Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All: Disability Inclusion from Theory to Practice Women’s Integrated Sexual Health 2 Action Project (WISH2ACTION)

BERGER, Gisela
ARESU, Alessandra

Publication Date 

March 2022
170 p

The overall objective of this Guideline is to support project and programme developers, Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) public and private service providers, and advocates to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate inclusive SRH programmes. Realising SRHR for all requires a comprehensive, multi-sectoral, and coordinated approach, involving a range of actors and actions. The Guideline is designed to be a resource on the human rights standards and key principles required to achieve disability inclusion, with more specific guidance available for actors working at different levels of SRH service programming and service delivery. This Guideline is intended primarily to support SRHR actors and practitioners who are active at the local level. The chapters provide relevant background information and refer to selected national and international data. It contains practical recommendations to support implementation and advocacy activities, accompanied by a list of the most relevant resources available on the subject

Regional Focus 


Type of material 

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