case of a disaster.   Persons with disabilities are helped by volunteer in emergency situations.  The decision of who the volunteer should help and where to go is solved by using a combinatorial auction mechanism.  Different scenarios are offered using the RoboCup Rescue simulation platform

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol 2, No 7