Non formal education

Non-formal education includes a wide range of educational initiatives in the community and is closely linked to lifelong learning. Some examples include home-based learning and community initiatives. Non-formal education is diverse and should be complementary, not seen as a substitute for an inclusive formal system. It often tends to be targeted at specific disadvantaged groups and has specific objectives. For some learners with disabilities, non-formal education can be more flexible and effective than the formal education system, and can provide either preparation, a supplement or an alternative to formal schooling. Non-formal education is supported by article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

This keylist features resources that support inclusive non-formal education. We welcome your feedback: please send comments or suggested additions to

Selected resources

Another way to learn : case studies


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These case studies come from an initiative that supports non-formal education projects in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America. The long-term goal of these projects is to develop sustainable livelihoods for low-income, low-literate populations by addressing vulnerability to HIV and AIDS and drug misuse, a lack of education and social exclusion. Central to all of these projects are the creative and innovative methods used to communicate in a meaningful way, engage people and encourage their participation. The projects all focus on capacity building, empowerment, and creating learning opportunities. A DVD has been produced to accompany this publication

Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction


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This practical guide presents non-formal education in the contexts of emergencies and reconstruction to provide emergency-affected out of school children, youth and adults with educational activities that meet their needs and interests, and to supplement formal schooling of those children and youth with subjects relevant to their protection well-being and psycho-social needs. This guide is useful to anyone interested in non-formal education in the contexts of emergency and reconstruction

Handbook for literacy and non-formal education facilitators in Africa


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"The main objective of this Handbook is to build the capacities of facilitators and other literacy and non-formal education personnel to promote learning and development at the community level. It aims at developing their skills and knowledge in literacy training, while sensitising them to issues that are at the very heart of adult literacy and education in Africa. In this regard, each of the seven modules of the Handbook addresses an essential theme in the context of literacy and non-formal education in Africa"

NFE-MIS handbook : developing a sub-national non-formal education management information system


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This manual provides "an easy-to-use methodology for setting up a Non-Formal Education Management Information System (NFE-MIS). This includes a conceptual framework for NFE, prototype data collection tools, and guidelines for the development of NFE indicators as well as for data analysis. The methodology presented in this Handbook uses a practical, step-by-step approach...At the national level, the NFE-MIS aims at providing policy-makers and planners with reliable, relevant and timely data to allow for informed decision making, better planning and delivery of NFE as well as for monitoring and evaluation of the development of NFE"

Non formal education manual


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This manual provides practical skills for engaging in nonformal education along with the underlying theory to help volunteers and practitioners define and develop their own approach to nonformal education. The manual presents general information and research, and includes field-tested ideas, activities and tips drawn from the experiences of global volunteers and staff
ICE No M0042

Non-formal adult education : handbook

UNESCO Principle Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

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This handbook is designed for people working in education facilities and continuing education programmes in villages in Asia. It is divided into the following practical six modules: community mobilization; identification of learning needs; preparing lesson plans; participatory learning; using learning aids and assessing learning. Each module has an overview and several sections that answer questions or problems the worker may have concerning teaching and learning. Practical activities and exercises are also provided
Note: A series of videotapes that accompany the handbook and briefly illustrate literacy and continuing education experiences in selected countries are available from the publisher

Non-formal education and livelihood skills for marginalized street and slum youth in Uganda

June 2006

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This report summarises a programme for marginalised youth that was implemented in one urban area (Kampala) and one rural area (Arua) of Uganda, with the ultimate goal of determining marketable livelihood skills while facilitating placement of marginalised youth in employment. By providing marginalised youth with new learning opportunities that nurture empowerment and socio-economic inclusion, the project contributed to breaking the cycle of marginalisation and vulnerabilities that impedes the development of out-of-schools youth. In this context, education on HIV and AIDS was an integral part of the project, which also involved the active participation of local artisans and employers during specific training and orientation sessions. 288 marginalised youth were placed in viable working situations. The process was effective in building self-esteem, equipping them to make informed decisions and resist negative peer pressure. Training methods revolved around three basic approaches: - learning by doing; - learning by producing, and - learning by earning

Non-formal education policy, 2063


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This policy paper "clarifies the broad concepts of non-formal education with clearly formulated policies and strategies of non-formal education of the country." These guidelines are intended for the government as well as non-government agencies involved in conducting non-formal education programs in Nepal