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Sustaining livelihoods across the rural-urban divide : changes and challenges facing the Beja pastoralists of north eastern Sudan


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This paper examines the transformation of the Beja livelihood system in recent years in response to changing external circumstances, and charts how coping mechanisms have evolved to become adaptive strategies. In particular, the paper examines the abandonment of mobility and the migration of Beja pastoralists to urban centres in Halaib Province itself and to Port Sudan, and analyses the evolution of Beja livelihoods in the city and the nature and the extent of the linkages that people maintain with the rural areas. A brief critique of international development support to Beja pastoralists after the major droughts in the 1980s is given, followed by a presentation of a number of key policy options, arising from the analysis, which merit consideration by the development community

Prajateerpu : a citizens jury. Scenario workshop on food and farming futures for Andhra Pradesh, India


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Prajapeertu ('people's verdict') was devised as a means of allowing the people most affected by the Andhra Pradesh government's Vision 2020 for food and farming to shape a vision of their own. The members of the jury, drawn from communities of small and marginal farmers, interrogated a range of witnesses including representatives from the Government of AP, a transnational agrochemical company, NGOs, universities and government advisory panels and compared alternative development models for the rural economy. They rejected land consolidation, displacement of rural people, contract farming, GM crops, and mechanisation, all of which formed part of Vision 2020, and instead called for self-reliance and community control over resources and recognition of local knowledge and institutions. The report covers the methodology and implementation of, and rationale behind, deliberative democracy and citizen empowerment, and how these processes can be used to further political change, human rights, social justice, and empowerment. [Publisher's abstract]

Agricultural knowledge and information systems in Kenya : implications for technology dissemination and development

REES, David
et al
July 2000

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This paper reports on a study of agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS) undertaken by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and the Ministry of Agriculture. Field research was conducted in four districts of Kenya, including high-potential and pastoral areas, to document and assess the significance of different actors and organisations as potential uptake/dissemination pathways for agricultural technologies, and to consider ways to improve the performance of the knowledge and information systems in the districts. Databases of the organisations, institutions and actors involved in agriculture in the four districts were compiled, and a series of participatory and rapid appraisal exercises were carried out with people concerned with agriculture in selected sub-locations and divisions within each district

Reasons for resiliency : toward a sustainable recovery after Hurricane Mitch


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This report presents the methods and findings of an action research effort to measure and compare the impact of Hurricane Mitch on conventionally and agroecologically farmed lands in Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. The project included farmers, promoters and local organizations as full partners in the research process, from beginning to end, and was designed to stimulate reflection and action based upon the lessons learned

Monitoring and evaluating stakeholder participation in agriculture and rural development projects : a literature review

KARL, Marilee

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This article reviews the current literature on the subject, and also highlights three key methodological issues to be addressed: how to assess the degree and quality of participation; how to measure the costs and benefits of participation to the stakeholders involved; and how to assess the impact of that participation on desired project outputs, project performance and sustainability. An annotated bibliography is also provided

Agricultural information sources

CARTER, Isabel
September 1999

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The research explored information sources used and preferred by grassroots farmers. Agriculture was selected because there is even less printed material available for farmers than, for example, for health workers. There was a particular interest in discovering the views of farmers about their access to and use of printed information. This is a summary of DFID Education Research paper no 31 (see related record)

The role of international organisations and non-governmental organisations in information support for agricultural policy formulation in Kenya : study report

OWINO, Frederick
June 1999

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Describes the roles of NGOs and international organisations in supporting the production, communication and use of information for agricultural policy formulation in Kenya. Identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the current process, and ends with proposals for the future, to support the links between research and analysis, and among farmers, researchers and decision makers

Locally generated printed materials in agriculture : an experience from Uganda and Ghana

CARTER, Isabel

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This report examines the usefulness of locally generated information material to (near-) subsistence level farmers in Uganda and Ghana. It questions the assumption that non-literate farmers do not benefit from information material and shows the variety of vectors and strategies that communities use to disseminate new knowledge. It examines the conventional theoretical and practical bases for the provision of information and contrasts these with practice at community level. The starting point for the report is a survey of Footsteps readership by Tearfund. Footsteps is a widely disseminated newsletter on community development, aimed at near-subsistence level farmers. It seeks to provide farmers with printed agricultural information in their own language and appropriate for their situation

The internet and rural and agricultural development : an integrated approach


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Discusses the potential benefits of using the Internet for rural / agricultural development. Contextualises the growth of the internet in development initiatives and addresses the potential of the internet in specific areas, eg community development, research/education, small and medium enterprise development, and news media. Finallly, identifies several areas of best practice to guide effective use of the internet. Recommends engaging intermediary agencies involved in (project support, research, extension, health etc) in internet initiatives, as well as stakeholders and intended beneficiaries. Warns against the widening information gap between haves and have-nots

Voices of the poor : poverty and social capital in Tanzania


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This study explores the usage of participatory methods for policy research by comparing and contrasting these findings with those from more conventional household consumption and expenditure surveys. It shows how using these measures leads to different conclusions about the causes and nature of poverty. The study goes on to discuss the concept of social capital at the local level, providing quantifiable evidence that village-level social capital (defined as membership in groups with particular characteristics) significantly affects household welfare

Effects of HIV/AIDS on farming systems in Eastern Africa


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A detailed account of a UNDP-funded study in three eastern African countries of the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural populations, their livelihoods and their farming systems. Considers direct and indirect costs, and the impact on the transmission of knowledge about farming

Communication case studies for the water supply and sanitation sector

August 1993

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This publication presents eight case studies that demonstrate that effective and sustainable action depends on changes in people; those who make and influence decisions about development priorities and at village level those who change their everyday lives. The cases show that these changes depend on effective communication efforts. They also demonstrate that communication is more than just information, it is a two-way process involving asking and listening

