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The world health report 2001. Mental health : new understanding, new hope

October 2001

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This report raises awareness of the global burden of mental and neurological disorders, and its cost in human, social and economic terms. It also aims to dismantle the barriers which prevent millions of sufferers of mental and neurological disorders from receiving the treatment they need and deserve. The report describes how mental health problems can be solved (eg. by drug therapy, psycho-social rehabilitation and psychotherapy, vocational rehabilitation, housing), and gives examples of the effectiveness of these treatments for a wide range of mental disorders

AIDS, poverty reduction and debt relief : a toolkit for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS programmes into development instruments

ADEYI, Olusoji
et al
March 2001

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This toolkit adds to the knowledge base to support analysts and decision-makers in their work to mainstream HIV/AIDS as a major item on countries' development agenda, and mobilize the resources needed to expand promising interventions and approaches in the fight against the epidemic. The toolkit offers a unifying framework for analysing HIV/AIDS in the context of PRSPs, as well as examples of how the issue has been treated in the first generation of PRSPs, interim PRSPs and debt relief agreements. It gives country officials and their partners highly relevant information that they can use in developing inputs for similar documents in their own countries. [adapted from Foreword]

Macroeconomics and health : investing in health for economic development. Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health


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This report assesses the place of health in global economic development. Health is understood to be a central goal and an important outcome of development. It is also important to invest in health to promote economic development and poverty reduction. The report suggests a new strategy for investing in health for economic development in the world's poorests countries, based upon a new global partnership of developed and developing countries. Two important initiatives are required: a significant scaling up of resources spent in the health sector by poor countries and donors, and tackling non-financial obstacles, which limit capacity in poor countries to deliver health services

International classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF)


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ICF is a classification of health and health related domains that describe body functions and structures, activities and participation. The domains are classified from body, individual and societal perspectives. Since an individual's functioning and disability occurs in a context, ICF also includes a list of environmental factors

A modern paradigm for improving healthcare quality

et al

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Outlines the principles and frameworks underlying modern quality improvement in healthcare, including the integration of evidence-based medicine in improving clinical quality. Simplifies QI, recognising that this flexible methodology can be applied through a variety of approaches, along a spectrum of increasing complexity. Four applications of QI are described and illustrated with case examples: individual problem solving, rapid team problem solving, systematic team problem solving, and ongoing process improvement. The final section describes a number of useful tools for QI in developing countries.

Model chapter for textbooks : IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness

WORLD HEALTH ORGNIZATION (WHO). Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH)

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A model chapter on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) for textbooks covering the basics of IMCI and the management of infants and children up to five years old. It was created to help authors and editors incorporate the content of IMCI into local and international textbooks and reference books. Before incorporating the chapter into local textbooks, writers should first make the content of the model chapter consistent with the nationally adapted IMCI clinical guidelines. In addition to assisting the revision of textbooks, the model chapter may be used to orient key persons to the IMCI strategy and clinical guidelines

Leading to choices : a leadership training handbook for women


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This handbook is the result of work across three continents and engages the ideas and skills of women and men from a variety of sectors including those from NGOs, scholars, political leaders and development practitioners. It is a tool adaptable to any community, designed to enhance women’s participation and leadership in various spheres of social interaction and decision-making. It is based on the concept that women need to be empowered if they are to achieve their rights, participate in building civil society, and help attain sustainable and equitable development. The handbook seeks to enable the reader to identify for herself and develop the best means to communicate, listen, build consensus, create shared meaning, and foster learning partnerships at work, at home, and in her community. There are twelve workshop sessions in the book, useful for facilitating leadership training sessions but also as a general resource for facilitating any type of meeting. The first part of the book is about ‘Developing the Self for Leadership’, the second concerns ‘Communicating with Others’ and the third is ‘Creating Learning Partnerships’. Appendices contain alternative culture-specific sessions, ideas for alternative lesson and exercise facilitation tactics, and strategies for enhancing communication among workshop participants

HIV/AIDS and human rights : young people in action. A kit of ideas for youth organizations


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This kit presents ideas for youth action on human rights and HIV/AIDS. It consists of four booklets, which cover: basics to get started, public education and peer education, advocacy at local, national and international levels, and care and support issues, as well as a glossary

Universal declaration on cultural diversity


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This Declaration supports cultural diversity, cultural rights and the role of culture in development - as a key component of human rights. It states that "All persons have [...] the right to express themselves and to create and disseminate their work in the language of their choice, and particularly in their mother tongue; all persons are entitled to quality education and training that fully respect their cultural identity; and all persons have the right to participate in the cultural life of their choice and conduct their own cultural practices, subject to respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms"

WHO global strategy for containment of antimicrobial resistance


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This strategy provides a framework of interventions to stimulate the prevention of infection, to slow the emergence of resistance and to reduce the spread of resistant microorganisms, in order to reduce the impact of resistance on health and health care costs, while improving access to existing agents and encouraging the development of new agents

Hepatitis B vaccine introduction : lessons learned in advocacy, communication, and training

January 2001

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Hepatitis B is especially dangerous for infants, since they may carry the infection for the rest of their lives without knowing it. Chronic carriers can infect others and are at risk of serious liver disease in later life. However, the hepatitis B vaccine, if provided, helps protect infants against these problems. The vaccine's introduction to developing countries only began in the late 1980s, but many countries still cannot afford to administer the vaccine to all children. This paper summarises the lessons learned about effective advocacy with decision makers, communication with parents and caretakers, and training health staff regarding hepatitis B, gained from over ten years of experience introducing hepatitis B vaccine worldwide. It also includes the WHO 'aide-memoire' on hepatitis B

AIDS : palliative care

October 2000

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This update explains what palliative is and describes the types of palliative care that are available. It sets out what governments will need to do to ensure effective palliative care is provided for people living with HIV/AIDS

Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition : guidelines for care at the first-referral level in developing countries

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development

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A manual for use by doctors, senior nurses and other senior health workers who are responsible for the care of young children at the first referral level in developing countries. It presents up-to-date clinical guidelines, prepared by experts, for both inpatient and outpatient care in small hospitals where basic laboratory facilities and essential drugs and inexpensive medicines are available. The manual focuses on the inpatient management of the major causes of childhood mortality, such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, severe malnutrition, malaria, meningitis, measles, and related conditions. It is part of a series of documents and tools that support the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition : guidelines for care at the first-referral level in developing countries

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH)

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A manual for use by doctors, senior nurses and other senior health workers who are responsible for the care of young children at the first referral level in developing countries. It presents up-to-date clinical guidelines, prepared by experts, for both inpatient and outpatient care in small hospitals where basic laboratory facilities and essential drugs and inexpensive medicines are available. The manual focuses on the inpatient management of the major causes of childhood mortality, such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, severe malnutrition, malaria, meningitis, measles, and related conditions. It is part of a series of documents and tools that support the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

