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Good practices for the economic inclusion of people with disabilities in developing countries : funding mechanisms for self-employment

Handicap International
August 2006

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This report aims to highlight good practices, strategies, tools and operational methods that guarantee the sustainability of projects that support access to funding mechanisms and the self-employment of people with disabilities. More specifically, the study focuses on the use of microcredit enterprises and grants for the start-up and expansion of microenterprises. Developed in partnership with a diverse range of organisations of/for people with disabilities and microfinance providers, the report highlights the significant exclusion of people with diabilities from mainstream microfinance institutions and subsequently presents two solutions: firstly to develop schemes that promote the inclusion of people with disabilites; secondly to develop financial services by organisations of/for people with disabilities themselves. This report would be of relevance to anybody working in the fields of international development, disability or microfinance

Tap and reposition youth (TRY) : providing social support, savings, and microcredit opportunities for young women in areas with high HIV prevalence

ERULKAR, Annabel
et al
March 2006

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Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY) was a multiphase initiative undertaken by the Population Council and K-Rep Development Agency (KDA), the oldest and largest microfinance institution in Kenya. The overall aim of the project was to reduce adolescents' vulnerabilities to adverse social and reproductive health outcomes, including HIV infection, by improving their livelihoods options. The project was launched in low-income and slum areas of Nairobi, Kenya, where rates of HIV infection are alarming and where young women are disproportionately affected

Graduating the poorest into microfinance : linking safety nets and financial services

February 2006

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This note presents general microfinance information and explores issues surrounding the debate about whether or not microfinance actually reaches the poorest at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale. Links between safety net programmes and microfinance programmes are highlighted through case studies. This note is useful for people interested in microfinance issues in developing countries

Disability and social change : a South African agenda

et al

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This book has been produced to promote the social rights of people with disabilities. It presents extensive research on the South African context of disability and society and draws upon contributions from a diverse range of specialists in the field. A key aim of the text is to unite the disability movement in South Africa through research discourse, as a means to drive processes of social change. Key sections of the book cover: theoretical approaches to disability; governmental and societal responses to disability; disability and education; disability poverty and social security; disability and service provision; disability and human spaces. This book would be of interest to anybody working in the fields of disability, development and social inclusion

DFID and the private sector : working with the private sector to eliminate poverty

December 2005

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Strong economic growth is key to the elimination of poverty. DFID considers that it has a clear priority in helping developing countries create the conditions which can nurture and sustain economic growth - and the development of the private sector is central to this because it is a major provider of essential services to poor people in developing countries

Microcredit for self-employed disabled persons in developing countries

October 2005

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This paper aims to close the gap in knowledge and culture between the disability and the micro finance communities. Resource-based theory is applied to analyse when microcredit for disabled persons is an appropriate tool and when it is not. General recommendations are provided for the inclusion of disabled entrepreneurs, as well as lists of recommendations that are both easy to understand and to apply for micro fiance institutions, disabled people's organisations and donors. This paper is useful for academics, professionals and organisations interested in micro finance for people with disabilities in developing countries

Managing scaling up challenges of a program for the poorest : case study of BRAC's IGVGD program | Scaling up poverty reduction : case studies in microfinance

MATIN, Imran
May 2004

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This chapter looks at the Income Generation for Vulnerable Group Development (IGVGD) programme, initiated by BRAC, a large microfinance NGO. The programme aims to target poverty alleviation through strategic linkages between grant-based and market-based microfinance programmes. The IGVD programme is described and planning, management and issues of scaling up are discussed. Tables and graphs are provided to enhance understanding. This document is useful for people interested in microfinance programmes

Key principles of microfinance


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This factsheet describes eleven key principles of micro finance. It is a user-friendly document that would be helpful for people interested in general information about micro finance

Supporting women’s livelihoods : microfinance that works for the majority|A guide to best practices

January 2002

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This guide presents practical information about the role of microfinance in funding women's livelihood activities, as well as the benefit to family units. The guide is organised into six topic-related parts, highlighting case studies and key points. It would be useful for donors and practitioners who are interested in microfinance programmes for women

Participation and sustainability in social projects : the experience of the local development programme (PRODEL) in Nicaragua

STEIN, Alfredo

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This paper describes the work of the Local Development Programme (PRODEL) in the eight cities in Nicaragua where it provided low-income groups with small grants for infrastructure and community works projects, and loans for housing improvement and micro-enterprises. Donor funds were matched by municipal, community, and household contributions. Between 1994 and 1998 more than 38,000 households benefited and both loan programmes achieved good levels of cost recovery. The paper describes the micro-planning workshops and other methodologies, and explains how local governments and the bank responsible for managing the loans learned to work in a more participatory way, and it outlines the measures taken to ensure that the needs and priorities of women and children were addressed. The paper considers lessons learned in sustaining the initiatives and institutionalising citizen participation in social programmes, and describes how PRODEL's methods have come to be used by central and local governments in other programmes. [Publisher's abstract]

