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SUPPORT tools for evidence-informed health policymaking (STP)

HANNEY, Stephen
December 2009

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This is a set of 18 tools that can be used by those involved in finding and using research evidence to support evidence-informed health policy making. The series addresses four broad areas: supporting evidence-informed policymaking; identifying needs for research evidence; finding and assessing research evidence; and, going from research evidence to decisions

Meeting report of the international policy dialogue on HIV/AIDS and disability

PEAKE, Sharon
November 2009

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The International Policy Dialogue on HIV/AIDS and Disability ..."provided a forum for stakeholders from governments, academia, and non-governmental and multilateral organizations to explore the issues and evidence related to HIV/AIDS and disability, and to chart a way forward in terms of policy and programme development." The objectives..."were: to explore the place of disability in the changing nature of the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and the required response; to share and learn from participants' experiences; and to build and reinforce the partnerships needed to sustain a comprehensive global response to HIV/AIDS, which includes issues related to disability"

Community-based rehabilitation : opportunity and challenge

et al
November 2009

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This article presents information about community based rehabilitation (CBR) and highlights the present opportunities and challenges. The article details the critiques of CBR and the recent emphasis to redress the balance and improve the evidence base. The article states that "CBR is now ready to be examined more rigorously, applied more consistently, and integrated more effectively into national and international policy making"
The Lancet, Vol 274

Access to independent advocacy : an evidence review

WARD, Linda
October 2009

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This report presents the findings of an evidence review investigating the costs, benefits and effectiveness of advocacy support for disabled people in the UK. The review examines the following four situations where disabled people are particularly at risk of losing choice and control over their lives: during transition to adulthood; when the children of disabled parents are subject to safeguarding procedures; when entry to residential care is a possibility; and when disabled people are victims or alleged perpetrators of anti-social behaviour. The executive summary, report and an easy to read version are available in downloadable pdf format. A framework for research on costs and benefits of independent advocacy is also provided. Audio and braille versions of the executive summary, the full report and the framework for research are available on request

The efficacy of community based rehabilitation for children with or at significant risk of intellectual disabilities in low and middle income countries : a review

August 2009

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"The aim of the present review is to summarise evidence regarding the efficacy of CBR in relation to one particular ‘high risk’ group of disabled children; children with intellectual disabilities (ID)...Only 10 studies were identified for inclusion in the review of research on the effectiveness of CBR for children and adolescents with ID and these are summarised in Appendix Two. An examination of reviews on the effectiveness of CBR for all people with disabilities points to two main reasons for this low level of evidence. Firstly, CBR has not been the subject of a significant amount of rigorous evaluation. Secondly, children and adolescents with ID have not been the recipients of significant amounts of CBR. We will discuss the reviews on the effectiveness of CBR generally and indicate what they say about ID before outlining the extremely small amount of information available on the effectiveness of CBR for children and adolescents with ID"
CeDR Research Report 2009:4

Social health insurance for improving access to care for disabled and elderly people in developing countries

OKEBUKOLA, Peter Oluseyi
August 2009

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“The elderly and the disabled like most disadvantaged groups, often have to pay higher premiums for health insurance than the general population. This condition usually leads to low health insurance coverage for these groups of people and may affect their ability to access healthcare, in view of the fact that they are not the most economically productive group of the general population. This review seeks to explore the possible role of social health insurance in solving this problem”

Systems thinking for health systems strengthening


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This third report knits together earlier work by accelerating a more realistic understanding of what works in strengthening health systems, for whom and under what circumstances. Its primary goal is to catalyse new conceptual thinking on health systems, system-level interventions, and health system strengthening

Living conditions among people with disabilities in Mozambique : a national representative study

EIDE, Arne H
January 2009

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"This report provided results of a study of living conditions among people with functional limitation in Mozambique. Two comparative studies of different indicators of living conditions were carried out. These studies include: (i) a comparative study of households with and without family member(s) with functional limitation and (ii) a comparative study of individuals with and without functional limitation. In addition, a detailed study that specifically addresses the situation of individuals with functional limitation was also conducted"

Understanding and interpreting disability as measured using the WG short set of questions


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This report presents information about understanding and interpreting disability as measured using the Washington group (WG)’s short set of questions. The six questions are for use in censuses and surveys according to the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and are consistent with the International Classification of Functioning (ICF). The questions produce internationally comparable data on disability by identifying the majority of persons in the population who are at greater risk than the general population of experiencing limited or restricted participation in society. The questions cover six functional domains or basic actions: seeing, hearing, walking, cognition, self-care, and communication. This resource is useful to anyone interested in measuring disability

Evidence-based planning for sustainability of government reproductive health services

NEALE, Palena
HUE, Le Ngoc
KUDRATI, Mustafa
June 2008

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This training manual is to help prepare local government health teams to use evidence-based methods to develop long-term plans to strengthen their Reproductive Health programmes and to actively involve participants in the learning process. There is an insistence on the systematic use of local and national data, statistics, and policies to develop an appropriate response; and a recognition that because local governments in most countries develop plans in the context of competing priorities for a limited budget, plans are only as good as the local government health department’s ability to defend them

Community based rehabilitation programmes : monitoring and evaluation in order to measure results

March 2008

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This paper aims to help develop "methodologies that will help to measure results of Community Based Rehabilitation programmes...The article places considerable importance on management information systems and monitoring, since it is believed that evaluation will greatly benefit from both the existence of baseline data as well as a well-developed and well-implemented information system. The present article emphasises the need for participatory processes in the development of baseline data and information systems. Four key areas for measuring CBR are highlighted: people, power, public society and partnerships. Finally, a tool is presented in order to evaluate (or monitoring and evaluation) systematically"
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, No 1

Reflections on poverty and disability : a review of literature

KAMPEN, Marlies V

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This study carried out a review of literature describing the relationship between poverty and disability, in order to establish the evidence base for this relationship. Several authors seem to accept the existence of this link, even without a sound research basis. Articles and books were scrutinized to find out what sources were used in these publications to conclude that there was evidence for a strong relationship between disability and poverty. Peer-reviewed articles were used as much as possible.

It was found that cultural determinants play the greatest role in the process of disability leading to poverty. Monetary factors are also essential determinants when it comes to poverty as a result of disability. The relationship between disability and poverty seems to be a vicious circle. Most of the literature concerning poverty and disability is based on non- rigorous (literature) studies.

Relating disability to poverty and vice versa is a complex matter that needs to consider several interdependent factors that influence this process.



Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 19, No 1

Evaluating functional & economic outcomes of the mental health development model in North Karnataka, India

MISHRA, Subrat Kumar
et al

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“Poverty and mental illness compound one another, creating an environment of despair for some of the most vulnerable people in low and middle-income countries. Mental health intervention programmes in resource-poor settings such as rural Northern India must understand and address the economic burden of mental illness, in addition to clinical and functional outcomes. The BasicNeeds [BN]- Nav Bharat Jagruti Kendra [NBJK] intervention programme, located in rural Northern India, aims to improve quality of life for people with mental disorders and their families, through treatment, livelihoods and capacity building interventions based on the Mental Health and Development Model. This prospective evaluation assessed economic outcomes of 138 people with mental disorders involved in the BN-NBJK programme over a period of two years”

Conceptualizing disability and education in the South : challenges for research

December 2007

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This discussion paper introduces the challenges for designing research methodology for the Disability, Education and Poverty project. The paper explores the relationships between poverty and disability, highlighting disability is a cause and consequence of poverty, and discusses three central challenges for conceptualising the research project
RECOUP Working Paper 10

Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services

et al
May 2007

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In 2001, the Population Council conducted an assessment in Brazilian border areas, commissioned by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, with support from USAID/Brazil, to determine which populations were most in need of HIV prevention activities. The research findings in the southern region revealed the presence of an extremely mobile, international truck driver community with little or no access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services. In response to this need, Horizons/Population Council implemented an operations research study focused on trucker drivers (2002-2005) in the south of Brazil. In collaboration with the administration of the customs stations, municipal and state STI and AIDS programmes, and Health Ministries, the investigators sought to examine the feasibility and impact of an HIV prevention project targeted at truckers crossing the southern border of Brazil

