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Disability and inclusive education : a paper prepared for the InterAmerican Development Bank

PORTER, Gordon L

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This paper describes the current situation of inclusive education in the Americas. It pays special attention to the situation of disabled children in rural areas. Only a small proportion (between 1% and 10%) of the children with special needs in the Americas have access to schooling. Almost none of these children now have the opportunity to attend a regular community school with their non-disabled peers.
The paper states that education systems for all children can be created with adequate funding targeted at community schools. Segregation and exclusion has failed. Inclusion and the good educational practice that it offers hope to a region that needs to ensure educational equity and participation by all

Non-formal adult education : handbook

UNESCO Principle Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

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This handbook is designed for people working in education facilities and continuing education programmes in villages in Asia. It is divided into the following practical six modules: community mobilization; identification of learning needs; preparing lesson plans; participatory learning; using learning aids and assessing learning. Each module has an overview and several sections that answer questions or problems the worker may have concerning teaching and learning. Practical activities and exercises are also provided
Note: A series of videotapes that accompany the handbook and briefly illustrate literacy and continuing education experiences in selected countries are available from the publisher

Technical assistance for identifying disability issues related to poverty reduction


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This article provides tools that help to address the situation of disabled people living in poverty. It helps to identify national policies, programmes, projects and initiatives concerning disability and poverty to develop action plans. The article will be helpful for project and programme managers, policy advisors, NGOs and development aid agencies

Agricultural knowledge and information systems in Kenya : implications for technology dissemination and development

REES, David
et al
July 2000

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This paper reports on a study of agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS) undertaken by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and the Ministry of Agriculture. Field research was conducted in four districts of Kenya, including high-potential and pastoral areas, to document and assess the significance of different actors and organisations as potential uptake/dissemination pathways for agricultural technologies, and to consider ways to improve the performance of the knowledge and information systems in the districts. Databases of the organisations, institutions and actors involved in agriculture in the four districts were compiled, and a series of participatory and rapid appraisal exercises were carried out with people concerned with agriculture in selected sub-locations and divisions within each district

Grameen Telecom's village phone programme : a multi-media case study

RAMIREZ, Ricardo
HAQ, Moinul
March 2000

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GrameenPhone is a commercial operation providing cellular services in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, with approximately 40,000 customers. This article describes the company's village phone programme, which is enabling women members of the Grameen Bank's revolving credit system to retail cellular phone services in rural areas. This pilot project currently involves 950 village phones providing telephone access to more than 65,000 people. Village women access micro-credit to acquire digital GSM cellular phones and subsequently re-sell phone calls and phone services within their villages

Current issues in sector-wide approaches for health development : Uganda case study

BROWN, Adrienne

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This brief document reports on the broad achievements and constraints faced in the health sector in Uganda. Poverty-reduction funds are being channelled into primary care, and improved management of public funds is helping the situation. However, capacity beyond the Ministry of Health is limited, and decentralization, with unclear policy links in the regions, is a challenge. There is some evidence of success in using funding strategies to reorient services to primary care and prevention

Monitoring and evaluating stakeholder participation in agriculture and rural development projects : a literature review

KARL, Marilee

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This article reviews the current literature on the subject, and also highlights three key methodological issues to be addressed: how to assess the degree and quality of participation; how to measure the costs and benefits of participation to the stakeholders involved; and how to assess the impact of that participation on desired project outputs, project performance and sustainability. An annotated bibliography is also provided

Social implications of information and communication technology in developing countries : lessons from Asian success stories


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The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) and the World Bank organised a workshop entitled, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Rural Development to bring together case studies of various applications of ICT that have been demonstrated to make a difference in the delivery of services or products in rural areas. The cases presented illustrate the opportunities and challenges in the diffusion of ICT within India and for other developing countries. The paper presents successful examples of each type of application and discusses one application in detail to draws lessons on what needs to be done to promote ICT for rural development

Overcoming resource barriers : the challenge of implementing inclusive education in rural areas

MILES, Susie

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This paper examines inclusive education in rural areas and presents case studies highlighting potential barriers and solutions and lessons learnt. The summary of lessons learnt includes the following point: to embrace the whole school approach; to ensure specialist support is at national level; to ensure access to information for teachers; and to develop teacher training and create community involvement. This paper is useful for people interested in inclusive education in rural areas
A Symposium on Development Policy "Children with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of the Child"
Bonn, Germany
27-29 October 2000

Locally generated printed materials in agriculture : an experience from Uganda and Ghana

CARTER, Isabel

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This report examines the usefulness of locally generated information material to (near-) subsistence level farmers in Uganda and Ghana. It questions the assumption that non-literate farmers do not benefit from information material and shows the variety of vectors and strategies that communities use to disseminate new knowledge. It examines the conventional theoretical and practical bases for the provision of information and contrasts these with practice at community level. The starting point for the report is a survey of Footsteps readership by Tearfund. Footsteps is a widely disseminated newsletter on community development, aimed at near-subsistence level farmers. It seeks to provide farmers with printed agricultural information in their own language and appropriate for their situation

Disabled village children : a guide for community health workers, rehabilitation workers, and families


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This well-known manual contains a wealth of information that is crucial for therapists, professionals and community groups. It deals comprehensively with all common childhood disabilities including polio, cerebral palsy, juvenile arthritis, blindness and deafness. It provides clear, detailed information and easy-to-implement ideas for rehabilitation at the village level, the development of skills, making low-cost aids and the prevention of disabilities

Voices for change : rural woman and communication

BALIT, Silvia

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This book describes how, in the current climate of political and socio-economic change, communication can play a decisive role in promoting food security and rural development. By fostering a dialogue between rural people and other sectors of society, communication processes can empower both women and men to provide information and knowledge as a basis for change and innovation. It can give rural women a voice to advocate changes in policies, attitudes and social behaviour or customs that negatively affect them. The book briefly explores these complicated ideas, focussing on how communication processes can be harnessed. It then describes how different technologies, from the internet, video and radio, to traditional media, can be used. It is illustrated with brief case studies throughout

Empowering the rural disabled in Asia and the Pacific

et al

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This article provides a summary of papers related to rural rehabilitation in the Asia and Pacific regions. An introduction is given, including a table reviewing the region's disability statistics, and seven paper summaries are highlighted. This article would be useful for people interested in rural rehabilitation in the Asia and Pacific region

