Gauging the impact of development work presents many challenges, not least the one of attribution. It is difficult to demonstrate that particular programmes result in significant and lasting changes in the well-being of intended beneficiaries, when a range of agencies and external factors are involved. No single agency can realistically claim full credit for observed social changes, something that is equally the case for communication and information work in development. This key list provides key resources that address the challenges of assessing the impact of development interventions. There is a focus on the impact of information products, services and projects. An additional selection of materials looks at development impact from a 'network' evaluation perspective - by tracking changes in relationships over time, and comparing this to what might be expected from a project's objectives.
This list of key resources was compiled for the Exchange Lunchtime Discussion on The challenge of impact assessment in complex development situations. Source welcomes details of additional resources and accounts of how they are useful - please send these to