Translating disability-inclusive WASH policies into practice: lessons from Cambodia and Bangladesh: Study details and reports


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This is a collaborative study between the LSHTM and WaterAid, funded by the Australian Government’s Water for Women Fund. It aims to improve disability-inclusive WASH policymaking in low and middle-income countries through policy and practice guidance for governments wishing to mainstream disability-inclusive WASH at scale. Using Cambodia and Bangladesh as case studies, we answered these research questions:

  • How do Cambodia and Bangladesh’s national WASH policy and guidance incorporate disability?
  • To what extent do sub-national government officials and service providers implement these commitments to disability inclusion?
  • How does this implementation impact the WASH experiences of people with disabilities and their caregivers?

Resources available

This poster gives an overview of the study.

We conducted a policy analysis of Cambodia and Bangladesh’s WASH policies and guidance documents to explore the inclusion of disability. We published a journal article and an accessible briefing note that summarised the article.

We carried out qualitative research in Cambodia and Bangladesh that explored the implementation of commitments to disability inclusion in national policies at the sub-national level. This journal article captures our research in Cambodia, which is summarised in this briefing note. We worked with Epic Arts (an inclusive arts organisation based in Cambodia that uses art to empower and bring people with disabilities together) to develop a performance and two short films about the findings related to 'independence' and 'caregivers'. 

We wrote a research report capturing findings from Bangladesh, which is supplemented by this poster.      

We produced the Disability-Inclusive WASH Checklist for government officials and service providers to support the meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities and caregivers in national policies, guidance documents, and interventions. The Disability-Inclusive WASH Checklist is based on our study findings and co-developed recommendations. Three films introduce the checklist, give an overview of it and show how to complete it. Each film has transcripts (film 1, film 2, film 3).    

Finally, we wrote a Learning Brief, Foundations of success: driving change through successful research collaborations. This brief documents the process the Principal Investigator followed to support and mentor the research team in Cambodia remotely. The Brief captures the strengths and limitations of approaches and learning gained. It includes recommendations for organisations that remotely support non-academics to conduct ethical research in low-and middle-income countries.


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