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HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support : stories from the community

et al
April 2003

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Touches on development dynamics (includig poverty, gender, inequality, low levels of education, population mobility and lack of access to basic services), which feature in the spread of HIV and AIDS in Asia. It shares positive ideas and creative solutions for action to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. It is a collection of stories of community partners working together, including local responses to the challenges of HIV and AIDS

Wireless communication

VONK, Tjalling
March 2003

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The use of wireless networks in developing areas is promising. Since ground cables are only economic in high-density environments, a wireless network is much cheaper when long distances need to be crossed to rural areas

Who is the real chicken?|Namibia

February 2003

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This is one of a series of easy-to-read booklets developed for a series of gender-sensitive workshops aimed at communicating messages on HIV and AIDS to poor, rural people, particularly illiterate women and out-of-school girls. Each booklet contains an illustrated story and some questions for discussion

Changing minds, policies and lives : improving protection of children in eastern Europe and central Asia. Redirecting resources to community-based services

FOX, Louise

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After more than a decade of coping with transition challenges in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the need for the reform of family and child welfare systems has been widely acknowledged. Through Changing minds, policies and lives, UNICEF and the World Bank have teamed up in an effort to developing knowledge and tools for the reform of three essential family welfare system regulators (decision making, standards and financing). This publication provides guidelines for redirecting monetary resources by changing financing flows primarily towards support for families at risk and family-based alternatives. This toolkit is part of a three set collection, the other two focus on standards to ensure family-centered outcomes, and decision making processes to reshape the gate-keeping system

The one to watch : radio, new ICTs and interactivity


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This book presents examples of converging radio and new ICTs for development. The radio/telecommunications combination is helping keep communities together despite the distances imposed by migration. The book argues that radio will have even greater significance and value in years to come. It is split into five sections; concepts and context, gateways, networks, communication with migrants and rural radio. It features case studies where methods have been tried and proven

Providing low-cost ICT access to low-income communities in developing countries : what works? what pays?


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This Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report discusses the potential of and need for telecommunications development in rural areas of low-income countries. It outlines the main challenges, and describes sustainable options. The report also reviews low-cost options and summarizes policies that would support the more rapid diffusion especially telecommunications reform

Moving forward : towards decent work for people with disabilities. Examples of good practices in vocational training and employment from Asia and the Pacific

PERRY, Debra

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This book brings together more than 20 case-studies of programmes and approaches in helping disabled people gain skills, find employment and earn a living in the Asia-Pacific region. They include both centre- and community-based vocational training and income-generation programmes, employment services and partnerships

Ancient roots, new shoots : endogenous development in practice

VAN T' HOOFT, Katrien

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This book describes the approach of COMPAS, a network of partners that supports 'development from within', based on local knowledge and practices. The body of the book consists of case studies which illustrate how development can be based on locally available resources, knowledge, values and leadership institutions; how there can be genuinely local determination of development options; and how the benefits of development within local areas and communities can be fostered

ECD in changing rural realities [whole issue]


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This edition contains a selection of the articles produced by participants at a meeting in Alcázar do Sal, Portugal, in December 2002. Twelve participants from Bernard van Leer Foundation-supported projects in four Latin American countries (Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela) and four European countries (Scotland, Spain, France and Portugal) identified and reflected on a broad spectrum of themes and problems around growing up in these two rural environments, analysed the new rural challenges and related them to the work of their own ecd projects. They explored the important contextual realities of the environments in which they operate; explained the conceptual frameworks that underpin the responses that they have devised and put into practice; and identified a number of significant themes for programming

Women inspiring women - a peer group in Sri Lanka improves the lives of people with disabilities | Moving forward : toward decent work for people with disabilities|Examples of good practices in vocational training and employment from Asia and the Pacific

PERRY, Debra A

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This paper is about a Sri Lankan disabled women's organisation, founded by a disabled woman, to empower women through a support network that allows them to exercise their rights and gain access to services, skills training and self-employment. In Sri Lanka, women with disabilities have few opportunities for economic independence and most are confined to their homes, protected by their families from a society that stigmatises them, particularly in rural areas

Labour savings technologies and practices for farming and household in eastern and southern Africa|Labour constraints and the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods in Bondo and Busia districts western Kenya


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This report presents the difficulties of, and threats to, rural livelihoods in western Kenya. The information is one component of a joint IFAD/FAO study entitled ‘Improving Women’s Access to Labour Saving Technologies and Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa’. It is divided into six related topics, which include tables, charts, diagrams and illustrations. This would be useful for stakeholders and policy makers interested in agricultural and rural development in western Kenya

Rural healthcare delivery : connecting communities through technology

December 2002

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The report aims to provide an overview of practical technology solutions for rural providers and to help them get started. It assists readers in understanding technology and provides case examples of technology solutions. It raises practical issues in getting started and provides a list of other resources on the subject. The report is geared to a US-based audience and does not specifically cover developing country issues

Meeting the HIV/AIDS challenge to food secutiry : the role of labour saving technologies in farm-households

December 2002

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The paper focuses on the various types and levels of constraints faced by farm-households as a production and reproduction system within a farming system. These constraints include time and energy limitations created by HIV/AIDS provoked shortages. The paper highlights the contributions various labour saving technologies (LSTs) could provide while also stressing the conditions, including gender ones, which have to be met in order to introduce LSTs successfully. LSTs are a partial solution to HIV/AIDS problems, but also represent a challenge to the way agriculture is practiced and to common policies in both agriculture and HIV/AIDS. The focus on LSTs is a fertile field for cooperation between sectors, between public and private institutions, North-South and South-South

Communities facing the HIV/AIDS challenge : from crisis to opportunity, from community vulnerability to community resilience

HSU, Lee-Nah
MARCO, Marissa
July 2002

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Rural households are managing as best they can in a rapidly changing and often threatening world which makes them vulnerable to the risk of HIV infection and ill equipped to cope with the effects of AIDS. Their chances of managing can be improved if they function in a supportive environment. However, in many cases this supportive environment does not exist and communities have to build their own resilience if they are to prove effective allies for rural households. Despite the difficulties of such a task, as shown in this paper, it is feasible. Certain conditions have to be met and pitfalls avoided in order to set up processes leading to sustainability and benefit all households as stakeholders. Such awareness is important for the communities themselves, but also for those providing outside assistance in order to trigger the building of community resilience and sustainability for all households, including in HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation. This paper also reviews from a South East Asian perspective some of the lessons to be drawn from the global and African experiences and highlights some of the specificities and challenges of the region

Making HIV/AIDS our problem : young people and the development challenge in South Africa

et al
March 2002

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During 2001 Save the Children commissioned a study to explore approaches to engaging youth response to HIV/AIDS. This involved the development of two action research interventions in very different communities, one in a rural community in the Eastern Cape, and the other at a school for the blind. The case studies chosen for the report were selected because they involve young people who have been particularly overlooked in HIV prevention responses, namely disabled young people and young people in rural areas. The projects in these communities set out to explore the capacity of young people to respond to AIDS, and how contextual factors mediate response at individual and community levels

Environmental health in emergencies and disasters : a practical guide


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This publication distills what is known about environmental health during an emergency or disaster. It is intended for practitioners as well as for policy makers and researchers, and covers both general and tecnical aspects of environmental health. Part 1 presents a conceptual framework for understanding environmental health issues in the context of disaster management. Part 2 pulls togetther a series of best pratices and stategies for risk reduction in a number of fields

Sustaining livelihoods across the rural-urban divide : changes and challenges facing the Beja pastoralists of north eastern Sudan


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This paper examines the transformation of the Beja livelihood system in recent years in response to changing external circumstances, and charts how coping mechanisms have evolved to become adaptive strategies. In particular, the paper examines the abandonment of mobility and the migration of Beja pastoralists to urban centres in Halaib Province itself and to Port Sudan, and analyses the evolution of Beja livelihoods in the city and the nature and the extent of the linkages that people maintain with the rural areas. A brief critique of international development support to Beja pastoralists after the major droughts in the 1980s is given, followed by a presentation of a number of key policy options, arising from the analysis, which merit consideration by the development community

Equal opportunities for all : promoting community-based rehabilitation (CBR) among urban poor populations. Initiating and sustaining CBR in urban slums and low-income groups

October 2001

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Most CBR experience has come from rural areas in developing countries. However, even in large cities specific population groups - such as people living in slums or low-income areas in the urban peripheries - may face difficulties in accessing rehabilitation services. To address this, the World Health Organization set up a number of pilot consultations and projects in seven countries (Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia, Egypt and Kenya) in 1995. This document gives a report of a final meeting of representatives of these pilot projects.

