What are we learning about protecting children in the community? An inter-agency review of evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms|Executive summary


Publication Date 

27 p, ill

"Drawing on findings from 60 countries and 160 documents, this executive summary: describes different types of community-based child protection groups; identifies common factors that appear to make groups effective (including community ownership, building on existing resources, children’s participation, links between formal and non-formal systems, and balancing power across groups); looks at examples of scaling up, and ensuring the sustainability both of groups and of positive outcomes for children; sets out six key challenges to maximising the effectiveness of groups; puts forward recommendations to practitioners and donors on how to strengthen community support for children’s protection and wellbeing.
This summary will be of interest to everyone who works in this area - practitioners, policy advisers and donors"
Note: The full report is on the CD-Rom

Regional Focus 


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