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Continuum of care for HIV-positive women accessing programs to prevent parent-to-child transmission : findings from India

MAHENDRA, Vaishali S
et al

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This is the report of a diagnostic study in 2005 to provide an evidence base to strengthen the national Indian prevention of parent-to-child transmission (PPTCT) initiative. The key research questions were: What are the treatment, care, and support needs of HIV-positive women and what services do the women utilize to meet their needs? What are the different ways (clinic-based, community-based, etc) to link HIV-positive women and their families with treatment and care services? The study indicated that linkages between PPTCT and HIV care services, as well as PPTCT and reproductive health services, were limited

Focus on pricing policies : EMRO ministers confront high prices


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The focus of this edition of HAI and WHO's bulletin for medicines prices surveys is a meeting of the regional committee of the WHO's Eastern Mediterranean region (EMRO) at which the results of 11 medicines pricing surveys carried out in the region were compared and discussed and it was decided to share information regionally

Democratic dialogue : a handbook for practitioners

PRUITT, Bettye
THOMAS, Philip

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In acknowledging the important role dialogue processes can play in advancing peace, human development and democratic governance, a number of organisations came together to develop this methodological tool. It's aim is to help dialogue practitioners carry out their work in a more systematised way. This handbook is also available in Spanish

Sound choices : enhancing capacity for evidence-informed health policy

GREEN, Andrew

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This review addresses a mismatch between what is known about how to respond to particular health problems in poor economies and what is actually done about them. It focuses on one cause of the problems that ensue from the mismatch -capacity constraints. Weak capacity at a number of levels in the institutions and interfaces between knowledge generation and use in policy-making has been identified by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) as a key strategic issue in addressing health care in low-income countries

Health and the MDGs : the challenges ahead

CHAN, Margaret

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Although there has been much progress towards meeting the three of the eight Millennium Development Goals relating to health, there are still considerable inequalities to be overcome if they are to be met by 2015. The Director General of the World Health Organization sees the need to improve access to essential medicines as one of major challenges

As it is|Research findings on the knowledge, attitude, practice and access to HIV and AIDS information and services amongst persons with disability


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This report presents a research study that scientifically gathered information concerning the knowledge, attitude and practice among people with disabilities in areas surrounding HIV and AIDS. The study used primary and secondary data, collecting the primary data through both qualitative and quantitative methods. The research was conducted in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Thika. The study confirms that persons with disabilities need special focus in the fight against HIV and AIDS pandemic in Kenya, and recommends mainstreaming disability issues at the national level. The findings of this study are useful to guide the planning and implementation of HIV prevention and management programmes for people with disabilities in Kenya

Drinking and driving : a road safety manual for decision makers and practitioners

et al

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"The purpose of this manual is to inform readers of practical ways to develop coordinated and integrated programmes to reduce drinking and driving (including riding motorcycles) within a country. The manual is aimed at addressing drinking and driving among drivers. Commercial drivers are an especially important group to address in terms of drinking and driving because of the large number of passengers they can carry and/or the number of kilometres they are likely to travel. While impaired pedestrians are acknowledged as a problem, this issue is not addressed here.
The manual is aimed at policy-makers and practitioners, and draws on experience from countries that have succeeded in reducing drinking and driving. It provides the background evidence to start a drinking and driving programme, and takes the user through the steps needed to undertake a problem assessment in a country. It then explains how to plan and implement a programme, including setting up a working group, developing a plan, examples of laws and enforcement needed, how to develop public education and publicity campaigns, and finally how to evaluate the programme.
In developing this manual the authors have drawn on case studies from around the world to illustrate "good practice". Examples from low and middle-income countries are given wherever possible, but it is a reflection on the lack of attention given to the issue in many countries that most examples are from highly motorized countries"

Practical guide on road safety : a toolkit for National Red Cross


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This practical guide "is intended as a summary of road safety problems and solutions worldwide. It also describes the activities of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the field of road safety and suggests possible improvements. In addition, the toolkit includes 20 recommendations that can be undertaken by the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies"

Community advocates training manual : the HIV/AIDS prevention project for vulnerable youth in northern Nigeria


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"The Community Advocates training manual is a curriculum developed by Population Council, Nigeria under the HIV Prevention Project for Vulnerable Youth in Northern Nigeria funded by USAID/Nigeria. The curriculum was developed as a tool for training community advocates to conduct advocacy activities on the issues of early marriage, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. The curriculum is developed on the premise that community representatives can speak out on issues concerning their lives and community, if given the necessary skills"

Let's talk about HIV counselling and testing : facilitators' guide

International HIV/AIDS Alliance
December 2006

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This is a toolkit to help NGOs and community-based organisations working to mobilise communities to improve their awareness of HIV counselling and testing and to improve the up-take of HIV counselling and testing; advocating for increased access to quality HIV counselling, testing, care, treatment and prevention; or interested in providing HIV counselling and testing services. It is divided into eight sections: What is HIV and what is AIDS?; what is involved in HIV counselling and testing; who is providing these services in the community and who they are for; the advantages and barriers of counselling and testing; stigma, discrimination and confidentiality; the needs of people after being tested and ideas for community activities. Each section has an accompanying information sheet

Our future : sexuality and life skills education for young people. Grades 4-5

December 2006

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To help support young people, the Government of Zambia has a comprehensive strategy for sexual and reproductive health and HIV education in and out of school. This is the first in a series of three books which focus on young people of different ages. Each book contains learning activities and illustrations, which engage young people in understanding themselves and their world. They reflect on the virtues and skills needed to develop caring and loving relationships, make good decisions, solve problems and seek help. The topics and activities are designed to fit into the national curriculum or to be used in extra curricula activities in or out of school. The books are accompanied by a Teachers’ Guide

Time to talk : a guide to family life in the age of AIDS

December 2006

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A handbook to enable church members and communities to discuss family life and sex in the context of the global AIDS epidemic. It contains role plays, games, quizzes, discussions, Bible studies and other participatory exercises. The contents are designed to help men and women examine the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that can spread HIV and, if necessary, make changes in their own lives and communities

Re-enablement of the neurologically impaired hand - 2 : surgical correction|Report of a surgical workshop held at Green Pastures Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, November 2004, Pokhara, Nepal

December 2006

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"In this paper, the common surgical procedures (of neuropathic conditions of the hand) are discussed. The procedures for uncomplicated neurologically impaired hand with paralysis of ulnar, median or radial nerve paralysis will be discussed first, followed by surgical interventions for the impairments that may have developed secondary to the paralysis or the surgery. Recommendations for best practice and further research will be given"
Leprosy Review, Vol 77, Issue 4

The relationship between detection delay and impairment in leprosy control : a comparison of patient cohorts from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

VAN VEEM, Natasja H J
MEIMA, Abraham
December 2006

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"It is acknowledged that longer delays between first symptoms and diagnosis result in increased impairment in newly detected leprosy patients. However, it is unclear whether detection delay in relation to impairment can be used as a general or absolute performance indicator of leprosy control programmes. It is unknown whether similar delays always result in similar proportions of impairment. Therefore, the present study examined the quantitative relationship between delay and impairment in two different patient populations"
Leprosy Review, Vol 77, Issue 4

Ethical infrastructure for good governance in the public pharmaceutical sector

November 2006

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This paper focuses on the values approach for promoting ethical practices in the governance and management of pharmaceuticals within ministries of health. It recognises the need to coordinate and integrate such endeavours with existing legislative efforts to establish a legal framework and ethical infrastructure that adequately address the problem of corruption within the context of each country. The paper is a working draft for field testing and revision

Breaking barriers : effective communication for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010

October 2006

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This report is a review of the communication challenges to HIV prevention, treatment and care. It acknowledges the existence of multiple informal responses but sees a need for them to be strengthened and supported through a renewed emphasis on communication for social change and a greater understanding of existing cultural and social responses. It makes a number of recommendations to maximise the role of communication in support of universal access by 2010

