Wheelchair accessibility of public buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria
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[Author's abstract]: Integration of wheelchair bound individuals into the society requires accessibility to any building, especially public buildings in any part of the world. This study assessed the wheelchair accessibility of selected public buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria. Thirty-eight public buildings housing hospital, education, social and recreation centers and government ministry/agencies were surveyed. The doorway width, height of thresholds and steps, width of routes and grade of ramps were measured and computed. Accessibility was determined using an abridged form of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Only 7 (18.4%) of the 38 buildings, 45.1% of the entrances and 19.4% of the routes were wheelchair accessible. The most accessible buildings were the hospitals (66.7%), while none of the social/ recreation buildings was accessible. This study revealed low level of wheelchair accessibility of public buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria, a factor that could limit opportunities for community integration of the wheelchair users