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Education in emergencies : including everyone

February 2009

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The guide outlines useful principles for an inclusive emergency education approach, provides advice for strategies and actions at key stages of an emergency, offers advice on dealing with challenges, and highlights what support emergencies' education staff should expect from their organisations. It is aimed at anyone working to provide, manage or support education services in emergencies, and complements the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction

Primary health care, social determinants of health and health public policies : indispensable agents for equity in health

EVANS, Timothy

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This was a key note speech summarises the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board's resolutions on social determinants of health and primary health care based health systems. There are six general themes: values; measurement and monitoring; walking the talk in the health care sector; beyond the health care sector; the global frontier; and leadership and leadership capacity. The speech written and delivered by the Assistant Director General of WHO

Handbook on monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health : with special applications for low- and middle-income countries

DAL POZ, Mario R

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This handbook aims strengthen the technical capacity of health managers, researchers and policy makers, to monitor and evaluate their health workforce accurately . It brings together an analytical framework for strategy options for improving the health workforce information and evidence base, as well as country experiences to highlight approaches that have worked

WHO handbook on indoor radon : a public health perspective

ZEEB, Hajo

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This handbook focuses on residential radon exposure from a public health point of view and provides detailed recommendations on reducing health risks from radon and policy options for preventing and mitigating radon exposure. The material reflects the epidemiological evidence that indoor radon exposure is responsible for a substantial number of lung cancers in the general population

Child health : generating the will


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This edition of Global Future explores the nature of political will and what is required to reduce rates of under-five mortality and realise Millennium Development Goals (MDG) four (to reduce under-five mortality) and five (to improve maternal health). Authors from around the world lay out the "why, who, what and how" of the actions needed to realise these MDGs and get more countries on track quickly. At the time of publication only 16 of the 68 countries with the highest rates of child death were on track to reach MDG four

Older citizens monitoring in Ethiopia : a handbook


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"The primary aim of this manual is to provide a guide for woreda governments, NGOs and communities to replicate an older citizens monitoring approach to development in the Ethiopian context. The guidance is developed from the experiences of a pilot project on older citizens monitoring which was implemented in several woredas of Ethiopia. The guide outlines 3 main sections: Establish the structure, Develop skills and capacity, and implement monitoring systems. Each section details the steps needed to plan and implement an older citizens monitoring project in the Ethiopian context in an approximate chronological order"

Capacity development : a UNDP primer


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"This primer addresses the basic elements of the UNDP approach to capacity development. It provides a simple, cogent and accessible illustration of the UNDP Capacity Development Approach for the benefit of development practitioners both within and beyond the UN development system – a real-world guide to real-world applications to strengthen and contribute to national capacities for development"

The capacity development results framework : a strategic and results-oriented approach to learning for capacity development

OTOO, Samuel

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“The Capacity Development Results Framework (CDRF or the Framework) is a powerful new approach to the design, implementation, monitoring, management, and evaluation of development programs... [It] can be profitably applied to assess the feasibility and coherence of proposed development projects, to monitor projects during implementation (with a view to taking corrective action), or to assess the results, or even the design, of completed projects.  The framework can also be used as a step-by-step guide to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of projects and programs designed to build capacity for development at a national or sub-national level”

Monitorings and evaluation manual : handbook on monitoring and evaluation of development projects


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“The manual provides answers to what monitoring and evaluation are about, and what it takes to perform them. Numerous specific examples are presented, and annexes at the end serve practical purposes in day-to-day work, including a list to inspire the programming of monitoring and evaluation visits, and a catalogue of ideas for the formulation of indicators”

Capacity development and partnership : overview and methodology

ZIEGLER, Stefanie
October 2008

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This document is based on the experiences and lessons learned by Handicap International teams and partner organisations in relation to capacity development and developing partnerships between 2001 and 2007, following the creation of the partnership tools. It is the result of reading key documents and of communication between professionals between 2001 and 2007. It has been written as a guide for Handicap International staff

Study on social and health services of general interest in the European Union : final synthesis report

HUBER, Manfred
MAUCHER, Mathias
SAK, Barbara
June 2008

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This report seeks to improve the knowledge of both operators and the European Commission about the situation of social and health services of general interest in the European Union (EU). It is also designed to examine the impact of the EU rules on the development of social and health services. The purpose is to eventually establish a monitoring and dialogue tool in the form of biennial reports

Capacity, change and performance : study report

BASER, Heather
April 2008

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This comprehensive report looks in detail at the issues of capacity and capacity development including an explanation and discussion of the concept of capacity development. The report considers the main actors who play a part in, and different ways to think about, capacity development; the different conditions under which capacity development takes place; and the processes and strategies that can/should be employed to increase it.  The report is structured to enable readers to easily access the sections that are relevant to them

Discussion Paper No 59B

Community based rehabilitation programmes : monitoring and evaluation in order to measure results

March 2008

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This paper aims to help develop "methodologies that will help to measure results of Community Based Rehabilitation programmes...The article places considerable importance on management information systems and monitoring, since it is believed that evaluation will greatly benefit from both the existence of baseline data as well as a well-developed and well-implemented information system. The present article emphasises the need for participatory processes in the development of baseline data and information systems. Four key areas for measuring CBR are highlighted: people, power, public society and partnerships. Finally, a tool is presented in order to evaluate (or monitoring and evaluation) systematically"
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, No 1

Implementation manual for the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

February 2008

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This manual was created for users and survivors of psychiatry, and user/survivor organisations, as an information guide and reference for working with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It specifically highlights aspects of the Convention that pertain to the human rights abuses of users and survivors of psychiatry. This tool is designed to advocate for the implementation of legislation in line with the Convention

Guide for documenting and sharing 'best practices' in health programmes


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This document provides guidance on the process for identifying, documenting and sharing knowledge on country experiences in the planning, implementation and monitoring of health programmes and services that can be considered as 'Best Practices' and that can contribute to the acceleration and expansion of health sector actions. It has been written for WHO staff, ministries of health and civil society organisations

