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Poverty and corruption

Transparency International

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"Across different country contexts, corruption has been a cause and consequence of poverty. Yet donors and governments still treat poverty and corruption as separate - rather than integral - components of the same strategy, which has undermined the fight against both these obstacles to development"

The Kampala declaration and agenda for global action


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This resource contains both the Kampala declaration and an agenda for global action to "guide the initial steps in a coordinated global, regional and national response to the worldwide shortage and mal-distribution of health workers, moving towards universal access to quality health care and improved health outcomes. It is meant to unite and intensify the political will and commitments necessary for significant and effective actions to resolve this crisis, and to align efforts of all stakeholders at all levels around solutions"

mhGAP mental health gap action programme : scaling up care for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders


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This report presents an action plan to scale up services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders for countries, especially low and lower middle income countries. It describes the mhGAP programme, outlines framework for country action and emphasises the building of partnerships. This resource is useful for people interested in scaling up services for mental health in developing countries

From exclusion to equality : realizing the rights of persons with disabilities.|Handbook for parliamentarians on the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and its optional protocol

BYRNES, Andrew
et al
October 2007

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This handbook is the result of extensive collaboration between the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. It aims to raise awareness about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disseminate information and help stakeholders understand the key elements of the Convention as they put the articles into practice. Extensive insights and a range of examples are designed to aid parliamentarians as they promote and protect the rights of disabled people. It would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights and disability and development. It will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish

The world health report 2007 - a safer future : global public health in the 21st century

World Health Organization (WHO)
August 2007

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"This report dicusses...current challenges to global health secturity and asks: How can a safer future be acheived? It looks at the potential new tools for collective defence, particularly the revised 'International Health Regulations' (2005) which came into force [in 2007]...[It] concludes with recommendations intended to provide guidance and inspiration towards cooperation and transparency in the effort to secrure the highest level of global public health security"

Implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons : the millennium development goals and synergies with other United Nations disability instruments

July 2007

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This report aims to determine the overall efforts being made to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and the potential for synergy with other United Nations mechanisms focusing on the rights of persons with disabilities. It would be useful for anyone with an interest in mainstreaming disability

Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities : its implementation and relevance for the World Bank

GUERNSEY, Katherine
NINIO, Alberto
June 2007

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This paper is a World Bank organisational learning tool designed to provide a review and commentary on the relevance of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The purpose is to assist World Bank staff with supporting implementation activities. The articles that make up this document aim to operationalize World Bank protocols, legal obligations and benchmark specific principles. This practical resource would be useful for those working in the field of disability and development, in particular those working towards legislative reform

Engaging faith-based organizations in HIV prevention : a training mannual for programme managers


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This manual is a capacity-building tool to help policy makers and programmers identify, design and follow up on HIV prevention programmes undertaken by faith-based organisations (FBOs). It can also be used by development practitioners partnering with FBOs to increase their understanding of the role of FBOs in HIV prevention, and to design plans for partnering with FBOs to halt the spread of the virus. The manual explores how religious values and the power of religious leaders to mobilise communities can be used to design effective and sustainable community programmes to address HIV, and it explains how to involve religious leaders in programmes to eliminate the stigma and discrimination often directed to people living with HIV and how to encourage community support and solidarity using the compassionate spirit of religion. It also outlines the key HIV prevention messages that religious leaders can promote and the skills they need to deliver them effectively. The second part of the book is a powerpoint presentation for use by trainers

IASC guidelines for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings


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These guidelines provide information to organisations and individuals on how to respond during humanitarian emergencies by highlighting eleven specific action sheets that offer practical guidance on mental health and psychosocial support. The guidelines include a matrix of interventions with guidance for emergency planning, actions to be taken in the early stages of an emergency, and comprehensive responses needed in the recovery and rehabilitation phases. This resource is gives humanitarian actors useful inter-agency, inter-sectoral guidance and tools for responding effectively in the midst of emergencies

Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and optional protocol

December 2006

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The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities acknowledges their rights to education, health, work and more. It provides a platform for action and activitism on inclusion and equity in countries which ratify and strive to implement it

Working with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights : a handbook for NGOs

October 2006

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This handbook was created to provide NGOs with an extensive, user-friendly, online document that would help provide an effective entry point to navigate OHCHR policies and human rights mechanisms. Each chapter focuses on a range of relevant topics, including, but not limited to: an overview of the OHCHR; field presence and country engagement; human rights council; and treaty bodies. This resource would be useful to anyone interested in organisational policy, human rights and development projects

The UN study on violence against children

PINHEIRO, Paulo Sérgio
August 2006

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This study provides an understanding of the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of different forms of violence against children (physical, psychological, and sexual), taking into account five main settings in which violence takes place - the family, schools, care and residential institutions as well as detention facilities and prisons, in work situations, and in communities and on the streets. A range of cross cutting issues are featured including trafficking and exploitation, refugees, separated and internally displaced children, and children affected by HIV

Protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual violence in disaster and emergency situations

DELANEY, Stephanie
March 2006

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"This manual is about how to protect children from sexual violence and sexual exploitation, specifically in disaster and emergency situations. It is not intended to be an academic report but instead is a practical guide that we hope will be of use to people working directly in the field. The aim is to provide fundamental information to assist personnel working in emergency situations in responding to protect children, in terms of what can be done before disaster strikes (which might be called ‘mitigation’ efforts), in the immediate aftermath (the ‘response’) and in the longer term reconstruction phase (sometimes called the ‘recovery’). We have also included recommended actions and key considerations to be taken into account in the event of sexual violence or sexual exploitation"

A guide to fundraising

HAYES, Ernest
ALIN, Fadumo
February 2006

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A brief and very accessible guide to fundraising, primarily developed for NGOs and project managers. Fundraising is an essential component of an organisation's strategic management and its professional profile. The document discusses the three processes involved in fundraising, the process of professionalism (establishing an organisation), the planning of a project and finding money for the project

Graduating the poorest into microfinance : linking safety nets and financial services

February 2006

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This note presents general microfinance information and explores issues surrounding the debate about whether or not microfinance actually reaches the poorest at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale. Links between safety net programmes and microfinance programmes are highlighted through case studies. This note is useful for people interested in microfinance issues in developing countries

Child protection policies and procedures toolkit

March 2005

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This toolkit outlines and explores some of the key principles and issues relevant to child protection, as well as outlining the steps that are needed in order to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate child protection policies and procedures. It is a practical learning tool and set of resources for non-governmental / civil society organisations, in particular those in developing countries, working with children. However, the tools and techniques included here could also be applied to private / commercial and government sector organisations

