A list of useful materials, including materials relating generally to resource centres, and those relating more specifically to individual sections of the resource centre manual.
Please note that all links to external websites on this page will open in a new browser window.
Section 1 Planning a resource centre
Section 2 Management and finance
Section 4 Space, furniture and equipment
Section 5 Organising the information
Section 6 ICT - Computers, electronic communication and databases
Section 7 Information services
Section 8 Making links and promoting the resource centre
Section 9 Monitoring and evaluation
BAIRD, Nicola
Setting up and running a school library
London : VSO : and : Harcourt Education, 1994, 137 p ill.
ISBN: 0 435 92304 8
Practical guide to setting up and running a school library. Designed for teachers and untrained librarians.
Note: Translated into Hindi in 2001, but these translations no longer in stock
(ISBN: 0 435 99928 1).
Available from: Heinemann International Division, Harcourt Education, Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ, UK E-mail: international@harcourteducation.co.uk
Internet: http://www.internationalschools.co.uk Fax: +44 1865 314 290
Price: £5.50
How to manage a user-friendly documentation centre : a training module
Ahmedabad : CHETNA, 2002, 56 p.
A training manual for resource centre or information managers. It includes the basics of setting up a resource centre. The first section presents a number of training exercises, and the second section provides 2–3 pages of bullet points and explanations on each topic, including identifying an appropriate location, ordering, cataloguing and classifying materials, using a database, labelling/signposting, shelving, circulation, and finally promoting the centre.
Available from: Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA), Lilavatiben Lalbhai's Bungalow, Civil Camp Road, Shahibaugh, Ahmedabad 380 004, Gujarat, India
E-mail: chetna@icenet.net
Internet: http://www.chetnaindia.org Fax: +91 79 2866513 / 2113005
Price: Rs50 US$5.00
CHIWARE, Elisha and HADEBE, Bonani (Eds)
A manual for rural libraries in Zimbabwe
Bulawayo : Rural Libraries and Resources Development Programme, 1992, 72 p ill.
ISBN: 0 7974 1059 7
A useful manual intended for rural libraries in Zimbabwe, but applicable to all small resource centres and libraries.
Available from: Rural Libraries and Resources Development Programme (RLRDP), PO Box 439, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
E-mail: rlrdp@samara.co.zw
Fax: +263 9 75337
DREYER, Libby and KARLSSON, Jenni
Ulwazi : for power and courage. A guide to starting a resource centre
Durban : Media Resource Centre : Pietermaritzburg : Community Resource Centre Training Project, 1991, 80 p ill.
ISBN: 0 86980 831 1
This book is a good introduction to anyone wishing to set up a community resource centre. It provides practical information on how and why, plus a resource list of organisations, including training providers, publishers and other resource centres.
Available from: Media Resource Centre, Department of Education, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa
Fax: +27 31 261 6880
Organizing local documentation services for the water and sanitation sector : guidelines
(Reference Series No. 9.)
The Hague : IRC, 1994, 97 p.
Guidelines for the development of local documentation centres which can be maintained with minimum effort, and provide useful information on water and sanitation to colleagues and the local community.
Available from: IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre, PO Box 2869, 2601 CW Delft, The Netherlands
E-mail: general@irc.nl
Internet: http://www.irc.nl
Fax: +31 15 219 09 55
Price: EU€9.00
The Streams of Knowledge toolbox
Delft : IRC, Oct 2001, 30 p.
This set of tools forms the draft Toolbox on Streams of Knowledge (SoK). It is a work in progress. It uses results in learning among partners in the SoK coalition that work together to strengthen resource centres’ contributions to improved water and sanitation delivery. The learning process emerged from the project Study into Resources and Management (STREAM) of drinking water supply and sanitation centres in four continents. This brought together IRC's long standing partners and new ones in a joint learning process of what makes effective resource centres.
Tools include:
1. Diagnostic study
2. Understanding the resource centre concept
3. Assessing the potential of a resource centre
4. Gender scan guideline
5. Consolidating resource centres
6. Electronic information services
7. Evaluating effectiveness of resource centres and their partners
8. Self-assessment guide
9. Improving management & control functions
10. Quality assurance
11. Impact Assessment.
Web location: http://www.streamsofknowledge.net/toolbox.html
Available from: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, PO Box 2869, 2601 CW Delft, The Netherlands
E-mail: general@irc.nl
Internet: http://www.irc.nl, http://www.streamsofknowledge.net
Fax: +31 15 21 929 39
Price: Free
Documentation for change
WORLD HEALTH FORUM Vol 11 No 3. 1990, p 313–317.
Discusses the role and function of health documentation centres, with reference to the experiences gained by the Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI).
Basics of documentation
New Delhi : VHAI, 1988, 90 p.
Available from: Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI), Tong Swasthya Bhawan, 40 Institutional Area, South of IIT, New Delhi 110 016, India
E-mail: vhai@sify.com
Internet: http://www.vhai.org
Fax: +91 11 6853708
KENYA MINISTRY OF HEALTH Library Development Project of Continuing Education Programme and African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)
Basic health libraries : an information management handbook
Kenya : Ministry of Health : AMREF, 1994, 140 p.
Covers basic health library management for rural health libraries. Each chapter includes objectives and review exercises.
Available from: African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), AMREF Book Distribution Unit, PO Box 30125, Nairobi, Kenya E-mail: jireri@amrefhq.org
Internet: http://www.amref.org/publications.htm
Price: Ksh450
MATERIA, Enrico (et al)
Making a start with district health libraries
WORLD HEALTH FORUM Vol 15 No 1. 1994, p 89–92.
Discusses the pilot project to establish and develop 30 district health libraries in Tanzania and Uganda. It includes a useful set of guidelines for establishing, developing and promoting district health libraries.
Streams of knowledge : the role of water and sanitation resource centres in closing the gap on unmet needs
Delft : IRC, Mar 2000, 24 p.
This is an account of how resource centres around the world are playing a crucial role in helping people to secure safe water supplies and effective sanitation in an era of rapid population growth and social change. Outlines some of the lessons learned by IRC in its experience of developing resource centres.
Web location: http://www.streamsofknowledge.net/booklet.html
Available from: International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), PO Box 2869, 2601 CW Delft, Netherlands
E-mail: general@irc.nl
Internet: http://www.irc.nl, http://www.streamsofknowledge.net
Fax: +31 15 21 929 39
Price: Free
Documentation made easy : a library manual for nongovernmental organizations specializing in appropriate technology and rural development
Wiesbaden : Vieweg & Son, 1990, 205 p ill.
ISBN: 3 528 02054 7
This is the work of a practitioner who is well acquainted with her subject, and who gives those in charge of documentation in development associations many examples and tools as well as a general filing layout for the small libraries of grassroots organisations. The manual is aimed primarily at readers with no previous experience in librarianship and documentation.
Web location: http://www5.gtz.de/gate/publications/G28doe.pdf
Available from: German Appropriate Technology Exchange (GATE), Information Service, PO Box 5180, 657 26 Eschborn, Germany E-mail: gate-id@gtz.de
Internet: http://www.gtz.de/gate
Fax: +49 6196 797352
Price: US$15.25
Information management for development organisations
2nd ed.
(Oxfam Development Guidelines.)
Oxford : Oxfam, 2003, 294 p.
ISBN: 0 85598 483 X
The book is about managing information in the workplace rather than in a resource centre or library. It is aimed at managers of community groups and non-governmental organisations in developing countries and elsewhere. It aims to help them to think critically about what kinds of information they, their staff, and their project partners need. It discusses how they can access such information, manage it, and communicate it in the most effective and equitable way. It includes some practical tools and exercises to help readers to relate the ideas to their own situations. In this second edition, discussions of knowledge management, capacity building, institutional learning, evaluation and impact assessment, research, information products, and evidence-based work have been added, or considerably extended, together with a number of new case studies.
Available from: Oxfam Publishing, 274 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DZ, UK, or in southern Africa: Anglia Book and Freight Consolidators, PO Box 140, Sedgefield 6573, South Africa
E-mail: publish@oxfam.org.uk, info@anglia.co.za
Internet: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/publications
Fax: +44 1865 313 713, +27 44 343 3066
Price: £10.95
PRADHAN, Mohan Raj (Ed)
Health libraries and information networks in Nepal
(National Seminar in Health Library/Information Networks.)
Dharan : B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, 1995, 98 p ill.
Contains papers contributed to the seminar, representing the situation and development of health libraries in Nepal. The development issues have an emphasis on the use of IT.
Available from: B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Ghopha, Dharan, Nepal
E-mail: ihs@bpkihs.edu
Internet: http://www.bpkihs.edu
Fax: + 977 25 20251
Price: US$10 Rs300
Resource centres : building living libraries [whole issue]
CONTACT No 134. Dec 93, 18 p.
Discusses the principles of running successful resource centres, including involving the community. It also provides examples of resource centres that are already in action around the world.
SUPE, Gaby
Health information centre for young people
[In: Hands on! A manual for working with youth on sexual and reproductive health / ROLLIN, Julika GABRIEL, Annette (Eds)]
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2002, 14 p.
Sets out the principles which led to the creation of the Health Information, Education and Communication Centre for Youth Sexual Health (CISJEU). Highlights the process the project team went through to deal with issues such as location of the centre, developing appropriate services (including a education activities and a counselling unit), human resources and financing, and involving young people and their parents in its management.
Web locations:http://www.gtz.de/srh/download/HO_2.5%20Health%20Information%20Centre%20for%20Young%20People.pdf,http://www.gtz.de/srh/english/biblio/biblio1.html
Available from: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1–5, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
E-mail: christina.neckermann@gtz.de
Internet: http://www.gtz.de/srh
Price: Free
Library and information work primer
2nd ed.
London : Facet Publishing, 2001, 216 p.
ISBN: 1 85604 420 3
Provides a practical, educational underpinning to Library Information Service (LIS) work for a broad range of new and recent entrants to the profession, for individuals working towards UK NVQ and City and Guilds qualifications and first-year undergraduate LIS courses. The book looks at the key areas of competence necessary for the efficient and informed practice of a wide range of jobs in the LIS sector. Replaces The basics of information skills teaching 3rd ed 1996.
Note: See http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk for list of distributors in Singapore, Australia, USA, Europe and Japan.
Available from: Bookpoint Ltd, Mail Order Department, 130 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SB, UK
E-mail: facet@bookpoint.co.uk
Internet: http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk
Fax: +44 1235 400454
Price: £19.95 plus £2.50 postage and packing
WEBB, Sylvia P
Creating an information service
3rd ed.
London : Aslib, 1996, 134 p.
ISBN: 0 85142 360 4
Practical approach to setting up a library or information service, of particular relevance to those working in one-person libraries. Includes 'real life' examples, checklists, and useful contact addresses.
Available from: Aslib Books and Directories, Aslib/Europa, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE, UK E-mail: sales.europa@tandf.co.uk
Internet: http://www.aslib.co.uk
Fax: +44 20 7842 2249
Price: £21.00 plus £2.50 postage and packing £16.99 Aslib members
Library services for primary health care
SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE Vol 32 No 1. 1991, p 51–58.
The paper highlights the inadequate provision of library and information services for health care staff in developing countries. It identifies different types of information need and suggests how these could be met by simple and inexpensive means.
Libraries for all! : how to start and run a basic library
Paris : UNESCO, 1998, 115 p.
A practical guide for those interested in establishing and managing a library in a developing country, particularly of interest to those developing community libraries. Available in English, French and Spanish.
Web location: http://www.rtpnet.org/~wlp/publications/lfa.shtml
Available from: The World Library Partnership, 3101 Guess Road, Suite D, Durham NC 27705, USA, or, Division of Information and Informatics, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
E-mail: wlp@rtpnet.org
Internet: http://www.rtpnet.org/~wlp
Fax: +1 919 479 2033
Price: Free (developing countries) US$10.00 plus postage and packing (elsewhere) US$1.00 for each additional copy to the same address
Section 1: Planning a resource centre
Guidelines for surveys on the information needs of health personnel
[In: Health Literature Services by the Year 2000. Part II / WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO WPRO)]
(Western Pacific Education in Action Series No. 4 WHO Regional Publications, Education in Action Series No. 4.)
Manila : WHO WPRO, 1990, 46 p.
Available from: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, Publications Unit, PO Box 2932, 1000 Manila, Philippines
E-mail: postmaster@who.org.ph
Internet: http://www.who.int/pub/en
Section 2: Management and finance
INASP-Health fundraising workshop online
[Unpublished], 2000, [27 p].
An on-line guide to fundraising, covering the stages involved in researching, identifying, planning your approach, and making contact with donors. Also includes contact details of a few charitable trusts.
Web location: http://www.inasp.org.uk/health/fundraising/charity.html
Available from: INASP-Health
Internet: http://www.inasp.info/health
Price: Free
Proposals that make a difference. How to write effective grant proposals : a manual for NGOs
2nd ed.
Oxford : Fahamu, 2003
The author reveals the art of writing proposals, whatever the format that is required by the funding agency. Topics covered include: defining objectives; researching and getting to know the donor; making an effective case of funding using the "POOP" formula (present, opportunities, options and proposition); how to prepare a logical framework analysis (LFA); preparing budgets; and how to follow up with the donor.
Available from: Unit 14, Standingford House, Cave Street, Oxford OX4 1BA, UK, or, Southern African Regional Office, PO Box 70740, Overport, Durban, KwaZulu Natal 4067, South Africa
E-mail: info@fahamu.org
Internet: http://www.fahamu.org
Fax: +44 1865 203009, +27 31 207 1194
Price: £20.00 + £2.00 postage and packing
NORTON, Michael
The worldwide fundraiser's handbook : a resource mobilisation guide for NGOs and community organisations
2nd ed.
London : Directory of Social Change, 2003, 272 p.
ISBN: 1 903991 34 X
A fully revised and updated edition of the essential handbook for fundraising for the developing world (including Africa, Asia, Latin America and countries of Eastern Europe). Using case studies and examples of good practice, it offers guidance and advice on: establishing effective local fundraising; the range of sources of funding (including governments, companies and charitable foundations); the different fundraising techniques; and codes of practice and sources of information and help. This new edition takes into account changes in fundraising practice and includes new case studies. Extensive new material includes: new sections on Internet fundraising and on branding and image; a fully revised section on income generation; fuller information on using case studies to illustrate your work; and fuller information on faith-based fundraising, raising money through overseas support groups, and raising money through schools.
Available from: Directory of Social Change, 24 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP, UK
E-mail: books@dsc.org.uk
Internet: http://www.dsc.org.uk
Fax: +44 20 7391 4804
Price: £12.95
Section 4: Developing the collection
AVRIEL, Deborah and ARONSON, Barbara and BERTRAND, Irene
Appropriate information : new products and services
WORLD HEALTH FORUM Vol 14 No 4. 1993, p 410–417.
Effective health information services require action on three major levels: identifying and acquiring appropriate resources; applying appropriate methodologies for management of information and its communication; and stimulating local initiatives and applications. WHO's Programme of Library and Health Literature Services proposes its methodologies and products for creating and improving effective information services to health workers.
[Blue Trunk Libraries] [whole issue]
WHO LIAISON Vol 9 No 3. Nov 98, 12 p.
This issue of WHO Liaison concentrates on the Blue Trunk Libraries project, and the distribution and use of the libraries in Africa.
Note: For the latest information on the Blue Trunk Library project see the websitehttp://www.who.int/library/country/trunks/index.en.shtml
Web location: http://www.who.int/library/country/liaison/1998/liaison_9-3_eng.pdf
HAGUE, Howard
Core collection of medical books and journals 2001
4th ed.
London : Medical Information Working Party, 2001, 95 p.
ISBN: 0 95134194 4
An acquisition guide for small or medium sized libraries in a hospital or comparative medical institutions, including a recommended selection of essential materials ranging from standard works to student texts. Selection of materials should be made according to local requirements and resources. It is not specifically designed for developing countries, but can be useful in selecting international titles.
Available from: BMJ Bookshop, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR, UK
E-mail: orders@bmjbookshop.com
Internet: http://www.bmjbookshop.com
Fax: +44 20 7383 6455
Price: £5.00 plus £1.50 postage and packing
HILL, D R and Stickell, H N
Brandon/Hill selected list of books and journals for the small medical library
A useful list to aid the selection of materials, but with an American emphasis. This list of 630 books and 143 journals is intended as a selection guide for health sciences libraries or similar facilities. It can also function as a core collection for a library consortium. Books and journals are categorised by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index, and the subject list of journals, by an alphabetical title listing. A 'minimal core list' consisting of 81 titles has been pulled out from the 217 asterisked (*) initial-purchase books and marked with daggers (+*) before the asterisks. To purchase the entire collection of 630 books and to pay for 143 2001 journal subscriptions would require US$124,000. The cost of only the asterisked items, books and journals, totals US$55,000. The 'minimal core list' book collection costs approximately US$14,300.
Web location: http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/picrender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&action=stream&blobtype=pdf&artid=31721
HILL, D R and Stickell, H N
Brandon/Hill selected list of books and journals in allied health
A useful list to aid the selection of materials, but with an American emphasis. This list of 434 books and 79 journals is intended as a selection guide for print literature to be used in a library supporting allied health educational programmes or allied health personnel in either an academic or health care setting. Because of the large number, and wide variety, of allied health professions and occupations, the recommended publications are focused primarily on the educational programmes listed and recognised by the American Medical Association and other accrediting bodies. Books and journals are categorised by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index and the subject list of journals by an alphabetical title listing. Items suggested for initial purchase (169 books and 32 journals) are indicated by asterisks. To purchase the entire collection of books and journals (2002 subscriptions) would require an expenditure of about US$36,744. The cost of only the asterisked items totals US$14,465.
Web location: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=141184,http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=141184&action=stream&blobtype=pdf
Core list for nurses, midwives and health visitors 1998
London : Medical Information Working Party, 1998, 55 p.
ISBN: 0 9513419 3 6
An acquisition guide for small or medium sized libraries in a hospital or comparative medical institutions, including a recommended selection of essential materials ranging from standard works to student texts. Selection of materials should be made according to local requirements and resources. It is not specifically designed for developing countries, but can be useful in selecting international titles.
Available from: BMJ Bookshop, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR, UK
E-mail: orders@bmjbookshop.com
Internet: http://www.bmjbookshop.com
Fax: +44 20 7383 6455
Price: £5.00
Source newsletters and journals database
London : Healthlink Worldwide, 2002
Gives details of over 150 international newsletters, magazines and journals relating to health and disability issues which are available free or at low cost to readers in developing countries. If published on the web, you can link directly to the full text of the newsletter.
Note: This resource has been used as a valuable networking tool to learn about the activities of other organisations working regionally and internationally. It also provides a rich source of core materials to build up resource centres and provide up-to-date health information at little extra cost.
Available from: Source, International Information Support Centre
Internet: http://www.asksource.info
Price: Free
Essential books for health workers in the Third World
WORLD HEALTH FORUM Vol 13 No 2/3. 1992, p 240–242.
The article looks at the development of essential books lists, the need to identify low-cost titles, often also to obtain funding. It also emphasises the importance of accommodating the collections so that they are accessible to all staff at a health centre or hospital.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) and Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)
List of basic sources in English for a medical faculty library
8th ed.
Alexandria : WHO EMRO, 1999, 140 p.
A list of key materials with an emphasis on paper, and low-cost editions of classic and universally acceptable texts, covering 57 health sciences subjects in addition to dictionaries, directories, librarianship and information science. It includes a total of 1568 titles. This latest edition emphasises health development within developing country setting and avoids highly specialised clinical publications. The list is also held on a database on the EMRO website http://www.emro.who.int/HIS/VHSL/, or on disc in a variety of formats including ASCII and MS Word.
Web location: http://www.emro.who.int/HIS/VHSL/Doc/Basiclist.pdf
Available from: World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), Abdul Razzak Al Sanhouri Street, PO Box 7608, Nasr City, Cairo 11371, Egypt
E-mail: library@emro.who.int
Internet: http://www.emro.who.int
Fax: +20 2 670 24 92 or 670 24 94
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Library and Information Networks for Knowledge
Blue Trunk Libraries : selected publications
Geneva : WHO, 2003, 28 p.
The Blue Trunk Library is a 'ready-to-use' mini-library designed for district health centres in Africa as a means of compensating for the lack of up-to-date medical and health information. The mini-libraries which consist of more than one hundred books and three journal subscriptions, are contained in blue metal trunks to ensure easy transportation and protection. Priority is given to practical manuals (especially those published by WHO) offering accessible solutions to the medical, public health and management problems medical and health staff may have to face.
Web location: http://www.who.int/library/country/trunks/contents/index.en.shtml
Available from: World Health Organization (WHO), Library and Information Networks for Knowledge, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland E-mail: bluetrunk@who.int
Internet: http://www.who.int/library/country/trunks/index.en.shtml
Fax: +41 22 791 48 57
Price: Free
Section 5: Organising the information
DI LAURIO, Anne and WATSON, Alice
Macrothesaurus for information processing in the field of economic and social development
5th ed.
Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 1998, 436 p.
ISBN: 92 64 16025 6
A thesaurus for information in the broad field of economic and social development.
Available from: (in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia and the Pacific) United Nations Publications, Room DC2-0853, Dept. I004, New York, NY 10017, USA, (in Europe, the Middle East and Africa) Publications des Nations Unies, Section des Ventes et Commercialisation, Bureau E-4, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
E-mail: publications@un.org, unpubli@unog.ch
Internet: http://www.un.org/Pubs/update/update.htm
Fax: +1 212 963-3489, +41 22 917 0027
Price: US$67.00
Healthlink Worldwide classification scheme
Rev ed.
London : Healthlink Worldwide, 2003, 32 p.
This classification scheme has been developed by Healthlink Worldwide (formerly AHRTAG) specifically to meet Healthlink Worldwide's and partners needs and cover the various aspects of primary health care and disability which were thought to be lacking in other schemes available at the time.
Note: This classification scheme is used by the Source International Information Support Centre, and has also been adapted by a number of partner and other organisations.
Price: £10.00
Healthlink Worldwide subject and keywords list
Rev ed.
London : Healthlink Worldwide, 2003, 56 p.
This list of controlled vocabulary, or keywords, has been developed by Healthlink Worldwide for use when searching their databases. The terms used reflect various aspects of primary health care and disability issues in developing countries.
Note: This keywords list is used by the Source International Information Support Centre, and has also been adapted by a number of partner and other organisations.
Web location: http://www.asksource.info
Price: £10.00
Organizing HIV/AIDS information in Southern Africa
Harare : SANASO, 1996, 76 p.
Includes the Southern African AIDS classification scheme and keywords list.
Available from: SANASO Secretariat, PO Box 6690, Harare, Zimbabwe
E-mail: sanaso@mango.zw
Fax: +263 4 740245
Section 6: Computers, electronic communication and databases
Health on the Internet
Oxford : Blackwell Science, 1996, 158 p.
ISBN: 0 632 04072 6
An introduction to the Internet, e-mail and electronic publishing aimed directly at health workers, health information specialists, trainers, teachers and students, including a comprehensive list of relevant electronic information and how to access it. Provides useful explanation of the technical aspects of electronic communication for those who are interested in a more in-depth understanding, but stands on its own for those with less computer and communications experience.
Available from: Blackwell's Mail Order, 50 Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BQ, UK
E-mail: mail.ox@blackwell.co.uk
Internet: http://www.blackwells.co.uk
Fax: +44 1865 794143
Price: £15.99
ARONSON, Barbara
Electronic access to the information in scientific journals
WHO LIAISON Vol 9 No 2. Aug 98, p 2–4.
Looks at the recent growth in the provision of full-text electronic journals on the Internet, after the unexpected lack of impact of the first ones to be published. Considers questions of copyright, pricing structure, and subscription through Internet journal agents, as well as a range of implications for libraries, such as technical, financial, archiving and storage considerations.
Web location: http://www.who.int/library/country/liaison/1998/liaison_9-2_eng.pdf
BUXTON, Andrew and HOPKINSON, Alan
The CDS/ISIS for Windows handbook
Paris : UNESCO/CI, 2001, 178 p.
A user-friendly introduction to CDS/ISIS for Windows (WINISIS) that complements the reference manual supplied with the package. This is a revision of the 1994 CDS/ISIS Handbook published by the Library Association.
Web location: http://portal.unesco.org/ci/ev.php?URL_ID=5330&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201&reload=1051109032#doc
Available from: UNESCO website
Improving health, fighting poverty : the role of information and communication technology (ICT) [whole issue]
Web location: http://www.healthcomms.org/findings
Available from: Exchange, c/o Healthlink Worldwide, Cityside, 40 Adler Street, London E1 1EE, UK
E-mail: healthcomms@healthlink.org.uk
Internet: http://www.healthcomms.org
The MIBIS manual : preparing records in microcomputer-based bibliographic information systems
2nd ed
Ottawa : IDRC Books, 1994, 353 p.
ISBN: 0 88936 728 0
MIBIS is a model database structure for development information. The manual includes information on how to use the model to automate operations using CDS-ISIS, and how to adapt it for use with Inmagic.
Now out of print but can be borrowed from: International Development and Research Centre (IDRC), PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON K1G 3H9, Canada or from one of their depository libraries around the world
E-mail: pub@idrc.ca
Internet: http://www.idrc.ca/books/728.html
Price: US$35.00
Beginners guide to the CDS-ISIS formatting language
An introduction to the formatting language in plain language, designed as a training resource to help beginners build up complex formats gradually.
Web location: http://www.datahome.org.uk
Available from: http://www.datahome.org.uk/formatting.htm
Focus on information technology [special topic]
Note: A collection of articles focusing on the use of information technology in developing countries.
HOPKINSON, Alan and SIMMONS, Peter (Eds)
CCF/B : the common communication format for factual information
Paris : UNESCO, 1992, 127 p.
The Common Communication Format (CCF) is a standard database format for bibliographic and factual information. The document is aimed at those developing databases.
Available from: UNESCO General Information Programme, UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France
E-mail: publishing.promotion@unesco.org
JAMES, Maureen and RYKERT, Liz
From workplace to workspace : using email lists to work together
Ottawa : IDRC, 1998, 68 p.
ISBN: 0 88936 848 1
A straightforward and easy-to-follow guide to help people decide how to set up a mailing list for their group, launch it and keep it active. Divided into three parts, it covers, 'Getting set up', 'Working together', and 'Resources'. Available in full text on the IDRC website in French, Spanish and English.
Web location: http://www.idrc.ca/books/848.html
Available from: ITDG Publications, 103-105 Southampton Row, London WC1B 4HH, UK
E-mail: orders@itpubs.org.uk
Internet: http://www.developmentbookshop.co.uk
Fax: +44 20 7436 2013
Price: US$15/GB£9.95 plus postage and packing
KIRK, Elizabeth E
Evaluating information found on the Internet
Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University, 2002, 4 p.
Web location: http://www.library.jhu.edu/elp/useit/evaluate
Available from: Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University
Internet: http://www.library.jhu.edu/home/index3.html
Price: Free
LELAND INITIATIVE and Research and Reference Services (R&RS) Project
Making the Internet connection count : effective use of the Internet in seven steps
Washington DC : USAID, 1998, 115 p.
Takes the reader through a seven-step process to assist in finding the most cost-effective way of connecting to the Internet, and how to make best use of the Internet once connected. Intended for decision makers and staff of NGOs, educational institutions, and government agencies that do not have, or have very limited, access to the Internet. Includes exercise and worksheets adapted from a series of workshops conducted throughout Africa by the Leland Initiative.
Note: This title is also available in French.
Web location: http://www.info.usaid.gov/regions/afr/leland/manual.htm
Available from: USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse, 1611 N Kent Street, #200, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA
E-mail: docorder@dec.cdie.org
Internet: http://www.dec.org/order
Fax: +1 703 351 4039
Price: Free
LASA Knowledgebase
A free on-line guide to information technology (IT) for the voluntary sector. Includes guidance on: buying IT equipment, including the latest recommendations for computer specifications; developing databases; using the Internet; and managing IT systems.
Web location: http://www.lasa.org.uk/knowledgebase
Available from: London Advice Services Alliance (LASA), Universal House, 88–94 Wentworth Street, London E1 7SA, UK
E-mail: info@lasa.org.uk
Internet: http://www.lasa.org.uk
Fax: +44 20 7247 4725
LOWN, Bernard and BUKACHI, Fred and XAVIER, Ramnik
Health information in the developing world
THE LANCET Vol 352 No 175 Supplement II. Oct 98, p SII34–SII38.
Having introduced the issue of the 'information poverty' in many developing countries and the growing gap between rich and poor at a global level, the article explores the potential of information technologies to improve access to information, such as the Internet and low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites. It provides the example of urban hospitals in South Africa being unable to gain access to the information others can receive electronically from the University of Witwatersrand Health Sciences Library only kilometres away, due to financial constraints and lack of communications infrastructure. Includes a world map of Internet usage.
Web location: http://www.bmj.com
MORROW, Katherine (Ed)
Building online communities
Whether the goal is an on-line meeting or the creation of a global network, the resources listed here aim to help groups: choose the appropriate collaboration tools, develop facilitation techniques, and plan a strategy for successfully working together on-line.
Note: ItrainOnline aims to offer a single source on the web containing a selection of the best and most relevant computer and Internet training resources for development and social change.
Web location: http://www.itrainonline.org/itrainonline/english/communication.shtml
Available from: ItrainOnline
E-mail: kmorrow@iicd.org
Internet: http://www.itrainonline.org
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL and Office of International Affairs
Bridge builders : African experiences with information and communication technology
Washington DC : National Academy Press, 1996, 304 p.
ISBN: 0 309 05483 4
This volume tells sixteen first-person accounts of how information and communication technologies (ICT) have been successfully introduced into institutions for the benefit of scientists and engineers in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors provide case studies that focus on the lessons learned in designing and implementing projects dealing with scientific and technological information (STI) and that examine the impacts these projects have had. The projects demonstrate just how much can be accomplished through leadership, dedication, and determination.
Note: Available in full, on-line, free of charge.
Web location: http://www.nap.edu/books/0309054834/html/index.html
Available from: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Box 285, Washington DC 20418, USA Internet:http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5260.html
Fax: +1 202 334 2451
Price: US$47.00 (international) / $37.60 if purchased online
"Yenza" – which means "do it" in isiXhosa and isiZulu – is a guide to using the Internet for research and teaching in the social sciences and humanities. Offers practical ‘how to’ information and links to useful resources on using the Internet for research, integrating the Internet into teaching, and how to build your own website. The information on this site should help both the novice researcher and the more experienced researcher to find and develop on-line resources. The site can be used independently by researchers, although it was primarily developed to complement face-to-face workshops. The section, Yenza! For trainers, contains resources for people wanting to run workshops using the site, and the entire Yenza! site can be downloaded in compressed form for running offline.
Web location: http://www.nrf.ac.za/yenza
Available from: National Research Foundation (NRF), PO Box 2600, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
E-mail: info@nrf.ac.za
Internet: http://www.nrf.ac.za
Fax: +27 12 349 1179
Price: Free
ROWLEY, Jennifer
The electronic library : fourth edition of computers for libraries
4th ed.
London : Library Association Publishing, 1998, 408 p.
ISBN: 1 85604 149 2
Provides a broad overview of the use of information technology in libraries, including an introduction to the technology, database design, library management systems, and information retrieval from on-line databases, CD-ROMs and the Internet.
Available from: Bookpoint Ltd, Mail Order Department, 130 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SB, UK
E-mail: facet@bookpoint.co.uk
Internet: http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk
Fax: +44 1235 400454
Price: £29.95
ROWLEY, Jennifer
The basics of information systems : second edition of basics of information technology
2nd ed.
London : Library Association Publishing, 1996, 268 p.
ISBN: 1 85604 136 0
Introduces the basic concepts and terminology of information systems and information technology for the information professional. Includes a look at hardware and software, database structures, communication systems, systems management, and the human aspect of information systems. It uses an active learning structure that includes summaries and review questions, highlighting learning outcomes and points for reflection.
Available from: Bookpoint Ltd, Mail Order Department, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD, UK
E-mail: orders@bookpoint.co.uk
Price: £29.95
Streams of Knowledge toolbox : electronic information services
Delft : IRC, 2001, 9 p.
A guide to assist the strategic development of electronic information services.
Note: This document is one section of the Streams of Knowledge Toolbox.
Web location: http://www.streamsofknowledge.net/toolbox6.html
Available from: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, PO Box 2869, 2601 CW Delft, The Netherlands
E-mail: general@irc.nl
Internet: http://www.irc.nl, http://www.streamsofknowledge.net
Fax: +31 15 21 929 39
TSENG, Gwyneth and POULTER, Alan and HIOM, Debra
The library and information professional's guide to the Internet
3rd ed.
London : Library Association Publishing, 2000, 192 p ill.
ISBN: 1 85604 376 2
A comprehensive guide for library and information workers, academics and students who are new to the Internet, including background to its development and an explanation of the services and terminology. Those familiar with the Internet will also benefit from the resource guide to available Internet services providing leads to electronic conferences and journals, general and subject-based collections of information, to library databases and information services, and to network information, training materials and software.
Note: Additional web-based support to readers is available at http://www.lapwing.org.uk/poulter/index.htm
Available from: Bookpoint Ltd, Mail Order Department, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD, UK
E-mail: orders@bookpoint.co.uk
Internet: http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk
Fax: +44 1235 400454
Price: £16.95
A short Internet guide
Paris : UNESCO, [no date], 19 p.
This booklet is intended to give a short introduction to the Internet, giving a few basic definitions and descriptions of the basic features. Available in full text on the web at the following Internet address:http://www.unesco.org/webworld/build_info/guide.pdf
Available from: UNESCO, Information and Informatics Division, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France
E-mail: a.plathe@unesco.org
Internet: http://www.unesco.org
Fax: +33 1 48 68 55 83
Price: Free
At Ease with Email : A handbook on using electronic mail for NGOs in developing countries
2nd ed.
New York : United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) : and : New York : The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 1998, 129 p.
ISBN: 0 9645188 5 6
Presented in a step-by-step, question-and-answer format explaining the basics of computer communications. Identifies organisations that have a mandate to promote or support computer networking in developing countries and references to further resources in both printed and electronic format. Includes a list of mailing lists and websites of interest to NGOs and a directory of networks in developing countries which can provide access, training and support in electronic communication.
Web location: http://www.unsystem.org/ngls/documents/publications.en/email/index.htm
Available from: The United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, or, Room FF-346, United Nations, New York NY 10017, USA
E-mail: ngls@undp.org
Internet: http://www.unsystem.org/ngls
Price: Free
Micro-CDS/ISIS : training manual (designed for self-instruction) and African index medicus : data entry/procedures manual
Harare : WHO AFRO, 1993, various.
The combined manual provides both learning material on how to use CDS/ISIS, the database structures for the bibliographic and non-bibliographic databases (both based on CCF) linked to the African Index Medicus (AIM) project, and the relevant data entry procedures. A useful tool both for resource centres wishing to participate in the AIM project, and those wanting to follow some form of standard for their databases.
Web location: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/aim/I.pdf
Available from: World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO), Cite du Djoue, PO Box 06 Brazzaville, Congo Internet: http://www.afro.who.int
Fax: +47 241 39503 / + 242 8 39503
Section 7: Information services
Writing for change : an interactive guide to effective writing, writing for science, and writing for advocacy
Oxford : Fahamu : and : Ottawa : International Development Research Centre (IDRC), [2002]
ISBN: 0 88936 932 1
A training resource designed to help those working in the not-for-profit sector improve their writing skills in order to influence, persuade and bring about positive social change. Divided into three sections: Effective Writing: core skills, Writing for Science, and Writing for Advocacy. Effective Writing: core skills helps to develop the skills needed to write clearly and purposefully, organise ideas and express them well. Writing for Science shows how to produce writing for publication in specialist journals. It teaches how to build on the core skills of effective writing and add further skills that apply to this specialised type of writing. This section gives a better chance of getting published, discusses the ethics of authorship, how to respond to editors and correct proofs. Writing for Advocacy contains a wealth of advice on how to win hearts and minds and how to adapt core writing skills to lobbying or campaigning documents. The section looks at articles, leaflets, newsletters, pamphlets, press releases and posters. Extra features include a resource centre with suggestions for further reading and links to useful websites and resources. Available in English, French and Spanish.
Web location: http://www.fahamu.org.uk/cds/change.html
Available from: Fahamu, Unit 14, Standingford House, Cave Street, Oxford OX4 1BA, UK, or, in South Africa: Fahamu Southern African Regional Office, PO Box 70740, Overport, Durban, KwaZulu Natal 4067, South Africa
E-mail: info@fahamu.org
Internet: http://www.fahamu.org
Fax: +44 1865 203009
Price: Free (website) or £20.00 + £2.00 postage and packing (CD-ROM)
GOOSEN, I (et al)
Adventures in information : a manual of basic information and library science
Windhoek : Gamsberg Macmillan Publishers, 1997, 176 p ill.
ISBN: 99916 0 085 X
A guide for school teachers providing courses in basic information science.
Available from: Gamsberg Macmillan Publishers (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 22830, Windhoek, Namibia
E-mail: gmp@iafrica.com.na
Fax: +264 61 234830
Price: N$92.00 plus postage and packing
How to produce a newsletter
London : Healthlink Worldwide, 1998, approx 110p ill.
Practical guidelines on producing a newsletter, ranging form planning, writing, editing and design to mailing list development and evaluation. Originally compiled for Healthlink Worldwide publishing partners.
Making clear messages [whole issue]
AIDS ACTION No 40. London : Healthlink Worldwide, Mar–May1998, 16 p.
How to develop materials to support education about sensitive issues around HIV and sexual health. It offers ideas and examples of how some organisations have used different methods, and suggests where to get further information.
Web location: http://aidsaction.info/aa/aa40.html
Price: Free (developing countries) 75p / US$1.00 postage and packing (elsewhere)
Copyright in health libraries
3rd ed.
London : Library Association Publishing, 1999, 104 p.
ISBN: 1 85604 323 1
This guide is intended to demystify copyright and so give confidence in dealing with copyright issues to all those working in libraries and information units within the health sector.
Available from: Bookpoint Ltd, Mail Order Department, 130 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SB, UK
E-mail: facet@bookpoint.co.uk
Internet: http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk
Fax: +44 1235 400454
Price: £9.95
NORMAN, Sandy (Ed)
Copyright in voluntary sector libraries
3rd ed.
London : Library Association Publishing, 1999, 96 p.
ISBN: 1 85604 327 4
This guide is intended to demystify copyright and so give confidence to all those working in libraries and information units within the charitable and voluntary sectors, including those who work for organisations that are neither publicly funded nor run for profit.
Available from: Bookpoint Ltd, Mail Order Department, 130Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SB, UK
E-mail: facet@bookpoint.co.uk
Internet: http://www.facetpublishing.co.uk
Fax: +44 1235 400454
Price: £9.95
Getting information to health workers
HEALTH POLICY & PLANNING Vol 4 No 3. Aug 89, p 257–260.
Discusses the information needs of health workers in Zimbabwe, and the development of the Current Health Information Zimbabwe (CHIZ) current awareness bulletin.
WERNER, David and BOWER, Bill
Learning how to use the book 'Where there is no doctor' : part three
[In: Helping health workers learn : a book of methods, aids and ideas for instructors at the village level / WERNER, David BOWER, Bill] 10th printing
Palo Alto : Hesperian Foundation, 1995, p 20-1 to 20-12 and 21-1 to 21-18 ill.
Includes practical advice and exercises on how to use written materials, including using the index, charts and tables.
Note: A print off publication order form is available from the website.
Available from: The Hesperian Foundation, 1919 Addison St - Suite 304, Berkeley CA 94704, USA
E-mail: hesperian@hesperian.org
Internet: http://www.hesperian.org
Fax: +1 510 845 9141
Price: £9.70
WERNER, David and BOWER, Bill
Home made low cost equipment and written materials. Chapter 16
[In: Helping health workers learn : a book of methods, aids and ideas for instructors at the village level / WERNER, David BOWER, Bill] 10th printing
Palo Alto : Hesperian Foundation, 1995, p 16-1 to 16-20 ill.
Discusses how to prepare and make low-cost materials and equipment.
Note: A print off publication order form is available from the website.
Price: £9.70
Section 8: Making links and promoting the resource centre
Linking people for change [whole issue]
CONTACT No. 157. 1997 Oct–Nov, p 1–20.
This newsletter issue looks at networking and networks, including how networks work, the advantages and the difficulties, and practical examples from a number of existing networks.
Networking for development
London : Intermediate Technology, 1998, 103 p ill.
ISBN: 1 85339 430 0
Provides a comprehensive survey and synthesis of networking issues, including practical advice for those involved in networks, or who are thinking of establishing one. It includes practical guidelines and case studies.
Available from: ITDG Publications Ltd, 103–105 Southampton Row, London WC1B 4HH, UK
E-mail: orders@itpubs.org.uk
Internet: http://www.developmentbookshop.co.uk
Fax: +44 20 7436 2013
Price: £9.95
Section 9: Monitoring and evaluation
CORREA, Antoinette (et al)
Rural information provision in developing countries : measuring performance and impact
Paris : UNESCO, 1997, 118 p.
Looks at the role and history of evaluating the impact of rural information services. It includes details of impact indicators, methods of calculation, and how to use the results to improve the resource centre and its services.
Note: Available to download in rich text format from the UNESCO site.
Web location: http://www.unesco.org/webworld/highlights/rural_250399.html
Available from: UNESCO, General Information Programme (PGI), 1 Rue Miollis, 75732 Paris, Cedex 15, France Internet:http://www.unesco.org
Streams of Knowledge toolbox : impact assessment
Delft : Netherlands, 2001, 19 p.
Provides a participatory guide that presents a strategy on assessing the impact of resource centre products and services. This guide is meant for resource centres which are reasonably well established and deliver a number of products and services.
Web location: http://www.irc.nl/pdf/stream/toolbox11.pdf
Available from: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, PO Box 2869, 2601 CW Delft, The Netherlands
E-mail: general@irc.nl
Internet: http://www.irc.nl, http://www.streamsofknowledge.net
Fax: +31 15 21 929 39
ORMONDE, Geraldine
Some points on the evaluation of information centres
IDOC BULLETIN No. 7. 1983, p 7–10.
This article provides a practical look at the evaluation of information centres in relation to their benefits, effectiveness and efficiency. It includes areas to be covered by an evaluation and questions to be asked.
Managing evaluation
(Evaluating Ourselves series.)
London : Charities Evaluation Services, 1993, 39 p ill.
ISBN: 1 897963 01 7
Clear, concise guide on how to get the best out of an evaluation, including reasons to evaluate, the decision-making process, and what to do after the report is written.
Available from: Charities Evaluation Service, 1 Motley Avenue, Christina Street, London EC2A 4SU, UK
E-mail: enquiries@ces-vol.org.uk
Price: £6.50