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Health and Development Initiative - India


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This website looks at issues relating to health programmes in India, in particular the popularisation of the Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) strategy amongst health care providers and Indian public. The site contains a variety of online resources, including training courses for health workers, conference reports, World TB Day toolkits, surveys looking at the implementation of public health policies in India, an HIV/AIDS guide, and the newsletter "TB News from India"

AFRO barometer : a comparative series of national public attitude surveys on democracy, markets and civil society in Africa

Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA)
Center for Democracy and Development, (CDD-Ghana)
Michigan State University (MSU)

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Afrobarometer is a state-of-the-art research survey that measures the social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa. Afrobarometer surveys are conducted in more than a dozen countries. Because there are a standard set of questions, countries can be systematically compared and, ultimately, trends in public attitudes can be tracked over time. Each survey collects data about individual attitudes and behavior. Surveys have been done on democracy, governance, livelihoods, macro-economics and markets, social capital, crime, participation and national identity

Demographic and health surveys :Measure DHS

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The purpose of this website is to provide the information to support effective planning, monitoring, and evaluation of population, health, and nutrition programmes. The aim is to further understanding on global populations and health trends. The surveys conducted are designed to provide the following services: data collection and analysis; collaboration and coordination; dissemination and data use; and capacity building. This website would be useful for anyone interested in demography, health and nutrition development

Washington group on disability statistics


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"The Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) is a United Nations (UN) City Group commissioned to improve the quality and international comparability of disability measurement in Censuses and surveys." This website provides the WG's background, objectives, meetings, documents, and short set of questions. This website is useful to anyone interested in disability and statistics

Washington group on disability statistics : short set of questions


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This section of the Washington Group's website provides the internationally comparable short set of questions on disability for use on national censuses for gathering information about limitations in basic activities in national populations. The related protocols for implementing tests of the short set are also provided. This resource is useful for anyone interested in disability and statisitics

Evaluation and research database (ERD)


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"UNICEF is committed to the dissemination of lessons learned. This database contains abstracts and full text reports of evaluations, studies and surveys related to UNICEF programes that are in compliance with UNICEF Evaluation Report Standards. Reports from 2000 onwards are available in this database and can be sorted by country, by region, by theme or by date"

Zero project : for a world without barriers

World Future Council

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The Zero Project advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities internationally, and its mission is working for a world with zero barriers. The project's website is based on social media and is an interactive platform for anyone who is interested in Social Indicators, Innovative Practice and Innovative Policy examples in the field of disability. It aims to highlight the best solutions for creating change for the better. Information is also provided about the project, related conferences, resources and latest news

ICF education


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A web portal for the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) education materials. The portal is for sharing resources as well as for finding materials, and resources are available in a variety of languages including English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Finnish

