Publication Date
November 2014
22:05 mins
This video was made with children from Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya in 2014, in the context of a child participation activity within the “Ubuntu Care project: confronting sexual violence against children with disabilities in Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya”, implemented by the NGO Handicap International and its partners. The initiative brought disabled children together to start discussing their experiences and the cameras became an outlet for the children and members of the community to share their stories and raise awareness about important issues about confronting sexual violence against children with disabilities
Note: dialogue is in French with an option for English subtitles
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Cross-cutting; awareness raising; Disability and community; community; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Human rights; freedom from exploitation violence and abuse; Inclusion; participation; Information & knowledge; communication; Programme/ Project; programmes and projects; Research; participatory and community-based participatory research