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DFID Malaria Knowledge Programme 1999 - 2004


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The DFID Malaria Knowledge Programme, based at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, began in 1999 and will continue until 2004. Some projects have already provided results. The recent strengthening of the programme's partnerships, particularly with other knowledge and DFID programmes, has led to important new developments - The Vulnerability & Health Alliance is one example. The programme hosts workshops, supports research and projects and the website includes useful links

Malaria Consortium

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The Malaria Consortium is a leading organisation of multi-disciplinary experts from around the world, working to reduce the global burden of malaria. The Malaria Consortium includes expert teams working together to provide an interface of research with policy and practice, and between health systems and technical issues, which are essential for effective malaria control. It facilitates progress in malaria control across these interfaces through active two-way communication at country, regional and international levels, with a focus on listening to country priorities. This site includes information about the Consortium's work, its priorities and activities, its consultancy services and the publications it produces, many of which are available in full text to download

United Nations Persons with Disabilities website


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This site, hosted by the UN, is focuses on disability issues. Its mission is to assist in the promotion of effective measures for prevention of disability, rehabilitation, and the realization of the goals of full participation of disabled persons in social life and development, and of equality.The 'Disabled Person’s Bulletin' is available on this site. There is a special section on accessibility. Documents relating to disability issues such as the 'World Programme of Action' can be found via the parliamentary documents icon

Disability and rehabilitation team (DAR)


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The site contains a description of DAR programme priorities and a list of publications and documents produced by WHO, including training manuals and guidelines on community based rehabilitation (CBR), the majority of which are available online in .pdf file format

Ability Online

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Activity focused and very vibrant Canadian site in English and French. Internet interaction is provided for young people with disabilities. Produces a newsletter and provides extensive links to other resources and organisations working in disability and rehabilitation.

Bangladesh CBR


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The site presents various CBR programmes by Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physical Vulnerable (SARPV)

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

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Many resources related to community-based rehabilitation (CBR) are presented on this site, which is structured into the following sections: CBR websites, CBR-related websites, CBR books, CBR academic programs, CBR non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The site is maintained by a disabled person with post-graduate qualifications in rehabilitation who has worked in the disabilities field in the USA

Prevention of blindness and visual impairment


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This site gives information on vision and hearing disabilities, and their prevention worldwide. UN resolutions on the prevention of visual impairment and deafness are available from the site as well as country profiles. E-mail enquiries are invited



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A network bringing together research centres, universities, enterprises, government departments, trade unions and organisations of and for disabled people. Their common goal is to advance competitive employment and training opportunities for disabled people. Through its InfoBase, Gladnet collects and indexes a wide variety of documents, such as reports, goverment documents, external websites and project descriptions, that relate to employment and training for people with disabilities. Most of the InfoBase content falls into the following subject themes -- definitions, evaluation, human rights, legislation & policy, research, and statistics

The Communication Initiative

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The Communication Initiative (CI) is a partnership of development organisations seeking to support advances in the effectiveness and scale of communication interventions for positive international development. The CI strategy includes provision of real-time information on communication and development experiences and thinking, facilitating horizontal linkages between people engaged in communication action, peer commentary on programmes and strategies and taking opportunities to promote strategic thinking on communication and development issues and problems. Themed sites within this website relate to: avian flu; HIV & AIDS; democracy & governance; early childhood development; health communication; ICT policies and studies; ICT for development; natural resource management; polio; and community radio and edutainment in Africa

Social medicine portal

SMITH, Lanny

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This website is devoted to promoting the principles and practice of social medicine. The aim of this site is to put researchers in touch with some of the diverse international resources available for health activists and those interested in the interactions between health and society. The site contains many links as well as a few documents and presentations. The material is divided into the following pages: an introduction to the Social Medicine portal; materials for students; health activism, social medicine A to Z; learning more about social medicine; community health; and Latin American social medicine. The A to Z section is divided into access to treatment, AIDS, equity, global health, globalisation, Health for All, US healthcare reform, occupational health, race, social determinants of health, smoking and war

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)

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The role of NICE is to provide patients, health professionals and the public with authoritative, robust and reliable guidance on current best practice. The guidance covers individual health technologies (including medicines, medical devices, diagnostic techniques, and procedures) and the clinical management of specific conditions. Although the guidelines are very UK focused they have been useful as a basis for work in developing countries

Disabilities Information Resources (DINF)


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Useful source of online documentation for the Asia Pacific region. Contains materials on community-based rehabilitation and full text versions of major policy documents, including all those relating to the Asia Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons. Easy-to-use search format. Site available in English or Japanese

Population and health infoshare


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Population and Health InfoShare is an electronic library of material submitted by over 100 partner organisations. It features documents in reproductive and child health, HIV/AIDS, population and related areas. The primary objectives of PH InfoShare are to increase access to important population and health information; provide a means for organisations to share and exchange information; and foster greater dissemination of research findings and lessons learned. For users, PH InfoShare affords easy access to population and health material. Users may access documents by visiting the website or by sending requests via e-mail. Additionally, users may subscribe to e-mail updates, specifying the material they want to receive by topic, region, and partner, or can email themselves documents that they have identified through searching the website. The search facility allows users to select a topic, language, region/country and partner organisation from drop-down lists

Aidsmap : information on HIV and AIDS

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This comprehensive website includes reviewed information on a wide range of HIV and AIDS issues, including treatment and care, living with HIV, preventing HIV, basic information on the disease and the epidemic, and a database of organisations. Although there is a slight bias towards information relevant to people in developed countries, particularly around treatment options, many of the information resources will be useful in and are tailored to resource-poor settings. NAM exists to support the fight against AIDS with independent, accurate, accessible and comprehensive information. Includes directories of contacts and organisations working in the HIV field, as well as international resources database which is searchable in 6 languages

Transferring palliative care from institutions to communities


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This brief publication describes the issues in home- or community-based care for chronically or terminally ill people, including those living with HIV/AIDS. It describes a project at the Island Hospice and Bereavement Service in Zimbabwe, which integrated 'traditional' home-based care (HBC) and the specialised palliative care and bereavement support offered at the hospice. It concludes that HBC projects that are linked to and supported by institutions such as hospices are able to integrate specialised skills in palliative care and bereavement support into their on-going work

