Publication Date
December 2012
108 p, ill
"This guide describes the Sustainability Analysis Process (SAP), a coordinated planning approach that aims to facilitate the development of a common vision of sustainability among various actors in a system. Specifically, it is a participatory process which outlines how to achieve consensus on a common vision, and how to define sustainability indicators that can be used to monitor progress towards this vision within the context of the national rehabilitation system. Ultimately, the SAP outlined in this guide is a practical tool that can help all actors in a system to understand the various components of sustainability and analyse the concept of sustainability in relation to their own system"
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Development/ Humanitarian; development agencies; sustainable development; Disability and community; organisations of persons with disabilities (ODP); Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Global picture; disability indicators and data; Health; systems: health information systems; systems: service delivery; Politics government and economics; public sector; Programme/ Project; monitoring; stakeholders engagement; Rehabilitation; management (service delivery); Research; disability studies; participatory and community-based participatory research