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Telemedicine project in district village of Andhra Pradesh

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A report on a telemedicine project in the remote hamlet of Andhra Pradesh. Using ISDN and VSAT lines, the village was connected to hospitals in Hyderabad and Chennai, bringing tertiary care to the villagers and making key specialists available to them. Although not a financial success, the popularity of the project means that the organisers want to extend the scheme further

The International Forum for Rural Transport and Development (IFRTD)

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This website is a network of organisations and individuals committed to improving access, mobility and economic opportunity for poor and disabled people in developing countries. A key element of the website, is the Opinion's Fair, which is designed to promote dialogue in developing countries by providing an online forum. The website also features resources, postings and "networked research" on: advocacy, governance, interactive dissemination and strategy. This website would be useful for anyone with an interest in rural transport, accessibility, poverty alleviation and disability and development

Rural Transport News

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Rural Transport News is IFRTD's regular newsletter. Each issue explores a particular theme related to rural transport from the perspective of IFRTD's members.

