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Strategies to support the HIV-related needs of refugees and host populations : a joint publication of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

MILLER, Andrea

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This publication aims to provide an outline of best practices in meeting HIV-related needs in the context of refugee situations. UNHCR and UNAIDS seek to inform and support key decision-makers on HIV-related issues facing refugees, other populations of concern to UNHCR, and the populations of host countries. The content of this document focuses on sub-Saharan Africa, but the concepts discussed are applicable to refugee situations outside this region

Vulnerable groups of displaced populations

December 2004

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This article considers some of the wider consequences of conflict and trauma, as well as the broad scope of conflict medicine. It outlines some of the predisposing factors to displacement, some of the immediate and longer-term impacts of displacement, contextualises many of the particular considerations that need to be taken into account when working with people or groups who have undergone such experiences. It highlights how and why internally displaced people are vulnerable, and what effects this vulnerability can have on conflict recovery

An examination of current provision of education for children with special educational needs in Karen refugee camp schools at the Thai-Myanmar border

August 2004

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"The paper investigates the provision of education for children designated as having special educational needs within the context of the Karen community located near the eastern border area of Myanmar. The population sample chosen is that of the Karen refugees in camps along the Thai-Myanmar border. The study is carried out through: i) collection of available statistics to demonstrate the scale of the problem; ii) disaggregation of data to indicate the range of special needs being catered for; and, iii) an examination of various teacher training and administration approaches being used, in order to identify whether these are accommodating to children with special educational needs"

Clinical management of rape survivors : developing protocols for use with refugees and internally displaced persons

June 2004

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"This guide describes best practices for clinical management of people who have been raped in emergency situations. It is intended for adaptation to each situation, taking into account national policies and practices, and availability of materials and drugs. This guide is intended for use by qualified health-care providers in developing protocols for the management of rape survivors in emergencies, taking into account available resources, materials, and drugs, and national policies and procedures. It can also be used in planning health-care services and training health-care providers. The document includes detailed guidance on the clinical management of women, men and children who have been raped"

Camp management toolkit


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This toolkit addresses the technical and the administrative as well as the social aspects of camp management. It focuses specifically on individual camp managers, camp management teams and camp management agencies. It compiles and complements the existing sectoral guidelines for various assistance and protection activities in camps.
The toolkit is part of a holistic process that aims at covering the full spectrum of camp management activities. The objectives of the Camp management toolkit are: (a) to define and compile information on all aspects of camp operations; (b) to define roles and responsibilities in relation to each topic; (c) to provide both practical and reference tools to support the daily work, including checklists, monitoring forms and practical guidelines; (d) to consider vulnerable groups in the coordination of the camp.
Camps for displaced persons must always be seen as part of a larger context. Strengthening the capacity of the local community to cope with a large influx of displaced persons should be a priority, and supplementary humanitarian assistance to the local community should always be considered

From autonomy to dependency : barriers to independent living encountered by elderly Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

LEMIRE, Xavier
LEPRESLE, Claude-André

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This survey explores the situation of elderly Palestinian people living in camps in Lebanon, covering both individual abilities and environmental resources, and identifies the main obstacles to their leading an independent life. The aim is to determine how to improve access to their rights and to adequate services

Inter-agency guiding principles on unaccompanied and separated children

et al
January 2004

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This publication outlines the guiding principles which form the basis for action when children are unaccompanied, become separated from their families or other adults who they know, or are orphaned in disaster situations, armed conflicts or other crises. The guiding principles are intended primarily for national, international and non-governmental organizations and other associations concerned with separated children. They are also designed to assist governments and donors in meeting their obligations and taking funding decisions

Sexual and gender-based violence against refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons : guidelines for prevention and response

May 2003

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"These Guidelines are intended to be used by the staff of UNHCR, UN agencies, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations and host government agencies who provide protection and assistance to refugees and persons of concern to UNHCR. They are also intended to guide activities initiated by refugee communities themselves to prevent and address the problem. They examine the root causes of and factors contributing to sexual and gender-based violence and suggest practical actions to be taken to help prevent and respond to this kind of violence"

Where there is no psychiatrist : a mental health care manual

PATEL, Vikram

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This is a practical manual about mental health care, aimed at community health workers, primary care nurses, social workers and primary care doctors. It describes more than 30 clinical problems associated with mental illness, using a problem-solving approach to guide the reader through their assessment and management. It addresses the lack of understanding of mental health among many health workers

Africa's recovery from conflict : making peace work for the poor


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This publication is a policy-focused summary of the UNU/WIDER book from conflict to recovery in Africa. As this study makes clear, peace is often elusive and economic policy can play a mojor role in supporting the efforts of those working at the national and international levels to build peace. Above all it is crucial to focus post-conflict policies on the needs of thepoor, so that recovery is broad based in its benefits, and does not simply benefit a narrow elite

Mental health in emergencies : mental and social aspects of health of populations exposed to extreme stressors

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

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A large number of people are exposed to extreme stressors that are a risk factor for mental health and social problems. This report describes principles and strategies that can be applied in resource poor settings where there are people who have been exposed to extreme stressors, such as refugees, internally displaced persons, disaster survivors and populations exposed to terrorism, genocide or war

The behavioural and social aspects of malaria and its control : an introduction and annotated bibliography

VIVEK, Pramila

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This publication highlights the importance of sociocultural factors in malaria control and makes clear that the fight against malaria and other infectious diseases is inseparable from the striving for socioeconomic and political equity. The authors show that human behaviour is related to risk for malaria, and that such behaviour is influenced by a range of cultural and social factors. It provides a valuable social science starting point for the design and evaluation of anti-malaria interventions. It provides a thorough analysis of the perception of malaria as a disease, then looks at the effect of human movement on malaria. A considerable gap remains between 'correct scientific knowledge' and the accepted practices and beliefs about malaria held by different groups of people, and one section discusses the difficulties imposed by the clash between 'northern' and traditional ways of responding to disease episodes, and demonstrates that the 'North' has much to learn from the 'South'. Also covered are attitudes towards the use of insecticide-impregnated bednets, gender issues such as the invisible role of women in determining the health-related practices of a household, and the manner in which people interact with each other, identify needs, and make decisions. Finally there is an extensive annotated bibliography of the social science literature on malaria

The role of education in protecting children in conflict


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This paper explores the links between education and the wider protection of children in conflicts. It argues that the role of education must be researched so that it can already be used in emerging conflicts and protect children more effectively

Guidelines for HIV/AIDS interventions in emergency settings


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This document highlights the complex interaction between the HIV and AIDS epidemic and emergency situations, and calls for an integrated response during humanitarian crises. It focuses on the early phase of an emergency and topics covered include: prevention and preparedness; responding to sexual violence and exploitation; food aid and distribution; safe blood supply; condom supply and usage; women, children, orphans and refugees; post exposure prophylaxis; workplace issues; stigma and discrimination. These guidelines were designed for use by authorities, personnel and organisations operating in emergency settings

Preventing HIV/AIDS and promoting sexual health among especially vulnerable young people

SHAW, Cathy
July 2002

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This good practice guide introduces practitioners, policy-makers and researchers to two distinct but related concepts - risk and vulnerability. The guide explores how gender, race, culture, sexuality and social status all influence young people's experiences of sexual relationships and makes some more vulnerable to poor sexual health. Using case studies from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe, this resource sets out guidelines to inform work with especially vulnerable young people (including young people who sell sex, young people who inject drugs, and young migrants and refugees)

