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Good practice database


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This database contains individual good practice case studies that were collected using the Making it Work methodology. Making it Work is based on documenting examples of good practices and analyzing these practices to understand how they can be replicated or scaled up. The good practice case studies highlight what practice was achieved and how changes were achieved. Users can search for case studies by CRPD article, region, country, language, keyword or general search option

Zero project : for a world without barriers

World Future Council

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The Zero Project advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities internationally, and its mission is working for a world with zero barriers. The project's website is based on social media and is an interactive platform for anyone who is interested in Social Indicators, Innovative Practice and Innovative Policy examples in the field of disability. It aims to highlight the best solutions for creating change for the better. Information is also provided about the project, related conferences, resources and latest news

IDA's human rights publication series


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"Annual journal dedicated to sharing and gathering information, practices and experiences related to implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) from different sources including organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs), NGOs, national human rights institutions (NHRIs), United Nations human rights mechanisms and other actors, with a focus on highlighting positive examples of CRPD compliance. It aims to respond to an increased demand for additional guidance on implementation given the diversity and multiplication of practices worldwide"

Relevance of CBR and inclusive development in post-2015 development agenda


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This report aims to "convey regional experiences and viewpoints on (community based inclusive development) CBID with an aim to provoke thoughts, and to identify key elements for future direction regarding Post MDGs framework from the perspective of persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific, in regards to further develop the implementation of CBR, and to reassure the possibility of an inclusive, barrier-free, and rights-based society"
Note: contact publisher for text format

Review resources on UN Human Rights Instruments; Policy Advocacy; Rights Training; and Organizational Capacity, as well as links to global organizations engaged in disability and human rights work


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This resource provides useful website links to resources for disabled people's organisations (DPOs).  A link is provided to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the site features resources according to the following six resource categories: DRF resources, Country specific; CRPD information; disabled persons and human rights organizations; key topics; organizational capacity building

The Lao Disabled Person's Association

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Established in 2001, the Lao Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a membership-based organisation for people with disabilities advocating disability rights and providing services to members based on their needs. 

The LDPA has over 11,000 members from across the country but seeks to represent the interests of all people with disability within Lao PDR irrespective of their membership status. The LDPA does this at a national and provincial level. The LDPA’s head office in Vientiane Capital works in partnership with several organisations on strategic advocacy and rights-based projects and also provides outreach, opportunity and empowerment at a provincial level where members are organised into groups.

Supporting deafblind people to live, learn and thrive.


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Sense International is a global charity supporting deafblind people in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Peru, Romania and Uganda. An overview is given of work by Sense International in the areas of early intervention, education and health services, livelihood support, building local capacity and advocacy for deafblind people.

Handbook on Disability Services


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The Online Handbook on Disability Services in Finland supports social workers in their work with persons with disabilities. Information is available on disability rights and legislation, disability services and research and statistics

EuRADE : European research agendas for disability equality


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This website provides information about the project European Research Agendas for Disability Equality (EuRADE). It outlines the project, provides updated news and events, and contains links to related resources. The aim of the project is to increase and enhance the full participation of disabled people's organisations (DPOs) as equal and active partners in future research initiatives. This website is useful for researchers and organisations interested in DPO involvement in Europe

