This article suggests that many pharmaceutical companies and governments are reluctant to publicise the problem of counterfeit medicines to health staff and the public. It recommends mandatory reporting to governmental authorities, which should have a legal duty to investigate, issue appropriate public warnings, and share information across borders
[Author's abstract]: This paper explores and analyses the characteristics of the different stakeholders and their roles in influencing and achieving the objectives of CBR projects. Documentation of CBR projects in Southern Africa has been reviewed. Ten projects out of the more than 30 projects identified were studied. For these ten CBR projects, the stakeholders have been identified, and the objectives of the project have been analysed. Subsequently, the objectives of the project have been related to the interventions made by the different stakeholders involved, and the role of the Intermediate Local Supervisor or Rehabilitation Technician is emphasised. In the projects studied, this cadre played a dominant role in CBR as the most decentralised and community-oriented rehabilitation worker. In fact, CBR appears to rely completely on the involvement of this type of rehabilitation worker. It is concluded that, with such a strong emphasis on this cadre, and its inclusion in a professional rehabilitation system, the influence of other stakeholders (i.e. the non-professional stakeholders) stays unfocused
This paper explores the benefits for improving the organisational effectiveness of development agencies of person-to-person and organisation-to-organisation relationships, as a way of learning
This publication is in three parts: Part 1 is a short book that describes the generic partnering process from inception to conclusion. Part 2 is in the form of ‘stand alone’ tools to enable practitioners to develop effective partnerships. Part 3 includes more information about the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the issues around food fortification and case studies selected to be locally appropriate for each of the different language versions
"This book is about how people and organisations from very different backgrounds can work together in an increasingly complex political, social and economic environment.... "[It] puts forward a framework for designing multi-stakeholder processes (MSPs), aiming to contribute to the advancement of such mechanisms as will produce practical solutions. MSPs seem a promising path, both around (inter)governmental processes and independent of them"
The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is a network of interested parties from international agencies and institutions working together to provide better access to education in the aftermath of emergencies. This website describes the main purpose of INEE and features information about their members and task groups. It also provides informative sections on knowledge and capacity, policy and coordination, links to events on education matters, and related resources
This paper explores how to improve the use of indicators to more effectively compare CBR programmes at national and international levels. It is noted that there is a wide variation in the indicators used by CBR programmes in different countries and even amongst different projects in the same country which makes it difficult to compare the effectiveness of programmes. The paper presents the indicator results of participants' discussions when divided into two groups to analyse the possible indicators for CBR programmes - one group focused upon the major participants of CBR programmes and the second group focused upon different sectors involved in CBR programmes. It recommends that the indicators identified need to be field tested to gauge their effectiveness. This paper would be useful for anyone involved in the preparation, delivery or evaluation of CBR programmes
The African Network for Evidence-to-Action on Disability (AfriNEAD) facilitates networking among researchers, persons with disability, government representatives, business and civil society within the African region as well as with international communities to ensure that research contributes to a better quality of life for people with disabilities in Africa. This website contains information about its network, symposia, discussions, research and resources. Links are also provided to archives and related websites
This is a learning space for people and organisations from the public, not-for-profit and private sectors which offers information to support problem solving when working in a multi-stakeholder group. The site contains strategy tools, to help approach issues and work with other stakeholders more effectively, and programme tools, for responding to specific, substantive problems by learning what works and what does not work in a given area (e.g. housing, health, education, etc.)