6.9 Electronic resources

This list includes:

  • 6.9.1 websites
  • 6.9.2 electronic journals and newsletters
  • 6.9.3 on-line training
  • 6.9.4 electronic conferences
  • 6.9.5 databases and other resources on CD-ROM
  • 6.9.6 databases on the Internet
  • 6.9.7 image collections on the Internet

6.9.1 Websites

Center for Disease Control (CDC) National Prevention Information Network (NPIN)

Makes available a variety of Internet services to share and distribute information and materials on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and tuberculosis for people and organisations working in prevention, health care, research, and support services. Provides a list of publications and materials which can be ordered on-line; links to on-line databases; a poster gallery; the Prevention News Update (e-mail bulletin) and a dedicated Spanish section.

Communication Initiative
Provides information on communication and development experiences and thinking. Includes communication and development news items, base line data from the development and communication sectors, the electronic magazine The Drum Beat, programme descriptions, evaluation data and methodologies, planning methodologies, commentaries, an extensive listing of publications and reports, links to programmes and organisations in the development and communication sectors, and listings of consultants, training opportunities, vacancies, and events. A special health ‘window’ is available which focuses on information on health and health communication for development (http://www.comminit.com/healthcomm).

A website promoting culturally-competent health care for refugees and immigrants.
Includes approximately 30 bibliographies covering different health beliefs or ethnographic information about various ethnic groups, and links to dictionaries, databases, statistics and organisations that deal with various health topics and refugee groups.

The Electronic Development Information System (ELDIS) is a directory of electronic sources of information, including on-line databases, CD-ROMs, e-mail services, electronic discussion lists, and Internet sites covering issues around health and development, the environment and countries in the South. A number of full-text materials are available, as well as links to related organisations, libraries and reference sources.

ERC: The Manager’s Electronic Resource Center
The Manager’s Electronic Resource Center (ERC) is an electronic information service produced by MSH (Management Sciences for Health). The site gives access to relevant, up-to-date management information and tools specifically tailored to meet the needs of health service managers. Features include: ERC member database; library; calendar of events; electronic discussion lists. Also available in Spanish and French.The ERC can also be used by those with e-mail access only. To find out how to do this, send an e-mail message to erc@msh.org

Global Health Network 
A global ‘Supercourse’ which has been designed as an Internet-based distance learning resource for medical, nursing and allied students who are beginners in epidemiology, global health and the Internet. Can be used to train students. You can also contribute to the Supercourse as a reviewer, lecture developer or translator.

Healthlink Worldwide
Healthlink is a project of the Health Systems Trust, established to help meet the communication and information needs of health workers in South Africa. It offers links to a range of Internet resources, including its own discussion lists, newsletters, documents and services. It is a reliable source of information about health and health policy developments in South Africa, and serves as a channel for sharing health systems research results and recommendations.

The International Development Research Centre was created by the Canadian government to help communities in the developing world find solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems through research. Provides links to databases, IDRC Reports magazine, IDRC publications catalogue, including the full-text of some publications, information on meetings and workshops.

INASP Health Links
An internet gateway to selected websites that are of special interest to health professionals, medical library communities, publishers and NGOs in developing and transitional countries.

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Covers topics such as adolescent health, HIV/AIDS, breastfeeding, counselling, environment, health care, maternal health, reproductive health, training, and women in development. Features include databases, discussion lists, links to related sites, full-text journals, field reports and other publications on health communication. Also available in French and Spanish.

OMNI (Organising Medical Networked Information)
A gateway to Internet resources in medicine, biomedicine, nursing, public health, health management and related topics worldwide. All resources have been filtered, catalogued, classified and subject-indexed to provide access to those sites which are considered relevant and of good quality.

Rehydration Project
A comprehensive source of information and resources on diarrhoea prevention and treatment, oral rehydration therapy and breastfeeding, plus facts, statistics and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Resources include the newsletter Healthlink Worldwide (formerly AHRTAG) newsletter, Dialogue on diarrhoea with subject index, and links to related sites.

Provides information about the activities and services of SATELLIFE, which is an international organisation that uses Internet technology to serve the health communication and information needs of developing countries. Focuses on public health, medicine and the environment. Hosts discussion groups and e-newsletters. Links to a number of health-related electronic conferences managed by SATELLIFE, and to disease-specific information.

Source International Information Support Centre
Provides access to the Source databases on international health and disability issues, and signposts to other information relevant to those involved in health and disability in developing countries.

University of Zambia Medical Library 
Provides a guide to health resource directories, medical journals (some full-text), health organisations, National Library of Medicine databases, and health news, including a link to Reuters Health Information Service (free access).

WHO Statistical Information System
A guide to health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization, and elsewhere. Provides links to Ministries of Health and other relevant, related sites.

World Health Organization (WHO)
A comprehensive source of information on international health. Includes details of WHO programmes, activities and services. A catalogue of WHO publications is included with the option to order titles directly over the Internet. Provides links to other sources of health information at an international and regional level.

WWW Virtual Library
Provides access to websites covering topics such as agriculture, communications, education, information management, regional studies and others. Many pages are written in an easy-to-follow style with lots of descriptions and personal commentary. 

6.9.2 Electronic journals and newsletters

1. Lists of electronic journals

BUBL Journals
A selective list of the websites of major journal publishers.

Provides links to 900 free medical journals, including French, German, Spanish and Portuguese titles.

Provides links to approximately 600 health-related books in html or PDF format, in whole or in part.

Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI)
The Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) provides free or nearly free access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences, to public institutions in developing countries. Developed by WHO to provide equitable access to health information.

INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications)
The Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI) is a programme for the delivery of scientific and scholarly information through electronic means, developed with research partners and university librarians in developing and transitional countries. Includes full text online journals, current awareness databases and document delivery of major scientific, technical, medical, social science and humanities materials from a wide range of sources.

2. Electronic journals and newsletters

The following electronic newsletters and journals are available on the Internet. They offer the complete text of articles and, in some cases, added features and background reading relating to them.

African Journal of Reproductive Health
An international journal publishing original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports, and commentaries on reproductive health in Africa.

AIDS Journal
An international journal publishing the latest research on HIV and AIDS.

British Medical Journal (BMJ)

The journal of the British Medical Association.

Disability World
A bi-monthly magazine on international disability news.

3. Newsletters available over e-mail

JHPIEGO TrainerNews

Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Reproductive Health (JHPIEGO)
A monthly electronic newsletter on current reproductive health training news; contraceptive briefs, announcements about reproductive health and training-related programmes and activities, and tips about Internet and CD-ROM resources of interest to reproductive health trainers. The information is targeted at professionals working in low-resource settings. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: listserv@community.jhpiego.jhu.edu. In the body of the message, type: subscribe jtrainernews your name. No words are needed in the subject line of the message. Do not include your email address or signature in the body of the message.

WOUGNET Update Newsletter
Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET), Kampala, Uganda
A monthly electronic newsletter with events, reports, resources, and organisations related to WOUGNET’s mission to further the use of information and communication technologies among women in Uganda. You can subscribe to the WOUGNET Update Newsletter by filling out a form on their website, or send an email message to info@wougnet.org with your request.

4. Journal contents by e-mail services

An added service offered by journal publishers is e-mailing the contents list of each journal before publication. This service could alert you to articles published in journals you do not regularly receive so that you can access the article on the relevant webpage or via e-mail (if available) or order it from another source.

Some major journals offer this service themselves, and these can be subscribed to directly from their websites. Examples are:

Journal of the American Medical Association

The electronic version of the British Medical Journal.

The Lancet

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
You can subscribe to the table of contents (or the complete newsletter) by completing the form on the website. For further information or assistance, contact: mmwrq@cdc.gov

Weekly Epidemiological Record 
Available in English and French. You can subscribe to the table of contents (or download the complete newsletter) on the website, or obtain the table of contents via email by sending a message to: majordomo@who.ch with the following in the body of the message: subscribe wer-reh
For further information or assistance, contact: owner-wer-reh@who.ch

6.9.3 On-line training

ItrainOnline offers a single source on the web containing a selection of the best and most relevant computer and Internet training resources for development and social change. This site has sections on basic skills, strategic use of the Internet, web development, technical topics, resources for trainers, and resources for women.

Leland Initiative Web Tutorial Series
Leland Initiative Web Tutorial Series. Ten lessons on creating web pages, from the basics to using web development software and good design practice.

“Yenza” – which means “do it” in isiXhosa and isiZulu – is a guide to using the Internet for research and teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Offers practical ‘how to’ information and links to useful resources on using the Internet for research, integrating the Internet into teaching, and how to build your own website. The information on this site should help both the novice researcher and the more experienced researcher to find and develop on-line resources. The site can be used independently by researchers, although it was primarily developed to complement face-to-face workshops. The section, Yenza! For trainers, contains resources for people wanting to run workshops using the site, and the entire Yenza! site can be downloaded in compressed form for running off-line.

6.9.4 Electronic conferences 

Archives of the electronic conferences can usually be found on their related websites.

Discussion and exchange of information and experiences on HIV/AIDS in Africa (in English and French). Subscribe directly from the website or send an e-mail message to: af-aids@hivnet.ch 
Type the word join in the subject line, leave the rest of the message empty.

AFRO-NETS: African Networks for Health Research and Development
The main purpose of the forum is to exchange information between the different networks active in health research for development in East and Southern Africa. A popular discussion forum for those interested in a range of health issues within Africa. Subscribe by completing the on-line form on the website or send an e-mail message to:majordomo@usa.healthnet.org 
In the body of the message type only: SUBSCRIBE afro-nets youremailaddress
Leave the subject line blank and do not include your signature at the end of your message. For further information or assistance, contact: owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org

AHILA (Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa) has its own e-mail discussion list (set up by the WHO library) to allow health librarians, information workers and health information providing organisations, primarily in developing countries, to communicate directly with each other, sharing ideas and airing problems and experiences. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: bertrandi@who.ch

A discussion list on libraries in Asia. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:

A discussion list for Pacific libraries. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:

E-drug: Essential Drugs
An electronic forum to allow health professionals to share information about essential drugs, policy, programme activities, education and training. Available in English, French, Spanish and an India-specific version. Subscribe by completing the form on the website or send an e-mail message to: majordomo@usa.healthnet.org 
In the body of the message type only: SUBSCRIBE e-drug youremailaddress
Leave the subject line blank and do not include your signature at the end of your message. For the French version, substitute e-med for e-drug; or e-farmacos for Spanish. For further information or assistance, contact: owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org/

HIF-net at WHO
An email discussion list dedicated to issues of health information access in resource-poor settings. To subscribe, email your name, affiliation and professional interests to health@inasp.info

ProCAARE: Program for Collaboration Against AIDS and Related Epidemics
Aims to provide a forum for dialogue among clinicians, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in both the industrialised and developing world who are engaged in the fight against the epidemic.
Subscribe by completing the form on the website or send an e-mail message to:
In the body of the message type only: SUBSCRIBE procaare youremailaddress
Leave the subject line blank and do not include your signature at the end of the message. 
For further information or assistance, contact: owner-procaare@usa.healthnet.org

ProCOR: Global Electronic Conference on Cardiovascular Health in the Developing World
Aimed at addressing the emerging epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in the developing world. Subscribe by completing the form on the website or send an e-mail message to:Majordomo@usa.healthnet.org 
In the body of the message type only: SUBSCRIBE procor youremailaddress
Leave the subject line blank and do not include your signature at the end of the message. 
For further information or assistance, contact: owner-procor@usa.healthnet.org/

SEA-AIDS – an Asia Pacific e-mail link
E-mail discussion and electronic information service aimed at linking those interested in building and shaping the response to HIV and AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region. 
To subscribe, complete the form on the website or send an e-mail message to:

A networking forum for scientists formed as part of the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR). Especially sensitive to the needs of scientists from developing countries, the tdr-scientists serves as a networking forum for tropical disease research scientists everywhere.
To subscribe, email majordomo@who.ch and type the following in the body of the message: subscribe tdr-scientists
For further information or assistance, contact: owner-tdr-scientists@who.ch

6.9.5 Databases and other resources on CD-ROM

Aimed at health workers, educators and community workers, these resources provide practical information on a wide range of care, support and prevention issues concerning HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The resources include training manuals, briefing papers and discussion guides. Also included are the international editions of AIDS Action, a newsletter that was produced by Healthlink Worldwide between 1987 and 2001. Regional editions of AIDS Action are still produced by Healthlink Worldwide's partner organisations. Contents of the CD-ROM are also available on the web at http://www.aidsaction.info 
Available from: Healthlink Worldwide
Cityside, 40 Adler Street
London E1 1EE, UK
Tel: +44 20 7539 1570
Fax: +44 20 7539 1580
Email: info@healthlink.org.uk 
Website: http://www.healthlink.org.uk

African HealthLine (formerly African Health Anthology)
A collection of bibliographic databases containing over 400,000 references, most with abstracts. All references cover relevant African health issues. Databases include: African Index Medicus (AIM), AIDSLINE, African subset of CAB Health database, African subset of MEDLINE, Source databases, and others.
Available from: National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC)
22 Somerset Street, PO Box 377
Grahamstown 6140, South Africa
Tel: +27 46 6229698
Fax: +27 46 6229550
E-mail: info@nisc.co.za 
Website: http://www.nisc.co.za/DataBases/DataBaseLinks/HEALTH.HTML

CAB Health
Covers communicable diseases, tropical disease, parasitic disease and parisitology, human nutrition, community and public health, and medicinal and poisonous plants. Over 3,500 journal sources are scanned from more that 125 countries. Produced by CAB International. Also available via the web.
Available from: Ovid Technologies Ltd
Merlin House
20 Belmont Terrace
London W4 5UG, UK
Tel: +44 20 8585 6400
Fax: +44 20 8585 6640
Email: europe@ovid.com 
Website: http://www.ovid.com

A collection of resources (newsletters, journals, teaching materials, factsheets) about many aspects of primary health care, primarily with a developing country focus. Contributors include AfriAfya, Cochrane Review, Community Eye Health Journal, NAM, Footsteps. Some are intended for a medical audience, others will be useful to community health workers.
Available from: e-TALC
PO Box 49 
St Albans
Herts AL1 5TX, UK
Tel: +44 1727 853869
Fax: +44 1727 846852
E-mail: e-talc@talcuk.org 
Website: http://www.e-talc.org

Contains the full text of around 300 biomedical journals from all over the world, mainly from developing countries. It was established on the initiative of the World Health Organization. Apart from its use by researchers in medical libraries, ExtraMED should also be of interest to hospitals and doctors in developing countries and elsewhere. Other target audiences include non-governmental and international development organisations, and multi-lateral and bi-lateral donor agencies and charitable organisations. Journals are presented as page images and are all indexed.
Available from: ExtraMED
PO Box 40
Hants GU32 2YH, UK
Tel: +44 1730 301297
Fax: +44 1730 265398
E-mail: informania@supanet.com

Food and Nutrition Library
Contains over 300 publications in the fields of food, nutrition, and food policy and nutrition research. Also available free on the web.
Available from: Human Info NGO
Oosterveldlaan 196
B-2610 Antwerp
Tel: +32 3 448 0554
Fax: +32 3 449 7574
Email: humanity@humaninfo.org 
Website: http://www.humaninfo.org or or http://www.nzdl.org

Medical and Health Library
The Medical and Health Library 1.0 was built in December 1999. It was jointly initiated by the Humanity Libraries Project (now called Human Info NGO), and the Payson Center for International Development of Tulane University. It contains 210 publications – 30,000 pages of ideas and solutions – in the fields of clinical treatment, emergencies, essential drugs, family planning, food and nutrition, health education, HIV/AIDS, medical equipment, prevention, public health, research, and sanitation. Also available free on the web.
Available from: Human Info NGO (See Food and Nutrition Library above)

The National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) bibliographic database covering medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and the pre-clinical sciences. Journal articles are indexed and are searchable, using NLM's controlled vocabulary, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). References include the English abstract when published with the article. Also available via the web.
Available from: Ovid Technologies Ltd (see contact details for CAB Health above)

POPLINE (POPulation information onLINE)
Provides worldwide coverage of population, family planning, and related health issues, including family planning technology and programmes, fertility, and population law and policy. In addition, POPLINE focuses on particular developing-country issues including demography, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, maternal and child health, primary health care, communication, and population and environment. The database is produced by the Population Information Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. It is available free of charge to developing countries.
Available from: Population Information Program
Center for Communication Programs
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Maryland 21202-4012, USA
Tel: +1 410 659 6300
Fax: +1 410 659 6266
E-mail: POPLINE@jhuccp.org 
Website: http://www.POPLINE.org

Topics in International Health series
Contains interactive tutorials, an image collection and a glossary of medical terms. Intended for use as training materials – providing interactive tutorials covering key topics on international health issues for the tropical diseases and health community. Subjects: acute respiratory infection, diarrhoeal diseases, HIV/AIDS, leishmaniasis, leprosy, malaria, schistosomiasis, sexually transmitted infections, sickle cell disease, trachoma, and tuberculosis.
Available from: CAB International
Oxon OX10 8DE, UK
Tel: +44 1491 832111
Fax: +44 1491 829292
E-mail: publishing@cabi.org 
Website: http://www.cabi-publishing.org/CDROM/TIH

Women, Children and HIV: Resources for Prevention and Treatment
Contains over 5,000 pages of text related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of HIV-infected women and children. Within each topic there are overviews, guidelines and policy analyses, community education information, research journal articles and reports, listings of organisations and related Internet sites.
Available from: HIV InSite
University of California
4150 Clement Street, Building 16
San Francisco, CA 94121
Fax: +1 415 379 5547
E-mail: gshiv@hivinsite.ucsf.edu 
Website: http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu

6.9.6 Databases on the Internet

Most of the following databases are available on the Internet free of charge, and also on CD-ROM (although most are not free of charge in this format).

African Index Medicus (AIM)
Bibliographic database compiled from a number of national databases of materials published in African countries on medicine and health, merged with records from WHO, MEDLINE, POPLINE and related databases.

Catalogues trials of substances being tested for use against AIDS, HIV infection, and AIDS-related opportunistic diseases. Each record covers a single trial, and provides information such as title and purpose of the trial, diseases studied, patient eligibility criteria, contact persons, agents being tested, and trial locations. Sponsored by the FDA, the NIAID, the NLM, and the Centers for Disease Control in the US.

CHID online (The Combined Health Information Database)
A bibliographic database produced by health-related agencies of the US government, providing titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources. Covers sixteen topics: AIDS, STD and TB education, Alzheimer's, arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases, cancer prevention and control, deafness and communication disorders, diabetes, digestive diseases, epilepsy education and prevention, health promotion and education, kidney and urologic diseases, maternal and child health, medical genetics and rare disorders, oral health, prenatal smoking cessation, and weight control.

The National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) bibliographic database covering medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and the pre-clinical sciences. MEDLINE is searchable through PubMed which also includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. Journal articles are indexed and are searchable, using NLM's controlled vocabulary, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). References include the English abstract when published with the article.

National Library of Medicine (NLM) Gateway
The NLM Gateway allows users to search in multiple retrieval systems at the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). The Gateway searches MEDLINE/PubMed (journal citations, 1966 to present), OLDMEDLINE (journal citations, 1957–1965), LOCATORplus (catalogue records for book, serials, audiovisual materials), MEDLINEplus (consumer-orientated health and drug information), DIRLINE (directory of health organisations), AIDS Meetings (meeting abstracts on AIDS/HIV), Health Services Research Meetings (meeting abstracts on health services research), Space Life Sciences Meetings (meeting abstracts on space life sciences), and HSRProj (health services research projects in progress funded by the US government and private grants and contracts; provides access to information about research before results are available in a published form).

POPLINE (POPulation information onLINE)
Provides worldwide coverage of population, family planning, and related health issues, including family planning technology and programmes, fertility, and population law and policy. In addition, POPLINE focuses on particular developing-country issues including demography, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, maternal and child health, primary health care, communication, and population and environment. The database is produced by the Population Information Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Source Bibliographic database
Provides free access to a unique collection of more than 20,000 records of materials focusing on the management and practice of health and disability in developing countries. References include books, reports, articles, and CD-ROMs held in the Source International Information Support Centre. Details of publisher or distributor of printed materials are given, and a link to the full text of materials available electronically on the Internet. Subject areas include adolescent and child health, disability, diseases and disease control, health communication, HIV/AIDS, information management, poverty and health, primary health care, reproductive and sexual health, training, and more.

The Source database includes what was known as the Healthlink Online database and has been formed from the merger of the resource centres of Healthlink Worldwide and the Centre for International Child Health, in collaboration with Handicap International UK.

Source Contacts database
Allows users to search for organisations – including publishers, distributors, information providers, and training organisations – working in health and disability worldwide. This resource has been used as a valuable networking tool to learn about the activities of other organisations working regionally and internationally.

Source Newsletters and Journals database
Allows users to search information on over 150 newsletters, magazines and journals related to health and disability, which are available free or at low cost to readers in developing countries. Links to the full text of newsletters are included if they are published on the web. This resource provides a rich source of core materials to build up resource centres and to provide up-to-date health information at little cost. It also lists a number of recommended titles available on subscription.

WHOLIS (WHO Library Catalogue)
Catalogues the complete collection of WHO publications, including periodical articles from WHO journals from 1985 to present, and the content of the quarterly bulletin of additions to WHOLIS, called WHODOC. The catalogue also provides access to the WHO collection on international public health and development. References are searchable using NLM’s controlled vocabulary, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).

6.9.7 Image collections on the Internet

Clipart for Health Communication
A reference tool for health communications material development. The artwork in the database includes materials in the Media/Materials Clearinghouse, as well as art sent in from Health Communication Materials Network members from their own project work. Users can search the database, and use the images as models for developing their own illustrations. High-resolution images suitable for reproduction are not distributed. Each item is catalogued noting the producer, artist, country, subject, format (eg colour, black & white, line art, cartoon, photo), etc.

DevArt: Artwork for Development
A collection of copyright-free, downloadable, publication-quality line drawings, drawn by professional artists in Asia and Africa. Access to and use of the artwork is free, but users are asked to credit the original artist.

International Labour Organization (ILO) On-line Photo Library
A database of 1,500 images of developing countries. NGOs, institutions and journalists may search the database on-line and then request high-resolution copies of photographs by e-mail to Béatrice Mann (mann@ilo.org).

Over 3,000 images from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, searchable by country, region, human content (eg ‘parent’, ‘crowd’) or subject (eg ‘nutrition’, ‘forestry’).

Media/Materials Clearinghouse (M/MC)
A single interface for several databases of health communications resources: Mediabank for images of posters and other visual materials; Netlinks for links to websites, listservs and organisations; Photoshare for photographs; POPLINE for the latest documents. Hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.