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Comprehensive community based rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT)


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This website provides information about the NGO Comprehensive community based rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT). CCBRT comprises two community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes in Dar es Salaam and Moshi, a disability hospital, and an active international training programme. The website features general information about the organisation, current initiatives, details about their partners and related publications. This website is useful for people interested in CBR in Tanzania

AHP stroke toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in stroke care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence...This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

AHP diabetes toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in diabetes care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence....This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing diabetes care. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

AHP cancer toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in cancer. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence. This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the NHS Outcomes Framework and the Improving Outcomes: a strategy for cancer (Jan 2011); Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing cancer services. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

Teachers can help everyone learn


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This poster highlights the role of teachers in supporting learners with disabilities. It is useful for anyone interested in inclusive education teachers
Note: This poster can be used as a promotional tool for the INEE Pocket Guide to Supporting Learners with Disabilities

CBR training manual


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"Building on existing basic CBR skills set out in publications such as Disabled Village Children (Hesperian Foundation) and the manual Training in the Community for People with Disabilities (WHO), this training manual covers the additional organizational skills, knowledge and attitudes needed when implementing CBR in accordance with the various components of the new CBR guidelines... Each training module can be used independently of the other modules and it is also possible to use individual sessions from a module. When following all of the modules, there is a certain overlap, for example, between the modules on networking, working with disabled people’s organisations (DPO) and social integration. Trainers can select sessions that are more applicable for their trainees. Training objectives are set out at the beginning of each training sheet. Some modules do not cover all of the objectives if the knowledge, skills and attitudes are covered in other modules. The trainer therefore has the flexibility to decide whether to add sessions to a module where applicable. Training objectives are divided into the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed in order to work in the field on that specific topic. If certain modules are more suitable for CBR (field) workers rather than supervisors or managers, or vice versa, this is clearly indicated
A CD which provides supporting materials is included with this manual. Folders for each module contain sub-folders with the session number. Materials for single sessions are included, as are general materials about the module topics. The presentations on the CD are all PowerPoint presentations. Not all settings are appropriate for a PowerPoint presentation. Alternative forms of doing a presentations should then be chosen"

International development and disability resource center


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This resource centre offers practitioners and policy makers straightforward and effective tools for inclusion that can be readily integrated into their existing frameworks. Inclusive development information is organised into the following areas: topic and/or sector, specific MIUSA resources, international development agency disability policies and resources in other languages. A link is also provided for users to add resources

Journal of policy and practice in intellectual disabilities (JPPID)

JANICKI, Matthew P
et al

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"The Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities is a forum for description of evidence-based policy and practice related to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It features content related to policy development, service design, working methods and treatment procedures, and financial, administrative and legal frameworks"
Published quarterly

G3ict : the global initiative for inclusive ICTs


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G3ict, the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies(ICT), is an advocacy initiative of the UN GAID, the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development, launched in December 2006 in cooperation with the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at UN DESA. Its mission is to facilitate and support the implementation of the dispositions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the accessibility of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and assistive technologies. G3ict relies on an international network of ICT accessibility experts to develop and promote good practices, technical resources and benchmarks for ICT accessibility advocates around the world. This website presents information about the initiative, related events, experts and resources. Users can regster to be a fellow and receive their newsletter. This resource is useful for anyone interested in inclusive ICTs

Disability and development database


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This online database provides information on government projects that aim to include people with disabilities in mainstream education, health and rehabilitation, and livelihoods programmes. Information about the projects can be found according to health, education and livelihoods thematics or by country

Access for people with disabilities


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This website presents information to promote the use of ICT for access to information and knowledge for persons with disabilities. It provides useful links to education related information about meetings, news, resources and websites

ICT resources : home


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This database provides resources "to assist organizations better understand and apply accessible information and communication technologies to their business practices. Although many of these resources specifically address the obligations of businesses in Ontario (Canada) to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), the concepts, strategies and resources presented can be applied to any organization in any location." Useful links are provided to publications, vendors and a glossary related to accessible information and communication services

Using ICT to empower people with disabilities


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This website presents general information and resources related to accessible information and communication technologies (ICTs) for people with disabilities. Information related to specific impairments and links to assistive technology companies and organizations are also provided. This website is useful to people with disabilities, researchers and practitioners interested in accessible ICTs

Disability and the global south : an international journal

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"Disability and the Global South (DGS) is the first peer reviewed journal committed to publishing high quality work focused exclusively on all aspects of the disability experience in the global South. It provides an interdisciplinary platform prioritising material that is critical, challenging, and engaging from a range of epistemological perspectives and disciplines. The journal encourages contributions from disabled activists and theorists from the global South"
Published two-three times per year

World diabetes foundation


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The World Diabetes Foundation supports the prevention and treatment of diabetes in developing countries through partnerships. This website presents information about the Foundation, their key focus areas, global projects and stories from the field

A leg to stand on

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Legs to Stand On is an initiative to prevent disease and restore the lives of persons afflicted with disabling diseases of the lower limb in countries with limited resources.

World heart federation


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The World Heart Federation urges greater action from policy makers, healthcare professionals, patient organizations and individuals to work together to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke, and ensure people all over the world can have longer and better lives. This website presents information about the federation, activities and members, as well as background information about cardio-vascular health. Details about related congress and events, publications and press are also provided

Moving forward toolkit : a guide for practitioners in the field of sport for youth in emergencies

Mercy Corps
Schwery Consulting

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This toolkit aims to help young people to recover from the traumatic effects of emergencies by providing practical tools that support sport and play programming to promote healthy physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. It offers recommendations and guidelines for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating sport and play programs in post-emergency settings
Note: a zip folder is provided for the toolkit templates

The inclusion club


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The inclusion club is an online international community that provides opportunities for people with disability to participate in sport and physical activity. This website provides resources, tools, case studies, good practices, videos and models on disability sports
Note: Free registration is required

