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Infertility : why can’t we classify this inability as disability?

SINGH, Satendra

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"Disability is a complex phenomenon. It reflects an interaction between features of a person's body and features of the society in which he or she lives. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), lays stress on the functional as well as the structural problem of a person. All the definitions of disability also include the disorders of the reproductive and endocrine system. So infertility and impotency should also be included in the category of disability. It affects the participation in areas of life and can have a disabling affect on an individual"
Australian Medical Journal, Vol 5, No 6

Disability and health related rehabilitation in international disaster relief

LI, Jianan
et al
August 2011

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Natural disasters result in significant numbers of disabling impairments. Paradoxically, however, the traditional health system response to natural disasters largely neglects health-related rehabilitation as a strategic intervention. The objective was to examine the role of health-related rehabilitation in natural disaster relief along three lines of inquiry: (1) epidemiology of injury and disability, (2) impact on health and rehabilitation systems, and (3) the assessment and measurement of disability. A qualitative literature review and secondary data analysis were carried out. 


Global Health Action 

Psychological first aid : guide for field workers


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"This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people in a position to help others who have experienced an extremely distressing event. It gives a framework for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities. Despite its name, psychological first aid covers both social and psychological support"

Including disabled children in psychosocial programmes in areas affected by armed conflict

EUWEMA, Mathijs

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"Children with disabilities are more vulnerable to violence, as well as more likely to experience psychosocial problems in situations of armed conflict than children with no disabilities. All children who live in conflict affected areas have the same rights to psychosocial support, as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the case of disabled children, additionally the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, children with disabilities are often overlooked in psychosocial programmes. In this article, the authors examine the reasons behind this observed exclusion and suggest ways to increase the participation of children with disabilities"
Intervention, Vol 8, No 1

Supporting persons living with trauma by rebuilding social and community links : an example of a community-based mental health approach after the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis

PHAN, Xuan
November 2009

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This report provides an overview of the lessons learned from a Handicap International community-based mental health project for children and adolescents experiencing psychological suffering after the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis. It highlights successes and limitations of the project, as well as recommendations for the project’s continuation. This report would be of interest to mental health practitioners, mental health service providers and community mental health organisations

Psychosocial counselling and social work with clients and their families in the Somali context : a facilitator’s guide

November 2009

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This handbook is "designed to be used as training support handbook for helping professionals in the Somali context. The focus is on psychosocial needs for the rehabilitation of persons with trauma, mental health related forms of distress and those who have experienced gender based violence and gender related abuses. The guidelines, developed within a UNHCR funded programme in Somalia, are intended to assist staffs, who are concerned with providing protection and assistance to refugees and IDP"

A handbook for network support agents and other community workers supporting HIV prevention, care, support and treatment

March 2009

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This manual is intended to help network support agents and other community workers be more effective in disseminating standardised information about HIV and AIDS. It "...emphasises the importance of the acquisition of knowledge, skills and the right attitude needed to identify the psychosocial needs of people of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and address these needs by giving information, counselling and appropriate referrals. Knowledge of counselling and psychosocial care, is combined as much as possible with prevention activities such as adopting HIV basic care positive prevention and adherence to treatment"

Future sight loss UK (2) : an epidemiological and economic model for sight loss in the decade 2010 to 2020

REIDY, Angela

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This report provides estimates of the numbers of persons that were likely to have age-related macular disease, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma at two points in time 2010 and 2020. Estimates of the baseline and cumulative costs to society of the prevailing health and social care provision and support in that time frame are provided using a cost of illness approach from the societal perspective. Useful figures and tables are provided to present the results

Introduction to child protection in emergencies : an interagency modular training package|Child protection in emergencies training and resource CD : psychosocial module


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This document is the psychosocial module of the Introduction to Child Protection in Emergencies and Interagency Modular Training Package. This module is divided into the following sections:
Part 1 presents a background to psychosocial issues including the overall impact of emergencies on psychosocial well-being, psychosocial effects of emergencies on children, and legal framework and advocacy activities.
Part 2 intervention planning presents psychosocial programming principles and priority activities, and co-ordination and sector support.
Part 3 psychosocial programming presents addressing basic services and security developing community and family supports, focused supports, and referrals to specialised services
This comprehensive document will be of particular interest to NGOs, DPOs, international and national bodies and anyone else interested in child protection and psychosocial work with children and their families
Note: The core resources for this module are the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings and the key interventions of the Sphere Handbook (2004) Standard for Mental and Social Aspects of Health

Disability among clients attending Taif Rehabilitation Centre, Saudi Arabia

AL-SHEHRI, Abdul-Salam A

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This is a cross-sectional study of hospital records of people who were admitted to Rehab Armed Forces Rehabilitation Center, Taif, Saudi Arabia from 1999- 2005. Eight hundred and fifty records were reviewed. Data were collected on age, sex, nationality, data of admission and discharge and type of disability. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed to determine predictors of long stay at the hospital. Trauma as an etiology of disability was more common than non-traumatic incidents among male and middle aged clients (16-45 years). Traumatic accidents mostly result in quadriplegia (72.8%). Male, single, less than 45 years old, people with traumatic accidents and people with paralytic types of disability were significantly more likely to stay longer at the hospital. Home care programme should be expanded to minimize duration of stay at the rehabilitation centres. Health education of the public would help in encouraging disabled people to adapt to daily life activities.

The medical peace work textbook


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This textbook provides an introduction to medical peace work and includes chapters relating to human rights; the causes and health effects of war and violent conflict; how health workers can promote peace-building and reconstruction; and the health and well-being needs of refugees and immigrants. The book is aimed at doctors, nurses, public health workers and other health professionals, and students. This e-textbook is part of an online course on Medical Peace Work. The book can be consulted, downloaded, or printed for free without registering for the course

Essential skills for mental health care

RAZI, Emma
September 2007

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This manual has been designed to provide essential information to mental health professionals to help provide good, safe care to people with mental ill health. The initial chapters provide an introduction to mental health and the later chapters and the appendices will be of more use to experienced health professionals who prescribe medicine

Language impairment and sexual assault of girls and women : findings from a community sample

et al

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"This study reports on a community sample of children with speech or language impairment, followed to age 25. Sexual assault history was assessed based on two questions from the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Posttraumatic Stress Disorder module. Women with language impairment (n = 33) were more likely than women with unimpaired language (n = 59) to report sexual abuse/assault, controlled for socioeconomic status. Sexual assault was associated with higher rates of psychiatric disorders and poorer functioning. Women with neither language impairment nor a history of sexual assault had fewer psychiatric disorders and higher functioning than women with language impairment and/or a history of sexual assault"
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol 35, No 4

Children's transition to school : learning and health outcomes. Research study summary report

et al

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"The aim of the study was to look at how children responded to the experience of starting school and how they had adapted after six months of the start of their first term. In total, one hundred and five children (53 boys and 52 girls) and one of their parents signed up for the study. In addition, 76 teachers agreed to take part and provide information relating to adjustment to school. The first issue that we explored was that of physical stress responses of children before, during and after starting school, which we measured by collecting saliva samples in the morning and evening at specific time points throughout the study. Secondly, we set out to look at the relationship between these responses and children’s behaviour, on their ability to learning and on their physical health (common cold and flu)"

Understanding the challenge ahead : Executive summary report

TRANI, Jean-Francois

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This report outlines a series of reports in the National Disability Survey in Afghanistan (NDSA) undertaken by Handicap International on behalf of the government of Afghanistan. The NDSA aims to bridge the knowledge gap regarding the numbers, health, educational and employment situation, livelihoods and social integration of Afghans with disabilities. The Executive summary report presents a brief view of the methodology and results of the NDSA. The first section discusses the methods and field realities. The other sections discuss health, education, livelihood and employment in more detail

HIV and young children : an annotated bibliography on psychosocial perspectives

SHERR, Lorraine
February 2005

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This annotated bibliography offers a practical guide to the content of the references which informed the literature review presented in BVLF Working Paper 33 (Young Children and HIV/AIDS: Mapping the Field). It is intended to help readers who want to go deeper into the issues and explore the original source material. The bibliography presents the references - mostly to peer-reviewed medical or psychology journals - under subject headings such as "disclosure", "interventions", "parentless children", "social development", and more

Looking with a disability lens at the disaster caused by the tsunami in South East Asia

OOSTERS, Barbara

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Disabled people are likely to feel the negative impact of a crisis more than other citizens. Their ability to cope and survive may be completely dependent on others, and the capacity of any family to support its disabled members is keenly tested. Anecdotal evidence from acute emergencies suggests that disabled people suffer particularly high rates of mortality and morbidity. In addition to those who were disabled before the onset of the crisis, many more become disabled

Mental health assistance to the populations affected by the Tsunami in Asia


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People affected by a catastrophe like the tsunami of 26 December 2004 are exposed to extreme stressors which represent risks to mental health. It is estimated that the tsunami caused an increase in mental disorders of between five and ten per cent. This document describes the types of mental health problems which are found in the tsunami-affected area and makes recommendations for interventions

Helping children after a disaster


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A short fact-sheet for parents to alert them to the signs that their child might be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder following a disaster

