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Wheelchair accessibility of public buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria


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[Author's abstract]: Integration of wheelchair bound individuals into the society requires accessibility to any building, especially public buildings in any part of the world. This study assessed the wheelchair accessibility of selected public buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria. Thirty-eight public buildings housing hospital, education, social and recreation centers and government ministry/agencies were surveyed. The doorway width, height of thresholds and steps, width of routes and grade of ramps were measured and computed. Accessibility was determined using an abridged form of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Only 7 (18.4%) of the 38 buildings, 45.1% of the entrances and 19.4% of the routes were wheelchair accessible. The most accessible buildings were the hospitals (66.7%), while none of the social/ recreation buildings was accessible. This study revealed low level of wheelchair accessibility of public buildings in Ibadan, Nigeria, a factor that could limit opportunities for community integration of the wheelchair users

L'alimentation en eau et les installations sanitaires : pour les personnes handicapees - et autres groupes vulnerables

JONES, Hazel

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This book is aimed at water and sanitation planners and service providers as well as organisations of and for disabled people. It aims to promote the equitable access to water and sanitation facilities for disabled people. The main focus of the book is the development of facilities for families in rural and peri-urban areas of low- and middle-income countries, but many of the approaches and solutions may also be applied in institutional settings, such as schools and hospitals and in emergency situations. The contents include a rationale for improving accessibility; guidance on inter-sectoral communication and collaboration; guidance on making service delivery approaches inclusive; simple low-cost technical solutions for inclusive design; developing strategies for implementation; and case studies illustrating solutions and their benefits to disabled people

Resilience and success of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia

TEFERRA, Tirussew

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"This is an empirical cross-disability study among successful persons with hearing, visual and motor impairments. It tries to explore the threads of resilience which may be attributed to personal as well as environmental factors within the Ethiopian context. As it is the first attempt in the country, it is presumed to bring a fresh insight in the field and serve as a basis future intervention and research endeavour"
Chapter 5 from the book "Disability in Ethiopia: Issues, Insights and Implications" by Tirussew Teferra

Disability brief : identifying and addressing the needs of disabled people


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"The Disability Brief is an introduction to disability issues in development for operational staff and their government counterparts. The brief provides a background on disability and tools for addressing the needs of disabled people, including disability checklists, suggestions for addressing disability in development activities, resources to access knowledge on disability, implementation strategies, and case studies"

Design manual for a barrier free built environment

MOOTHAN, Raajesh
et al
December 2004

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Based on the experiences of a wide-ranging and holistic project in India, this manual details the steps that should be taken to create and adapt a barrier-free environment adhering to principles of universal design

Lessons learned workshop : a review of assistance programmes for war wounded and other persons with disabilities living in mine-affected countries

June 2004

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This workshop and report were designed to gather from participants their collective experience to reflect on the impact of the Treaty to Ban Landmines, on victim assistance work and offer some clarity and focus to the international community. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in disability, advocacy and conflict situations

Water supply and sanitation access and use by physically disabled people : report of second field-work in Bangladesh

April 2004

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This report was produced as part of phase 2 of the Knowledge and Research project : water supply and sanitation access and use by physically disabled people. It shows ways to include physically disabled people in mainstream development programmes. It summarizes the major findings of a research project and a seminar in Bangladesh. The report addresses development NGOs, and DPOs which aim to cooperate with mainstream development NGOs

Making latrines user-friendly for everyone|An exploratory research study on the discomfort faced by pregnant women, elderly, overweight, sick and disabled people when using squat latrines

April 2004

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This study report explores the problems experienced by ‘physically challenged’ people, including pregnant women, elderly, overweight, sick and disabled people, when using squat latrines. The study methodology is outlined, and the results found that most of these users experience similar types of discomfort when using the latrines with some psychological stress. Latrine design solutions are provided with drawings and photos. This study is useful for people interested in accessible squat latrine design

ADA checklist for polling places

February 2004

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"The following checklist is designed to help voting officials determine whether a polling place has basic accessible features needed by most voters with disabilities. It may be used when evaluating the accessibility of potential new polling places and when identifying physical barriers in existing polling places before temporary or permanent modifications are made to improve accessibility for elections"
Note: Available in html and pdf versions from the link provided

African civil society contact directory


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The aim of the directory is to encourage and strengthen ties between civil society organisations in Africa by providing information on civil society organisations working in Africa. The database can be searched by sector, region in Africa, country of location or keyword. Each entry gives information on the goal or aims of an organisation as well as a link to its website (if there is one) and email contact

Chronic poverty report 2004-05


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This major report presents an overview of the chronic poverty facing some 400 million people, and the policy implications. The report examines what chronic poverty is and why it matters, who the chronically poor are, where they live, what causes poverty to be persistent and what should be done about it. A section of regional perspectives looks at the experience of chronic poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, transitional countries and China. A statistical appendix brings together data on global trends on chronic poverty

World youth report 2003 : the global situation of young people

UNITED NATIONS. Department for Economic and Social Affairs

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Overall, young people today are better off than previous generations, but many are still severely hindered by a lack of education, poverty, health risks, unemployment and the impact of conflict. The World Youth Report 2003 provides an overview of the global situation of young people. The first ten chapters focus on the priority areas of education, employment, extreme poverty, health issues, the environment, drugs, delinquency, leisure time, the situation of girls and young women, and youth participation in decision-making as identified by the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) adopted by the General Assembly in 1995. The remaining five chapters address some of the newer issues that were later identified as additional priorities for youth and were adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2003

Double burden : a situation analysis of HIV/AIDS and young people with disabilities in Rwanda and Uganda


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This analysis was carried out by Save the Children UK after reports from the field suggested that disabled people were not accessing HIV prevention information or services, despite being at higher risk of infection. It outlines ways in which disabled people are not fully included in safer-sex communications: for instance blind people hear talk about condoms, but have never held one; the necessity to have a sign-language interpreter for deaf people compromises their right to confidentiality; young girls with disabilities are more likely to be raped and are less able to negotiate safe sex. It recommends the greater integration of disabled people into health and HIV communications and further research to develop disabled-friendly means of communication

Lessons learned workshop : a review of assistance programs for war wounded and other persons with disabilities living in mine-affected countries


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This review is the result of a workshop in May 2004 which brought together rehabilitation specialists from Africa, Asia, Europe and Central America to review assistance programmes for war wounded and persons who are living in landmine-affected countries. Lessons learned regarding emergency and continuing medical care, physical rehabilitation, psycho-social support, economic integration, capacity-building and sustainability, access to services, data collection, and coordination are presented in some detail, with reference to achieving the aims outlined in the International Campaign to Ban Landmines' Guidelines for the care and rehabilitation of survivors (1999)

Accessible environments

BELL, Janet A

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This booklet summarises the main architectural aspects that can make museums more accessible. Although it has been produced for the UK, the main principles are relevant to a wider audience. It covers: removing barriers, legislation and guidance; environmental barriers to access; good practice in environmental access; and policy and practice. The Disability Portfolio is a collection of 12 guides on how best to meet the needs of disabled people as users and staff in museums, archives and libraries. It gives advice, information and guidance to help overcome barriers and follow good practice

Disabled people and the internet : experiences, barriers and opportunities


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This report explores how provision of goods and services over the Internet affects people’s lives. While the Internet might have some capability to provide goods, services and communication at a distance, improving access in doing so, some research findings in the early days of e-commerce suggested diminished access for some groups.
This research focuses on the impact of the Internet on people with disabilities. There is the possibility that provision of information and services through the Internet might actually narrow rather than widen choices, because it might lead to the phasing out of traditional ways of providing services preferred by some disabled people

Designing for accessibility

LACEY, Andrew

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This resource is a user-friendly guide to plan accessible buildings. It has three chapters about the legislative aspects in the UK, guidance for design and management of buildings. It comes with many illustrations and drawings to describe the requirements for the layout within the building, and for external facilities such as car parks and street furniture

