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Inclusive participation of persons with disabilities in emergency preparedness and response practice guide

PERTIWI, Praditya
March 2024

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The World Food Programme (WFP) has taken important steps to progress disability inclusion across its programming and operations. In late 2022, WFP commissioned the Nossal Institute, University of Melbourne in partnership with the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia to identify pathways for increasing disability inclusion in WFP’s emergency preparedness and response (EPR) programming.

The study explored WFP’s programming in Indonesia and the Philippines, including WFP’s advisory, technical assistance and service provision roles to government and partners and informed the development of this guide (see appendix 2). As general guidance on disability inclusion is increasingly available, the purpose of this guide is to contextualize disability inclusion in WFP’s emergency preparedness and response programming. The guide builds on core reference materials, such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, 2019. While of wider relevance, this guide is directed at WFP’s EPR programming in Asia and the Pacific.

No tech about us, without us

BANDUDKA, Maryam (GDI hub)
OJOK, Banya (IDA)
September 2023

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Two short talks concerning the centering of assistive technology projects on persons with disabilities and organisation of persons with disabilities (OPD/DPO). The talks are presented by a representative from IDA in India and one from IDA in Uganda. The talks are introduced by Maryam Bandudka of GDI hub. Story telling, the CPRD, communities of practice and advocacy are mentionned


Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.

Seeking information about assistive technology: Exploring current practices, challenges, and the need for smarter systems

CHO, Youngjun
SINGH, Aneesha
BHOT, William
DIXON, Ollie
September 2023

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Assistive technology (AT) information networks are insular among stakeholder groups, causing unequal access to information. Participants often cited fragmented international marketplaces as a barrier and valued info-sharing across industries. Current searches produce biased results in marketplaces influenced by commercial interests and high-income contexts. Smart features could facilitate searching, update centralised data sources, and disseminate information more inclusively.


International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, Volume 177, September 2023, 103078

Embedding vital life skills into education to increase access to life opportunities

DONNELLY, Pete (Wheelchair Skills College)
September 2023

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A short talk given in the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


Difficulties experienced by children who are wheelchair users, both in use of the wheelchair and also in wider society are briefly described. The set up, and some of the associated issues in the set up,  of an organisation to teach wheelchair skills and life skills to wheelchair users is outlined. 


An introduction is given by Dr Tigmanshu Bhatnagar entitled "Innovation: are ecosystems ready to scale for success?"

How Koalaa is aiming to create sustainable access to prosthetics globally

MARSHALL, Niall (Koalaa)
September 2023

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A short talk given in the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


The start up, development and potential progress of a technology company manufacturing upper limb prosthetics is outlined. Pilot projects were set up and that in Sierra Leone is briefly described. It began with developing a network, listening to users comments, redeveloping the product and representing it to users. The challenges of the next step into larger scale manufactuing and supply, following positive outcomes from pilot projects round the world, are outlined. 

Assistive Technology: what’s missing and why aren’t we there already?

September 2023

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A short talk given in the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023


The importance of making accessibility a reality by default is highlighted in the context of business development. Long and short term economics are talked about. Internships and flexibility in job descriptions are highlighted. 

What next for disability innovation; assistive tech build in as the new standard of tech accessibility for all?

September 2023

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A short talk given in the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


The story of the progress in the development and of issues with the roll out of Earswitch is briefly outlined. The particular advantages for people with communication difficulties owing to cerebral palsy, motor neurone disease and locked in syndrome and also the advantages for the general population are highlighted.  Work is being carried out on eye tracking. Difficulties in transitioning to market are discussed.

Can cities be inclusive?

PATRICK, Michaela
September 2023

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5 short talks covering disability inclusivity in cities with speakers from Colombia, Indian, Indonsia and Mongolia. Part of the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions summit of 13 Sep 2023 held by the Global Disability Hub.

Strengthening government systems to empower children via early access to AT

SEGHERS, Fre (Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI))
September 2023

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A short talk in the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference held by GDI hub on 13 Sep 2023

Work required to shape markets for assistive technology for young children is explored including assessing numbers and types of disability, regulations, and community leaders involvement

The impact of corruption on the rights of persons with disabilities

September 2023

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Corruption and discrimination go hand in hand. In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published a report highlighting how corruption and discrimination reinforce each other, leaving marginalized groups with little room to access public services, exercise their human rights, and live their lives with dignity. In this seminar organized by Norad, CMI/U4 and the Atlas Alliance collectively, researchers and DPO representatives discuss research findings and the situation as lived experience for persons with disabilities.

Global Report on Children with Developmental Disabilities: from the margins to the mainstream

September 2023

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This WHO-UNICEF Global Report is a call for action to intentionally include children and young people with developmental disabilities in renewed global and country level efforts to enable transformations towards the SDGs.  It proposes priority actions to accelerate individual-, family-, community-, and society-level changes to achieve inclusion and health equity. The report makes the case for greater investment and accountability to build inclusive and responsive multisectoral care systems for children and young people with developmental disabilities. Using findings from research and practice and guided by the tenets of international human rights conventions, the report provides key insights into the state of knowledge, policy, programming, and public monitoring in respect of developmental disabilities.

Innovative data use: can we learn more from what is already available?

September 2023

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A short talk given at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by GDI hub on 13 Sep 2023.

The use of published datasets on the prevalence of disability is reviewed. The numbers of datasets and their harmonisation is described and the advantages, limitations and opportunities for use are outlined. 

My entrepreneurial journey: as a young person with cerebral palsy

SMITH, Lizzie
September 2023

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A short talk given in the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.

The development of a company who creates children’s picture books to aid the delivery of complex disability and illness-related news to young children (0-5 years old) is outlined. The personal experiences from which the resources were developed are described (the author and company owner has cerebral palsy and has degrees in fine art and pyschology).

Inclusive innovation [at Google]

PATNOE, Christopher
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


A short talk highlighting Inclusive Innovation at Google.


Topics highlighted in the approach taken are: AI; "nothing about us without us"; get started on one thing; this is a process.

Products briefly outlined are: automated captions; real time captions (Google Meet) in 14 languages; interlanguage translation (14 languages); on the phone, live transcribe (80 languages); the ability of the phone to inform deaf people of sounds e.g. laughter, appliances going off; and phone live captioning. 

What fails: and what's not needed, Disability Dongles

HOLLOWAY, Catherine
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


A discussion concerning disability dongles (expensive technical solutions to disability problems without sufficient design input from disabled people - examples include a stair climbing wheelchair and an exoskeleton). Setting up networks of disabled people to input requirements, contextualisation of issues (for example the lack of repair facilities for wheelchairs especially in the global south), telemedicine, and the difficulties in appropriate funding for appropriate projects are discussed.


What works

BELL, Diane
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


Outcomes of the first 5 years of the AT2030 project are summarised including: 15 AT country capacity surveys; 11 new assistive technologies; 31 AT ventures brought to sustainability and 70 journal papers. Funding thus far and for the future is also discussed.

Work to supply hearing aids to those with hearing loss in the global south, particularly in South Africa is outlined. Areas highlighted include: work with suppliers; work to ignite innovation and provide products at scale; work with UNICEF and the procurement catalogue; work with HEARX to provide screening and aid fine tuning via a phone app to enable community health AT service.

Questions from the audience highlight issues surrounding acquiring AT in the emergency/humanitarian setting  

Resisting cooptation of disability justice revolutionary dreams

BROWN, Lydia, X. Z.
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023


A short talk concerning the disability justice framework. The framework was co-created by a coalition of disabled people, mainly of colour and from the LGBT community in 2005-2006.

Topics discussed include: disability rights, institutions, ableism and the wider meaning of disability justice.  

Disability justice and stigma – Pathways to change

PUNEET, Singhal
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


A short talk highlighting disability intersectionality, from personal experience of multiple unseen disabilities, poverty, marginalisation and abuse.

The work of the Global Network of Young Persons with Disabilities is highlighted.

Beyond Barriers: Journeying from Exclusion to Inclusion with R2D2 and NCAHT-IITM

September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


Challenges in the development and bringing to market of functional, affordable, high quality AT devices are outlined. The development of the manual standing wheelchair and the lessons learnt in taking it from prototype to market (using the GRID model) are introduced. The challenges of affordability and of awareness of AT including by professionals is highlighted. The work of the National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies (NCAHT at AIIMS, New Delhi) including experience zones of architectural barriers where people can try wheelchars on different surfaces and realise that disability is imposed by the environment is briefly described. Wheelchair skills training and community outings are part of the centre. Other topics mentioned include: the need to normalise disability; the need for collaborations; funders; scalability; fragmented markets and the need to access global markets 

