This paper is based on a three-year research programme undertaken in India, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. It examines the links between disability, poverty and mobility; mobility and access needs; current international accessibility practices; and the demonstration projects themselves. It concludes with a progressive framework describing the basic transition that has been observed in transition and developing countries with regard to the development of responses to access and mobility needs of passengers with disabilities
The HEARD website contains a wealth of resources related to specific HIV/AIDS interventions and prevention methods to be targeted at different groups (eg agricultural workers, the mining industry). The 28 AIDS Briefs offer sector-specific guidelines and responses for those involved in various professional, commercial and industrial endeavours. Check-lists are a standard feature, enabling operatives to plot their progress against requirements unique to their sphere of activity, and suggesting innovative approaches. There are also 11 sector specfic toolkits, seven of which are aimed at government ministries. There is also a quarterly newsletter "Heard All About It" and AIDS Analysis Africa, a bi-monthly publication that serves to analyse the impact of the AIDS epidemic on organizations, business and the economy, with a focus on Africa
This website is a network of organisations and individuals committed to improving access, mobility and economic opportunity for poor and disabled people in developing countries. A key element of the website, is the Opinion's Fair, which is designed to promote dialogue in developing countries by providing an online forum. The website also features resources, postings and "networked research" on: advocacy, governance, interactive dissemination and strategy. This website would be useful for anyone with an interest in rural transport, accessibility, poverty alleviation and disability and development
Rural Transport News is IFRTD's regular newsletter. Each issue explores a particular theme related to rural transport from the perspective of IFRTD's members.
This website provides a global guide for the disabled traveller by providing practical information about disability parking tools. This resource would be useful to anyone practical interested in information for disabled travelers
Access Exchange International (AEI) is a non-governmental organization which promotes accessible public transport for persons with disabilities and seniors in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Russia and eastern Europe. This website provides information about AEI, their publications and newsletters, and links to other related resources. This resource is useful to people who are interested in accessible public transport
"WHO works with partners - governmental and nongovernmental - around the world to raise the profile of the preventability of road traffic injuries and promote good practices related to helmet and seat-belt wearing, not drinking and driving, not speeding and being visible in traffic." This website describes global and national road safety initiatives, and provides links to related publications, multimedia, and events. It is useful to anyone interested in road traffic injuries and road safety
This is an international web site designed by and for people with disabilities, which is devoted entirely to accommodation and leisure venues which are accessible to people with disabilities. The web site is BrowseAloud enabled and presents information on accessible tourism and venues from around the world, as well as details of global organisations and information regarding equipment rental and repair. Additionally there is information for tourism providers. Users can also access self-assessment forms and surveys on accessible holidays and accessible transport