Universal design for learning to help all children read: Promoting literacy for learners with disabilities (First Edition)

MORAN, Norma

Publication Date 

November 2018
184 p

Providing evidence-based research and information on effective teaching techniques, the toolkit offers information on how to teach early literacy skills to students with different categories of disabilities, including how to best apply these theoretical approaches in practice in Low- and Moderate- Income Country (LMIC) settings. Although the toolkit provides information on multiple aspects of literacy (grammar, spelling and writing), the techniques and interventions focus on the concept of reading as taught in the early years of primary school.


Specifically, the toolkit describes:

  • the phases of literacy for students with disabilities
  • supports and services that can be used to gain literacy skills
  • specific instructional techniques using the framework of UDL (Universal Design for Learning)
  • suggestions to monitor students’ progress
  • funding practices and suggestions for a phased approach to move towards inclusive education
  • a self-reflection checklist that covers many of the items in the toolkit to help educational systems recognize possible gaps and areas for improvement


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