Post-MDGs and disability

The current major international frameworks for development/aid effectiveness, including the Millennium Development Goals, are not disability inclusive (please see the Source key list Millennium Development Goals and disability for more details). As a result, people with disabilities, who constitute 15% of the global population and are commonly amongst the poorest of the poor, often do not benefit from development and humanitarian response programmes. This seriously limits the capacity of such programmes to address the needs of the most vulnerable and excluded.

The global context in relation to poverty and development has changed significantly since the millennium declaration. International development stakeholders are discussing possible post-MDG frameworks and beyond 2015 initiatives, and this presents an important opportunity for disability advocates. To address critical inequality and discrimination, future international development frameworks must comprehensively and clearly acknowledge the rights of people with disabilities in line with the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This international recognition would enable enhanced advocacy by, and empowerment of, people with disabilities and increased financial incentives for disability-inclusive programs.

This key list features resources related to the disability-inclusive post-MDG debate and general information about the beyond 2015 international development consultation process. We welcome your suggestions: please send comments or suggested additions to

Selected resources

Accessibility and development : mainstreaming disability in the post-2015 development agenda

December 2013

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The publication reviews the concept of accessibility and its role in achieving inclusive and sustainable development. It propositions that accessibility be, not only a means and a goal of inclusive development, but also an enabler of an improved, participative economic and social environment for all members of society, including persons with disabilities.

Three key issues are addressed in the publication: (1) Accessibility in the context of human rights and development; (2) accessibility in policy and practice; and (3) accessibility and a disability-inclusive post-2015 development agenda.

The publication reviews good practices and lessons learned from both top-down and bottom-up approaches in promoting accessibility in practices and provides a response to the question: “How does accessibility relate to inclusive, sustainable and equitable development?” The publication argues that accessibility must be re-conceptualized as an enabler: a precondition for any progress toward development for all members of society.  It concludes that the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes would contribute directly to the successful adoption of an inclusive post-2015 development agenda


Agenda 2030 : sustainable development goals (SDGs)


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An easy read introduction to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)​ which were adopted in September 2015 at the United Nations General Assembly

Dialogues on sustainable development : a disability-inclusive perspective


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“This publication, with contributions from civil society, UN agencies and EU institutions as well as disability and development organisations…highlights the many commonalities between disability-inclusive development and a range of overarching development themes. It is structured around the three basic elements of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental sustainability – and discusses a range of sub topics relevant to these areas” 


Note: easy-to-read version is provided as a related resource link

Disability and the millennium development goals : a review of the MDG process and strategies for inclusion of disability issues in millennium development goal efforts


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This report provides an overview "for why and how disability can and should be included in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of MDG related programmes and policies." This report is useful to people working in disability advocacy, programming and outreach efforts, as well as people those working on MDG-related efforts

Disability inclusive millennium development goals and aid effectiveness : a conference report

UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

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This report presents the proceedings, discussions and presentations from a joint conference organised by Leonard Cheshire Disability and UNESCAP. The conference reviewed the international and regional mandates on disability and aid effectiveness, identified challenges and good practices in measuring the impact and quality of disability-inclusive development, and identified ways to implement disability-inclusive development effectively on the ground and at policy level. This report is useful for anyone interested in disability and development
"Disability inclusive millennium development goals and aid effectiveness"
14-16 March 2012
Bangkok, Thailand

Disabled people and the post-2015 development goal agenda through a disability studies lens

MACKAY, Rachel
NOGA, Jacqueline

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The purpose of this study was to examine the role and visibility of disabled people in the discourses of various global policy processes related to sustainable development and the Post-2015 development agenda. This article makes several recommendations for strengthening the role of disabled people in these discourses. The research addresses the question of how the disability community and sustainable development community relate to each other in these discourses. This study provides quantitative and qualitative data on three aspects of the relationship. One set of data highlights who is seen as a stakeholder in general and the visibility of disabled people in the social sustainability, sustainable consumption, Rio+20 and Post-2015 development agenda proposals discourses and what participants of the online consultation for a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond had to say about the issues of visibility of disabled people in development discourses. A second set of data illuminates the attitudes towards disabled people evident in the SD discourses including through the eyes of the participant of the online consultation for a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond. The final set of data compares the goals and actions seen as desirable for the advancement of SD evident in the SD literature covered and the online consultation for a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond. This study interpreted the data through a disability studies lens. The study found that disabled people were barely visible to invisible in the SD literature covered, that the goals and actions proposed in the SD discourses are of high relevance to disabled people but that these discussions have generally not been explicitly linked to disabled people. It found further that disabled people have clear ideas why they are invisible, what the problems with development policies are and what needs to happen to rectify the problems. It found also that there was a lack of visibility of various SD areas and goals within the disability discourse. This paper provides empirical data that can be used to further the goal of mainstreaming of disabled people into the SD and Post-2015 development discourses as asked for in various high-level UN documents. However, we posit that the utility of our paper goes beyond the disability angle. Our quantitative data also highlights other forms of social group visibility unevenness in the literature and as such, we argue that the data we present in this paper is also of use for other stakeholders such as youth, women and indigenous people and also for NGOs and policy makers.


Sustainability, Vol 5

End exclusion


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This website features information about the global End exclusion project that highlights the potential of persons with disabilities and aims to ensure that their human rights are respected. It especially focuses the inclusion of persons with disabilities in programmes designed to reduce poverty. Information about the project is provided as well as related news, resources and details about how to join the campaign

High-level meeting of the General Assembly on disability and development, 23 September 2013|The way forward : a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond


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This resource presents information and documents related to the high-level meeting on disability and development which focused upon a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond. Related resources include preparatory documents, official documents, submissions, reports and resolutions
High-level meeting of the General Assembly on disability and development
New York, USA
23 September 2013

Inclusive microfinance : reaching disabled people through partnership development

March 2012

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"This study examines projects that support access to financial services for disabled people, highlighting good practices that guarantee efficiency and sustainability of initiatives with a particular focus on the use of microcredit. The study is based on the findings of: a global survey and interviews with disabled people's organizations and microfinance providers; a literature review; field studies in seven countries; and the outcome of two regional workshops (in Kenya and Bangladesh) and a practitioner workshop in Geneva. It is estimated that 10 to 12 per cent of the world's population has some kind of impairment and of those around 82 per cent live below the poverty line. Most people with impairments who work are self-employed. However, access to financial services for disabled people remains sporadic. The central part of the study explores the potential for successful, responsible, and complementary partnership development between microfinance actors and disabled people's organizations. Our findings demonstrate that if disabled people are given the opportunity to access financial services, many are capable of successfully managing loans and businesses - thereby becoming agents of their own development"
Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 23 No. 1

International day of persons with disabilities : 3 December 2010|Keeping the promise : mainstreaming disability in the millennium development goals towards 2015 and beyond


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"CBR has become a flexible and dynamic strategy which can be adapted to suit different contexts, and where properly funded and supported, can make a contribution towards the implementation of the CRPD and achievement of the MDGs." This factsheet outlines how CBR can be used as a strategy to achieve the MDGs

Keeping the promise : realizing the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities towards 2015 and beyond

July 2010

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This report presents a "comprehensive biennial review on the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, and the progress and challenges concerning the advancement of persons with disabilities in the context of development and the realization of the Millennium Development Goals." It consists of an introduction, five informative sections, and recommendations to advance disability-inclusive Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals by member states and other stakeholders. The detailed annexes provide further technical information in support of the recommendations

Make the post-MDG framework inclusive of persons with disabilities

International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)
October 2012

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This position paper of International Disability Alliance and the International Disability and Development Consortium presents recommendations to be taken into account in order to create a more equitable and inclusive post-MDG agenda

Nairobi declaration : inclusive post-2015 development agenda for persons with disabilities in Africa

et al
March 2014

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The Nairobi declaration calls for a more inclusive post-2015 agenda with a specific demand that development agenda targets and indicators explicitly include persons with disabilities. This document succinctly summarises the issues faced by persons with disabilities in Africa and their specific demands to enable greater inclusion in the post-2015 development agenda. It was adopted by persons with disabilities from Africa, representatives of national, sub-regional and Pan-African disabled people’s organisations, on the 8th of March during the Nairobi conference “Inclusive post 2015 development agenda and UN CRPD in Africa”, organised by the International Disability Alliance in partnership with the International Disability and Development Consortium, UNICEF and the UN Partnership to promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

“Inclusive post 2015 development agenda and UN CRPD in Africa”

8 March 2014

Nairobi, Kenya

Old age, disability and mental health : data issues for a post-2015 framework

May 2013

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"This Background Note focuses on inequalities associated with old age, disability and mental health. It argues that these should be considered salient sources of group-based difference, given the numbers of people affected, their marginalisation and vulnerability, and their relative neglect in international agreements to date. This note identifies a lack of data as a particular concern, but one that can be addressed through revisions to standard household surveys. To this end, the paper discusses the available data and their limitations, constraints to better data collection and efforts needed to adjust key international survey instruments -the World Bank’s Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire (CWIQ) and Living Standards and Measurement Survey (LSMS), Macro International’s Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)- to collect reliable data on these issues. It sets out technical adjustments that would enable these surveys to broaden their coverage, collect richer information and improve their identification of these three groups. It concludes by commenting on how measures to address the inequalities that affect these groups could be incorporated within a new post-2015 framework agreement"
ODI Background note

Relevance of CBR and inclusive development in post-2015 development agenda


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This report aims to "convey regional experiences and viewpoints on (community based inclusive development) CBID with an aim to provoke thoughts, and to identify key elements for future direction regarding Post MDGs framework from the perspective of persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific, in regards to further develop the implementation of CBR, and to reassure the possibility of an inclusive, barrier-free, and rights-based society"
Note: contact publisher for text format

Rights should be central to the post 2015 agenda

September 2013

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This report highlights that "a new global framework on development should be rooted in existing, internationally-agreed human rights standards, as set out in core documents like the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Governments have legal obligations to Governments have legal obligations to respect, protect and fulfil these rights, including in their development programs and policies...Making human rights integral to development and a post-2015 development framework would contribute to more just and inclusive development outcomes, especially through an emphasis on participation, empowerment, and transparency"

The inclusion of persons with disabilities in financing for development

December 2014

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This policy paper concerns the inclusion of persons with disabilities in financing for development. The paper presents a number of recommendations aimed at increasing inclusion in this area and provides detailed information on background information that leads to these recommendations

100 voices : southern perspectives on what should after the millennium development goals

et al
March 2011

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"This joint research from the Catholic aid agency CAFOD and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) seeks to broaden the conversation, and to ensure that the voices of those directly involved in fighting poverty in the South are heard. (The) research describes the perspectives of 104 representatives from civil society organisations, in 27 developing countries from across the world"

A million voices : the world we want|A sustainable future with dignity for all


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"This report by the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) collects the perspectives on the 'world we want' from over 1 million people around the globe. For almost one year, people have engaged energetically in 88 national consultations, 11 thematic dialogues, and through the MY World global survey...The findings of this global conversation contain important messages for governments as they seek to agree on a new development agenda that can build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)"

A new global partnership : eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development|The report of the high-level panel of eminent persons on the post-2015 development agenda


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This report outlines a universal agenda to eradicate extreme poverty globally by 2030 and deliver on the promise of sustainable development. The report calls upon the world to rally around a new Global Partnership that offers hope and a role to every person in the world. It recommends the new development agenda should carry forward the spirit of the Millennium Declaration and the best of the MDGs, with a practical focus on things like poverty, hunger, water, sanitation, education and healthcare
The report presents the post-2015 agenda as a universal agenda that it needs to be driven by five big transformative shifts: (1)leave no one behind; (2)put sustainable development at the core; (3)transform economies for jobs and inclusive growth; (4) Build peace and effective, open and accountable institutions for all; (5)Forge a new global partnership. This report is useful to anyone interested in the post-2015 development agenda

A post-2015 global development agreement : why, what, who?


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"This paper was prepared for the ODI/UNDP Cairo workshop on a post-2015 Global Development Agreement. The aim of the Cairo workshop, jointly convened by UNDP and the Overseas Development Institute, is to start a conversation across different regional and institutional perspectives on the future structure and content of a post-2015 global agreement on development, and on the political dynamics likely to bring it about or to act as barriers. This paper sets out the scene and identifies four key questions to be discussed at the workshop"

A world that counts : mobilising the data revolution for sustainable development

November 2014

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This report highlights two big global challenges for the current state of data: whole groups of people are not being counted and important aspects of people’s lives and environmental conditions are still not measured; and there are huge and growing inequalities in access to data and information, and in the ability to use it. The report makes specific recommendations on how to address these challenges, calling for a UN-led effort to mobilise the data revolution for sustainable development: fostering and promoting innovation to fill data gaps; mobilising resources to overcome inequalities between developed and developing countries and between data-poor and data-rich people; leadership and coordination to enable the data revolution to play its full role in the realisation of sustainable development

Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-2015 framework

SMEE, Sharon
January 2013

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"To achieve real and sustainable change, the post- 2015 framework must focus on the social transformations required to eradicate poverty and empower the most marginalised and excluded people. This report argues that such transformation cannot happen without tackling the underlying causes of gender inequality which, in turn, will not be successful without the political will and resources that a standalone goal on gender equality can provide"

After 2015 : contexts, politics and processes for a post-2015 global agreement on development

January 2012

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"The Millennium Development Goals expire in 2015, just (four) years time. Discussions are already starting on what might replace them as a global agreement to promote development and poverty reduction. This paper sets out the context for those discussions, and some of the issues that will need to be addressed if a new agreement is to be both effective and politically acceptable"

After 2015 : promoting pro-poor policy after the MDGS|The plenary presentations and discussion

TRIBE, Michael
LAFON, Aurelien

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"The objective of this report is to provide a record of the presentations by invited speakers at the Policy Forum, of the questions and comments by distinguished participants from the floor, and of responses by the main speakers...The main conclusions from the plenary sessions of the Policy Forum can be summarised as follows: 1) focus must still remain on achieving the MDGs; 2) Developing country ownership of the new framework is essential and the approach must therefore be Southern-led; 3) The obligations of the developed countries towards the achievement of the MDGs need clarification; 4) International income and wealth redistribution should be a ‘right’ (‘automatic’ rather than discretionary) including international redistributive taxes; 5) International inequality and its reduction should be given more emphasis; 6) Ethical and moral perspectives need emphasising within a global social justice, rather than a purely indicator-driven, approach; 7) ‘Fragile’ states and global uncertainty need special treatment; 8) The ‘quality’ of MDG achievements, rather than ‘quantities’, needs emphasising; 9) The science and technology capacity of developing countries is critically important; 10) Processes which deliver the quantitative indicators (MDGs) require more emphasis - such as Global Governance. 11) Serious research is needed to ensure the debate is well informed"

After the millennium development goals

April 2012

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This paper highlights Save the Children’s focus on ensuring that the post-2015 framework accounts for the needs and rights of all children. The paper presents some of the current questions and options being debated, reflects on the organisation’s experience with the MDGs and then outlines six essential criteria for any new development framework. This criteria includes attention to equity, participation, protection, accountability and sustainability, as well as clear roles and responsibilities for all actors, including the private sector

Beyond 2015 : where next for the millennium development goals?


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"This report presents a meeting of the Irish development sector that discussed the major issues that need to be addressed in a successor framework to the current MDGs...This report summaries the panel inputs and the results of the proceeding discussion. Part I, welcome and introductions, consists of excerpts from the speeches made by Mr. Justin Kilcullen and Minister Joe Costello. Part II summarises the key points presented by the four guest panel speakers. Finally, part III consists of a synopsis of the main issues arising from the roundtable discussion"
"Beyond 2015 : where next for the millennium development goals?"
Dublin, Ireland
1 February 2012

Equal rights at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda : position paper in response to the report of the high-level panel of eminent persons on the post-2015 development agenda

September 2013

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This position paper calls for the adoption of comprehensive equality legislation to be included as a specific development goal in the framework established to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The paper argues that a failure to address inequality has been one of the undeniable failings of the MDGs. It presents research to illustrate that status-based discrimination is a driver of both income poverty and denial of access to economic and social rights, such as education and health, which are central to the current MDG framework. The paper argues that establishing effective legal protection for the rights to equality and non-discrimination can provide an important mechanism for alleviating poverty and its consequences, and concludes that this is only possible with the adoption of comprehensive equality legislation

Equality at the core : a call for a strong commitment to tackling inequalities through the post-2015 agenda

November 2014

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At the Copenhagen Conference, with 170 representatives across 46 countries, the campaign discussed the vital importance of achieving equality across all levels and themes of the post-2015 framework, and through implementation and accountability mechanisms addressing all three dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental). This Beyond 2015 Copenhagen Statement contains recommendations to contribute to the forthcoming intergovernmental negotiations, and other decision-making processes relevant to the post-2015 agenda, including discussions around the UN Secretary General’s Synthesis Report

Beyond 2015 Copenhagen Conference

November 2014

Copenhagen, Denmark

Getting to a post-2015 framework : what are the scenarios?


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"This short briefing paper maps out five scenarios for a post-2015 framework. The scenarios describe different possibilities for how a framework could emerge, together with some brief analysis of the risks and opportunities involved...It is hoped that the scenarios will help in strategy and forward-planning for the Beyond 2015 campaign, and for others pursuing post-2015 work"

HLP on the post-2015 development agenda


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This website features information about a High Level Panel (HLP) formed by 27 eminent persons from 27 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. The HLP is mandated to focus on the global development framework beyond 2015, the target date for the Millennium Development Goals, in order to address causes of poverty, resilience to crisis, dimensions of economic growth, social equality and environmental sustainability. This website presents information about the panel members and secretariat, practical information related to the Panel’s processes and outreach, meeting communiques and links to information about Beyond 2015 initiatives. This website is useful to anyone interested in the Beyond 2015 process

Indicators and a monitoring framework for sustainable development goals : launching a data revolution for the SDGs

November 2014

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This report is a working draft suggesting a framework for indicators for future development goals and builds on the proposals of the UN's Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the conclusion of the UN Secretary-General's Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development (IEAG), among other inputs. The document explores the context and nature of the 17 recommended goals, 169 targets, and corresponding indicators, before focusing in detail on each indicator

Making education a priority in the post-2015 development agenda : report of the global thematic consultation on education in the post-2015 development agenda

SAYED, Yusuf
September 2013

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"The message is clear: Quality education and lifelong learning are key to sustainable development. The report offers a summary of the main themes and messages that have emerged from the wide-ranging contributions to the consultation featuring voices of people from around the world. The report draws from a variety of platforms and in-person consultations including an online education platform and e-discussions with the voices and participation of over 21,000 people from over 100 countries...The result of these discussions includes a look at what has been achieved since the launch of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, the gaps and priorities needed to address what young people need to learn and recommendations for 2015 and beyond"

Open working group proposal for sustainable development goals


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This UN report sets out the proposed 17 Sustainable Development Goals and accompanying targets, developed for consideration and appropriate action by the General Assembly at its 68th session. These goals were developed by the Open Working on Sustainable Development Goals as a result of the mandate set out in the Rio+20 outcome document

Note: Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals is issued as document A/68/970

Patterns of progress on the MDGs and implications for target setting post-2015

TAKEUCHI, Laura Rodriguez
STEER, Liesbet
March 2015

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This paper presents the progress of the millennium development goals and the post-2015 agenda. It explores seven indicators, one representing each of the first seven MDGs and highlights the causes behind the different rates of country progress. The paper argues that there is a need to find a middle ground: to maintain the power of a unified set of goals while bringing in greater sensitivity to national realities. This focus would help bridge the gap between expectations and achievements in the sustainable development goals
Research report 01

Projecting progress : reaching the SDGs by 2030

et al
September 2015

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The report presents an analysis that begins to systematically quantify the scale of the challenge that the world has set itself with the Sustainable Development Goals for the first time.  The authors selected one target per goal – a total of 17 – and projected forward to 2030, grading them from A-F according to how near they will be to completion in 2030. This was based on available projections of current trends sourced from leading institutions, alongside our own where there were gaps. The resulting scorecard shows that unless significant changes are made, none of the SDGs will be met

Putting inequality in the post-2015 picture


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"Inequality has been on the fringes of the development policy agenda for a long time, but until now there has been no clear policy agenda to tackle it. The process of developing and negotiating a post-2015 global framework for development offers a chance to think about what that policy agenda should be, how to incentivise governments and other actors to act on it, and how to measure progress. This paper considers some current proposals for integrating inequality into a post-2015 framework"

Realising the future we want for all : report to the secretary-general

June 2012

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"The report begins by reflecting on the experience of the UN system in supporting the implementation of the MDG framework. Building on the lessons learned, the report provides an assessment of the key development challenges to which the global development agenda should respond. It proposes a vision of people-centred, inclusive and sustainable development and initial ideas for possible contours of a post-2015 UN development agenda. It concludes by laying out a possible road map for the process of defining the agenda, including ways of bringing different voices of people around the world into the consultations"

RIO+20, sustainable development goals and post-2015 decisions


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"The Millennium Development Goals, RIO+20, and the emerging sustainable development goals (SGDs) are intricately interwoven with one another and with the initiatives of other agencies and UN regimes. This paper develops those interrelationships and positions the roles of nongovernmental organizations as the boundary institutions that encourage those goals to be mobilized into action at the local and global levels"

Roads from Rio+20: pathways to achieve global sustainability goals by 2050

et al

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"This report was written in the run-up to Rio+20, the UN conference that will revisit the outcomes of its 1992 precursor. Rio+20 aims to set the agenda for sustainable development policies in the coming decade, with its focus on a next generation of sustainable development goals, a green economy and the reform of the institutional framework for sustainable development. This report analyses possible pathways to achieve a set of internationally agreed sustainable development goals for food, land and biodiversity, as well as for energy and climate. It explores how environmental and development objectives could be reconciled, in actual practice"

Synthesis report on the global thematic consultation on addressing inequalities : synthesis report of global public consultation

March 2013

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This report presents the key messages that emerged from the Global Thematic Consultation on addressing Inequalities. It explores why there are inequalities, what structural factors produce them, their effects, and how to tackle them. The report also makes recommendations for the post-2015 framework

The Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
September 2012 - January 2013

The global conversation begins : emerging views for a new development agenda

March 2013

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This report presents a snapshot of the current stories emerging from the global exercise in listening to people’s perspectives and priorities. This report was published as consultations were still under way, in an effort to reflect on preliminary results for the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the post-2015 Development Agenda, as well as the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

The millennium development goals and beyond : reflections on an international development agenda after 2015

February 2012

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"The aim of the workshop was to bring together different actors and experts to exchange on topics relevant to the post-MDG agenda at a very early stage. It brought together policy-makers and participants from civil society, academia and think tanks as well as from international organizations, both from developed and developing countries...This documentation is structured according to the workshop program. It gives an overview over the four sessions from the first two days, briefly summarizing the presentations and the subsequent discussions. Furthermore, the documentation reflects the group discussions and brainstorming for a post-MDG-framework on the third day"
Note: the presentations of all sessions can be downloaded online
"The millennium development goals and beyond : reflections on an international development agenda after 2015"
21-23 November 2011
Bonn, Germany

The road to dignity by 2030 : ending poverty, transforming all lives and protecting the planet : synthesis report of the Secretary-General on the post-2015 agenda

December 2014

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This synthesis report of the UN Secretary General was written to guide negotiations for a new global agenda centred on people and the planet, and underpinned by human rights, supporting States’ discussions going forward. The extensive document presents information in short numbered paragraphs, within six sections: 1) A universal call to action; 2) A synthesis “taking stock of the negotiations on the post-2015 agenda and reviewing lessons from pursuit of the MDGs; 3) Framing the agenda; 4) Mobilising the means to Implement our agenda; 5) Delivering our agenda; 6) Conclusion: together in a universal compact. It highlights the need to “finish the job,” both to help people now and as a launch pad for the new agenda


Women’s rights and gender equality in the post-2015 framework : gender and development network position paper

et al
February 2014

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This GADN position paper calls on world leaders committed to promoting gender equality to prioritise the inclusion of a strong standalone goal on gender equality and women’s rights in the forthcoming negotiations on the post-2015 framework”, alongside mainstreaming to ensure that gender equality is embedded across the framework. It identifies the need for targets that are transformative to promote changes in the power and choices women have over their own lives, focusing on five main areas: violence against women and girls; economic empowerment; political participation and influence in decision making; sexual and reproductive health and rights; and education