et al
Publication Date
January 2008
417 - 440 p
This article "reviews interventions that affect maternal and child undernutrition and nutrition-related outcomes. These interventions included promotion of breastfeeding; strategies to promote complementary feeding, with or without provision of food supplements; micronutrient interventions; general supportive strategies to improve family and community nutrition; and reduction of disease burden (promotion of handwashing and strategies to reduce the burden of malaria in pregnancy). (The authors) showed that although strategies for breastfeeding promotion have a large effect on survival, their effect on stunting is small"
The Lancet, Vol 371, Issue 9610
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Disability and community; community; family & caregivers; Education; health education; Health; diseases: non-communicable diseases (NCD); anaemia; issues: malnutrition; issues: maternal and child health; risk factors; systems: health information systems; systems: leadership and governance; Programme/ Project; evaluation