The impact of siblings' death on the nutrition status of children in Peru MEER, Kees de et al December 1992
Household dietary adequacy and individual nutrition status: relationships and seasonal effects in a Sahelian community in Chad BEGIN France et al December 1992 Expand view
Urban-rural comparisons of nutrition status in the third world ATKINSON, Sarah J December 1992 Expand view
The impact of maternal work status on the nutrition and health status of children ABBI, R et al 1992 Expand view
Surveillance of Trypanasoma cruzi transmission by serological screening of schoolchildren DE ANDRADE, A L S S et al 1992
Situation nutritionnelle des enfants de 0-59 mois en zone urbaine et rurale du Cameroun MENDOZA ALDANA, J PIECHULEK, H 1992
Measles among under-9-months-olds in rural Bangladesh : its significance for age at immunization FAUVEAU, V et al 1991
Nutrition surveillance in China: source of information for action SHEN, Tiefu HABICHT, Jean-Pierre 1991 Expand view
Enquete nutritionnelle en Republique du Congo : resultats de l'enquete nationale realisee en 1987 CORNU, A et al 1991
Environmental factors, maternal attributes, and children's age at introduction of supplementary foods in rural and urban Maharashtra and Gujerat SUBBULAKSHMI, G UDIPI, S A December 1990 Expand view
The contribution of severe malnutrition to child mortality in rural Bangladesh: implications for targeting nutritional interventions FAUVEAU, V et al September 1990
Health services and environmental factors in urban slums and shanty towns of the developing world ROSSI-ESPAGNET, Alessandro December 1987