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Label us able : proactive evaluation of Finnish development co-operation in disability issues


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The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs evaluates with this report its development policies for disabled people. This report looks at the last ten years of Finnish development co-operation and how a maximum impact on human rights and social development can be achieved.
The four parts of the report investigate the main Finnish policies, the major findings and how disability can be mainstreamed into development issues.
This evaluation report is valuable for international NGOs, disabled people's organisations and policy advisors who are looking for ways to mainstream disability

Biwako millennium framework for action towards an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific

January 2003

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Provides information on the Biwako Framework that was adopted in 2002. The document sets out a draft regional framework for action that provides regional policy recommendations for action by governments in the region and concerned stakeholders to achieve an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for disabled people. The regional framework for action explicitly incorporates the millennium development goals and their relevant targets to ensure that concerns relating to disabled people become an integral part of efforts to achieve the goals

Biwako millennium framework for action : towards an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific


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The document sets out a draft regional framework for action that provides regional policy recommendations for action by governments in the region and concerned stakeholders to achieve an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for disabled people. The regional framework for action explicitly incorporates the millennium development goals and their relevant targets to ensure that concerns relating to disabled people become an integral part of efforts to achieve the goals

Disability rights : an American invention, a global challenge

QUINN, Gerard

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This speech summarises the major aspects of the draft UN convention for the rights of disabled people. After exploring the developments of the convention, Quinn looks at the next steps needed. In his view it will not be sufficient to stop at this convention - the process of improving inclusion and equal rights for disabled people must be continued

The right to decent work of persons with disabilities

O'REILLY, Arthur

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The ILO has commissioned this paper as a contribution to the deliberations taking place in preparation for the development of a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The paper is intended to be of specific relevance to those involved in drafting the provisions concerning employment and work in the proposed Convention. By examining the development over time of the legal ‘right to work’ of disabled persons, the way in which this matter has been dealt with in international instruments and national legislation to date, and the experience in implementing employment and work opportunities, the paper will enable those involved in the preparation of the proposed UN Convention to build on achievements so far

International norms and standards relating to disability


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This resource provides concise analytical information on international norms and standards concerning persons with disabilities that have been adopted under the auspices of the United Nations system or other inter-governmental bodies and organisations. It is a reference tool that contains information resources on the international and regional normative standards to promote the rights of persons with disabilities in society within a broad human rights framework, encompassing the full range of human rights from civil and political to economic, social and cultural rights and the different mechanisms by which these norms and standards have been adopted in to local laws.
Further, this resource is a practical guide to putting into practice rights on behalf of persons with disabilities. It also provides an educational tool designed to help identify effective measures to promote, protect and integrate the rights of persons with disabilities into all areas of national legislation, policies and programmes and to promote increased awareness of internationally accepted norms on: the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities; the full and effective integration of persons with disabilities in social life and development; and standards to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities. It will be useful for: governments; national and international policy makers; inter-governmental, international and non-governmental organisations; researchers in the area of disability rights; civil society organisations concerned with disability issues and the global disability community

IPR, innovation, human rights and access to drugs : an annotated bibliography

VIDAL, Jaume

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This annotated bibliography brings together references to scientific, legal and other materials on globalisation, patents and drugs. It is organised into sections on general articles (basic literature on the topic), country studies (by region), thematic sections on TRIPS (the World Trade Organization treaty on patents) and patents, drug research and development, and human rights and access to drugs. Finally a section on electronic information sources highlights useful websites and discussion groups on these issues. Each reference includes full bibliographic information and a thorough, descriptive abstract detailing the key points of each item

Human immunodeficiency virus and quarantine in Cuba


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This article examines Cuba's policy for HIV prevention. Widespread HIV testing was introduced as an early response to HIV and those who tested positive to the virus were confined to living in sanatoriums. While enforced quarantine no longer exists, Cuba still relies on a quarantine system for transitional counselling and care facilities

Women inspiring women - a peer group in Sri Lanka improves the lives of people with disabilities | Moving forward : toward decent work for people with disabilities|Examples of good practices in vocational training and employment from Asia and the Pacific

PERRY, Debra A

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This paper is about a Sri Lankan disabled women's organisation, founded by a disabled woman, to empower women through a support network that allows them to exercise their rights and gain access to services, skills training and self-employment. In Sri Lanka, women with disabilities have few opportunities for economic independence and most are confined to their homes, protected by their families from a society that stigmatises them, particularly in rural areas

The WHO mental health policy and service guidance package


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"The WHO mental health policy and service guidance package consists of the WHO mental health policy and plan checklists, and 14 interrelated modules...The package consists of a series of interrelated user-friendly modules that are designed to address the wide variety of needs and priorities in policy development and service planning. The topic of each module represents a core aspect of mental health"

Mental health legislation and human rights : mental health policy and service guidance package


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"Mental health legislation is essential for protecting the rights of people with mental disorders, who comprise a vulnerable section of society. This module provides information to help guide the development of mental health legislation. The module begins by setting out the activities that are required before legislation is formulated. The content of legislation is then described, including substantive provisions for specific mental health legislation and substantive provisions for other legislation impacting on mental health. Process issues in mental health legislation are then outlined, including drafting procedures, consultation and the implementation of legislation"
Note: This module is part of the WHO Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package. The package consists of a series of interrelated user-friendly modules designed to address the wide variety of needs and priorities in policy development and service planning. Each module addresses a core aspect of mental health

Introduction : safety as a human right

MOHAN, Dinesh

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This article describes the right of people to live in a world safe from harmful injuries as a fundamental human right. It presents background information about the need for a right to safety, people’s right to safety and a discussion about different priorities for action. This article is useful for anyone interested in safety as a human right
Note: This article is an introduction to the ‘People’s Right to Safety’ round table discussion at the 6th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control held in Montreal, Canada in May 2012
Health and Human Rights, Vol 6, No 2

Third report on the implementation of the USAID disability policy


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This report gives an overview about the activities of USAID in the field of international development. After identifying the major issues in the field of inclusive development, it examines the role disability plays in the different departments of USAID. The report is complemented with the mission reports to different countries.
The report is of interest for organisations which are cooperating with USAID and organisations who want to learn about the role USAID is playing in influencing in the field of disability in international development

One step further : responses to HIV/AIDS

December 2002

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This volume, a collaboration of Swedish SIDA and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), presents research on the social and developmental aspects of HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment. The papers highlight treatment and prevention, epidemiological analysis, stigma and discrimination, human rights, the role of the private sector, and community responses and innovative approaches to open discussion of sexuality and risk behaviour

Fatally flawed : cluster bombs and their use by the United States in Afghanistan

December 2002

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This report investigates the use of cluster bombs in Afghanistan, by the United States. This work argues that despite advances that have improved the accuracy and targeting of cluster bombs they still predominantly and unjustly impact civilians. This report also examines the after effect of cluster munitions and offers a set of legislative recommendations

Awareness of reproductive rights, HIV prevention and sexual exploitation among women with disabilities

NANGENDO, Florence
October 2002

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This research report identifies issues of awareness of reproductive rights and HIV prevention among women with disabilities. The report presents the respondents’ discussions about the rights that are relevant to them and also if they revealed how they are either protected or abused. The report’s recommends increased sensitisation, to parents, communities and other service providers to continue supporting disabled women in satisfying their sexual and reproductive needs as well as protecting them from HIV/AIDS

