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Disability inclusion : translating policy into practice in humanitarian action

March 2014

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This report “documents positive practices and ongoing challenges to promote disability inclusion across UNHCR’s and its partners’ work in multiple countries and multiple displacement contexts. The report provides lessons and recommendations for other organizations and the wider humanitarian community on engaging persons with disabilities at all levels of humanitarian work. It draws on consultations with over 700 displaced persons, including persons with disabilities, their families, and humanitarian staff, in eight countries”

Note: This report is also offered in plain text format

Rapid outcome mapping approach (ROMA) : a guide to policy engagement and policy influence

et al

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ROMA (the RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach) is an approach to improve policy engagement processes and in­fluence change. It comprises a suite of tools that any organisation can use at any stage in their policy engagement process to improve how they diagnose the problem, understand the types of impact their work could have on policy-making, set realistic objectives for policy infl­uence, develop a plan to achieve those objectives, monitor and learn from the progress they are making and refl­ect this learning back into their work

Note: The guide is available in pdf and online webpage formats from the links above

Victim assistance issue briefs : how to ensure mine/ERW survivors benefit from and participate in disability-inclusive development


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Following on from the Way Forward Paper, this paper is a set of three issue briefs proposing specific efforts and recommendations for informing and influencing policy to ensure mine and explosive remnants of war survivors participate in, and benefit from, disability-inclusive development. The three topics are locating and identifying survivors, improving access to services, and measuring progress on the implementation of victim assistance

Integrating people’s capacities in disaster risk reduction through participatory mapping

CADAG, Jake Rom D
November 2013

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This is ebook chapter presents different forms of participatory mapping to facilitate the integration of people’s capacities within disaster risk reduction.   The chapter "presents a particular form of participatory mapping...Participatory 3 Dimensional Mapping (P3DM), as a tool for making people’s capacity, as well as vulnerabilities, tangible, so that these can be considered in DRR [disaster risk reduction].  It draws upon a project led by coastal communities in the Philippines, between 2008 and 2009"

Chapter 17 of LÓPEZ-CARRESI, Alejandro, et. al, Eds, (2013) "Disaster management : International lessons in risk reduction, response and recovery” 

Lessons learned on inclusion of people with disability in the ICCO Gaibandha food security project for ultra poor women, 2009-2013

BRUIJN, Paulien
October 2013

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The Gaibandha Food Security Program is one of the first programs that mainstreams disability on a large scale, and the Food Security Project in Gaibandha was implemented in order to improve the food security situation of 40.000 women headed households. In April 2013 an internal evaluation took place on the disability mainstreaming process within the FSUP Gaibandha project. This report reflects related lessons learned about disability mainstreaming

Training Manual on Inclusive Vocational Training and Education

Md. Mazedul Haque
Mathieu Simard

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A practical guideline for Vocational Education and Training (VET) school teacher to initiate inclusive VET in Kyrgyzstan.


The main objective of this manual is to build capacities to Vocational Education and Training (VET) school teachers and social workers to facilitate inclusive VET. It targets actors working in the disability, education or VET arena to improve their knowledge on disability and inclusive education, so they can advocate for and technically support inclusive VET and general education.

More specifically, the manual will enable stakeholders to:
- Identity people who are excluded from VET ,
- Identify capacities and specific needs of persons with disabilities,
- Share common understanding on Inclusive VET
- Provide basic support to persons with disabilities with appropriate teaching methods
- Facilitate physical accessibility at school,
- Minimize barriers to promote inclusive education
- Planning and setting-up inclusive VET supported by social workers

The manual is designed to be utilized by VET school teachers, Social Workers, Inclusive Educator and Development workers.

The sustainability analysis process : the case of physical rehabilitation

BOGGS, Dorothy
December 2012

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"This guide describes the Sustainability Analysis Process (SAP), a coordinated planning approach that aims to facilitate the development of a common vision of sustainability among various actors in a system. Specifically, it is a participatory process which outlines how to achieve consensus on a common vision, and how to define sustainability indicators that can be used to monitor progress towards this vision within the context of the national rehabilitation system. Ultimately, the SAP outlined in this guide is a practical tool that can help all actors in a system to understand the various components of sustainability and analyse the concept of sustainability in relation to their own system"

Inclusive project cycle management training

December 2012

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"Inclusive Project Cycle Management (IPCM) training package has been developed for CBM staff and Partner Organisations worldwide


The Trainers’ Manual will guide CBM trainers. It contains the curriculum for the course and training resources for trainers to help them deliver the course. The training will be successful if the trainers make sufficient planning time to prepare in advance and to respond to partners training needs. Different contexts and different partners may require different emphasis on areas that may be a challenge. This training material is not suggested as a prescriptive manual but as a suggested framework that can be added to and deepened as required. This means adapting the course to the local context and training needs and competencies of partners. In particular, it would be good to supplement or replace case studies included in the course with local case studies (refer Handout 8) and to have participants draw on their own examples


In addition to the Trainers’ Manual, there are also Participant Folders. There is a small amount of information to be included in the folders at the beginning. Participants will receive extra course materials during the three days to complete their folders (Handouts)

The objective of the training is to promote inclusion in CBM’s work and the work of CBM’s partners. It focuses on two particular aspects of inclusion – how to ensure people with disabilities and both women and men participate in and benefit from development activities"

Mainstreaming disability in the development agenda : towards 2015 and beyond|Report of the Secretary-General

November 2012

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"The report presents selected examples of advances made at the international, regional and national levels in mainstreaming disability in evolving policy frameworks for inclusive development. The report concludes that, in order to advance such policy frameworks further, follow-up strategies must be introduced at all levels and suggests elements for inclusion in such strategies. The report provides specific recommendations on action at the national, regional and global level to promote the effective implementation of the outcome of the High-level Meeting, specifying actions for Member States, the United Nations system, civil society and all other stakeholders"

Support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

et al
February 2012

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This policy brief gives an overview of how Handicap International works with and supports disabled people's organisations through capacity building, changing attitudes, practices and policies, monitoring the situation of people with disabilities and their human rights, and supporting people with disabilities’ individual empowerment
PP brief No 4

Mainstreaming disability in the new development paradigm : evaluation of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities


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"This report is the result of an external and independent evaluation of the Norwe¬gian Support to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the last 11 years. The intention of the evaluation is to analyse the results of targeted and mainstreamed initiatives towards achieving the rights of persons with disabilities...The methodology included field visits in the four case countries: Malawi, Nepal, the Palestinian territory and Uganda to obtain a deeper understanding of how the rights of persons with disabilities have been promoted, and estimate the possible contributions of the Norwegian support. Afghanistan was included as a desk study"
Note: The report is available electronically and in printed version. A braille copy can be downloaded from the web. The four country reports, written in English, are available electronically. The summaries of the country studies are made available electronically, with translations to the relevant local languages Nepali, Arabic and Chewa. In addition an easy-read version in English and Norwegian of the main report is available electronically

Human rights indicators : a guide to measurement and implementation


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This guide is "a reference resource with operational tools, including an approach to identifying quantitative and qualitative indicators, and the corresponding methodology, to promote objective and comprehensive human rights assessments...The objective of this Guide is to bring together materials covering the conceptual, the methodological and the empirical aspects of the approach underlying the identification of context-sensitive indicators to promote and monitor the implementation of human rights. The Guide provides elements of a framework for building the capacity of human rights monitoring systems and facilitating the use of appropriate tools in policymaking, its implementation and monitoring (fig. I). The Guide aims to reach all those who share a commitment to the promotion of human rights and those who are mandated, directly or indirectly, to address human rights issues in the course of their day-to-day work"

CBR guidelines as a tool for community-based inclusive development


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This document presents the CBR Guidelines as a tool for community-based inclusive development. It provides an introduction to CBR, community based inclusive development, and the CBR guidelines. It then highlights partnerships between stakeholders in CBR and the CBR guidelines as a framework for monitoring and evaluation using an example from Cambodia

Caring for child survivors of sexual abuse : guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings


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These guidelines provide step-by-step guidance on how to implement the main aspects of the Caring for Child Survivors (CCS) Program Model. It is the "how-to" guide for instructing health and psychosocial field staff responding to children who have experienced sexual abuse. The guidelines include multiple tools for monitoring and evaluating the program model, such as: knowledge and skills competency assessments and case management monitoring and evaluation tools
The guidelines are part of The CCS Resource Package which is based on global research on child sexual abuse and evidence from field practice. The CCS Resource Package is a comprehensive and practical approach to help child survivors and their families recover and heal from the impacts of sexual abuse. The three main components are an in-depth literature review, CCS Program Model and the CCS Guidelines

Menstrual hygiene matters : a resource for improving menstrual hygiene round the world

HOUSE, Sarah
MAHON, Therese

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This resource provides a comprehensive resource on menstrual hygiene that supports the development of context-specific information for improving practices for women and girls in lower- and middle-income countries. The resource presents a synthesis of good practices and guidance considering a range of contexts and situations for women and girls around the world, and encourages increased engagement in advocacy . It is divided into modules, each with its own toolkit, focusing on various aspects of menstrual hygiene. Readers can choose the sections most relevant to them and follow the recommendations and cross references for more information. 


This resource is for use by all professionals who are concerned with improving the lives of girls and women. It will be of particular use to WASH sector professionals, as well as those from other sectors, including health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, education, community development, protection and gender

Community early warning systems : guiding principles

January 2012

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"The Community early warning systems: guiding principles" is one of a set of guides prepared by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent societies that present guiding principles that will assist in building a strong foundation for the design or strengthening of early warning systems (EWS) at any level.   Written as a strategic, rather than  operational, guide it aims to provide an overview of successful practice from the field in developing early warning systems.  It provides a practical toolkit for the disaster risk reduction or risk management practitioner

Children’s rights for all!|Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for children with intellectual disabilities

October 2011

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This publication provides an overview of the situation of children with intellectual disabilities in twenty two European countries, with a particular focus on five areas: protection against abuse, family support and (de-)institutionalisation, health, education, and participation of children. It recommends steps to be taken to remove barriers to their inclusion. The publication is based on a series of country reports that were prepared by national experts

Support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

GEISER, Priscille
ZIEGLER, Stefanie
July 2011

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This policy paper is based on the practice and experience acquired by Handicap International (HI) in working with and supporting organisations representative of people with disabilities. The paper first outlines the development of DPOs and their particular roles and responsibilities with regards to the goal of improving the situation of persons with disabilities. It then discusses the importance of supporting DPOs specifically regarding HI’s engagement, presents key components of projects, and highlights links with HI’s institutional framework documents. This paper is useful for anyone interested in support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

Cash transfer programming in emergencies. Good Practice Review 11.

June 2011

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This edition of Good Practice Review is intended primarily for humanitarian practitioners who plan and implement emergency responses both those who are already familiar with cash-based interventions and those who are not. It synthesizes cash transfer guidelines, highlights lessons from evaluations and adds practical examples drawn from experience in the field.

