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A feeling of belonging : an example of a community mental health project in Rwanda

FINEL, Elodie
PEGON, Guillaume
November 2012

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This video documentary and accompanying booklet present Handicap International’s approaches taken since January 2007 to restore the Rwandan population’s psychological well-being and its social cohesion after the genocide. Knowledge about setting up and implementing a community mental health project is shared for the information of Handicap International team members, partners and the public. General guidelines are offered to share expertise and technical perspectives in the field of mental health and psychological support

Inequalities relating to health and the life course : disability, mental Illness and older age

November 2012

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"Issues related to early childhood feature prominently in the MDG framework (as do malnutrition, HIV status and malaria), and data collection in these areas is fairly advanced. Other sources of inequality are notable by their virtual absence - among these, older age, disability and mental illness, although these issues each appear to affect sizeable numbers of particularly vulnerable people throughout the world. A clear obstacle to ‘mainstreaming’ these sources of inequality in a new post-2015 agreement is the widespread lack of nationally representative internationally comparable data. This could arise from definitional or technical issues (what to measure and/or how), operational issues (e.g., resource or capacity constraints), attitudinal issues (relating to stigma) and/or lack of demand from data users. Greater attention is needed to explore these constraints and how they might be overcome. To this end, this paper discusses currently available data and its limitations, constraints to better data collection and efforts needed to adjust key international survey instruments- the World Bank’s Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire (CWIQ) and Living Standards and Measurement Survey (LSMS), Macro International’s Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) - to collect reliable data on these sources of inequality, alongside other household indicators"
Note: Accepted under the "Addressing Inequalities" Global Thematic Consultation - Call for Proposals for Background Papers, Oct 2012

Common European guidelines on the transition from institutional to community based care|Guidance on implementing and supporting a sustained transition from institutional care to family-based and community-based alternatives for children, persons with dis

November 2012

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These guidelines "provide practical advice about how to make a sustained transition from institutional care to family-based and community based alternatives for individuals currently living in institutions and those living in the community, often without adequate support. The Guidelines are aimed primarily at policy and decision makers in the European Union and the neighbouring countries with responsibility for the provision of care and support services for children, people with disabilities and their families, people with mental health problems and older people"

Toolkit on the use of European Union funds for the transition from institutional to community based care

November 2012

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This toolkit "aims to explain how European Union funds can support national, regional and local authorities in designing and implementing structural reforms aimed at facilitating the development of quality family-based and community-based alternatives to institutional care. It addresses primarily the desk officers of the European Commission, managing authorities, intermediate bodies, monitoring committees and project promoters in the EU Member States and in acceding, candidate and potential candidate countries; and any other donors investing in services for children, people with disabilities, people with mental health problems or older people"

Mapping exclusion

KOZMA, Agnes
PETRI, Gabor
November 2012

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This is a comprehensive report on the state of deinstitutionalization from institution-based services towards community-based services in the mental health field in Europe. The report consists of a comparative analysis of trends and policy changes in Europe based on a survey, and 32 country reports are presented in the annex covering issues crucial in the context of community care, such as data about institutional and community-based services, national mental health and deinstitutionalization strategies, information on guardianship and involuntary admission policies
Note: The report is in English, summaries are available in Dutch, French, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, Romanian and Swedish

The voices of the marginalised

CAIN, Emma
October 2012

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"Drawing on the experience of four organizations (ADD International, Sightsavers, HelpAge International, Alzheimer’s Disease International), this paper argues the case for a greater focus on horizontal inequalities which relate to social factors of ‘difference’, and which contribute to marginalization. By focusing on the experience of persons with disabilities, older people and people with mental health issues, the paper explores the dynamics and mechanisms which marginalize individuals, and calls for a greater focus on these issues in current and future development frameworks. The paper highlights the importance of bringing the ‘lived experience’ in to the analysis and policymaking process through initiatives such as the ‘Voices of the Marginalized’ research project which promotes the voice and participation of persons with disabilities, older people and people with mental health issues"
Note: Accepted under the "Addressing Inequalities" Global Thematic Consultation - Call for Proposals for Background Papers, Oct 2012

Mental health in post-crisis and development contexts

PÉGON, Guillaume
September 2012

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This brief provides an overview of Handicap International's activities in mental health in post-crisis and development contexts. Handicap International’s mental health projects specifically address the mental health of people with psychosocial and mental disabilities or with intellectual disabilities
PP brief No 3

Parental Stress in Raising a Child with Disabilities in India


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Purpose: To determine parenting stress and its determinants among parents of children with disabling conditions in India.


Methods: The Parenting Stress Index – short form and a few open ended questions were administered to a convenience sample of sixty-six patient families in July, 2009 in the cities of New Delhi and Faridabad regions of Northern India through six non- governmental organizations (NGOs) that serve children with disabling conditions.


Results: Female sex of the child was associated with higher stress related to failure of the child to meet parent’s expectations and to satisfy the parents in their parenting role. Parents engaged in more lucrative and prestigious occupations had more stress than parents engaged in less prestigious and lucrative occupations irrespective of their income. Many parents reported receiving little support from their extended families in taking care of their child. Religion was found to be a common coping resource used by the parents.


Conclusion and Implications: Higher parenting stress in parents of girls raises the possibility of abuse and neglect. Little support from informal family resources underscores the need for developing formal resources for supporting the parents. The specific resources of parenting stress among parents of different socioeconomic status should be explored in future studies so that appropriate interventions can be planned.

Booklet 1 : understanding children’s wellbeing

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support
May 2012

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"This booklet can be used as a stand-alone resource or as part of the children’s resilience programme. It has been written for parents, teachers, community workers, trainers - both those people who are directly caring for children and those who are supporting or training others in their work with children. It looks at psychosocial support and child protection, and describes how activities in the children’s resilience programme can be used both within formal school settings and out of school in all kinds of child friendly spaces"
Part of "The children’s resilience programme : psychosocial support in and out of school" by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support and Save the Children

Inclusive and integrated HIV and AIDS programming

March 2012

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"This policy brief is an introduction to Handicap International’s 2012 Policy Paper "Inclusive and integrated HIV and AIDS programming". Handicap International promotes an inclusive approach to improving quality of life and access to services for persons with disabilities. This means that basic health care and socioeconomic services are developed according to the principle of Universal Access, where all people with impairments (whether physical, sensory, intellectual or mental), have equal access and opportunities for participation. This inclusive approach also ensures that gender considerations and disparities are acknowledged as a cross-cutting issue"
Policy brief No 7

Fighting against epilepsy in Rwanda : an efficient patient-centred experience

FINEL, Elodie
March 2012

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This document presents a learning-from-experience "capitalisation’’ process on Handicap International’s epilepsy project in Rwanda. It includes 4 parts: (1) Principles & Benchmarks which sets the framework including main concepts, definitions and intervention context (2) Intervention methods which detail the main activities monitoring the project and its tools (3) Focus which presents the community-based approach and provides a deeper look into the know-how and good practices developed through this approach (4) Results which provides the limitations and recommendations found during the capitalisation process to different stakeholders
SD/LL 04

Who gets to decide?|Right to legal capacity for persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities

February 2012

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"This Issue Paper describes the challenges faced by Council of Europe member states in dealing with the issue. These include the flaws of current guardianship systems and procedures, the automatic loss of human rights of those placed under guardianship regimes and the pressing need to develop support alternatives giving persons with disabilities equal opportunities to shape their life paths. The paper outlines the applicable international human rights framework, including the relevant case-law from the European Court of Human Rights. It concludes with examples of good practice to show the way forward"
Commissioner DH/Issue Paper (2012)2

Mental Health and Quality of Life of Caregivers of Individuals with Cerebral Palsy in a Community Based Rehabilitation Programme in Rural Karnataka


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Background: Cerebral palsy is a type of non-progressive central nervous system disorder with multiple impairments. As there are sensory, communicatory and intellectual impairments, providing care at home may be stressful and affect to the physical and mental health of the caregivers. This in turn could interfere with rehabilitation of persons with cerebral palsy.


Purpose: This study assesses the mental health status and quality of life of caregivers of persons with disabilities. The study group consisted of caregivers of 23 children with cerebral palsy and intellectual disability.


Method: The needs of the children with disabilities were assessed using a pre- tested interview schedule, while caregivers were administered GHQ-28 and WHO-QOL.


Results: Thirteen (56.52%) of the primary caregivers tested positive for GHQ. The psychological and environmental domains of QOL were found to be most affected, while the physical and social domains were relatively better.


Conclusion: There was a significant (p<0.05) correlation between the GHQ scores and quality of life.

WHO QualityRights tool kit : assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilities


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The WHO QualityRights tool kit has been developed to support countries in assessing and improving the quality and human rights of their mental health and social care facilities. The tool kit is based on an extensive international review by people with mental disabilities and their organizations. It has been pilot-tested in low-, middle- and high-income countries and is designed to be applied in all of these resource settings

Promoting empowerment|Emancipatory research in community-based rehabilitation programmes : a guide for CBR programmes managers


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This practical guide is written for organizations and persons involved in CBR projects. It is also targeted at DPOs, especially those working at community and peripheral levels. The information provides a straight forward guide for people working in CBR programmes to carry out simple emancipatory research (ER). Examples are provided from successful ER projects. This resource is useful to anyone interested in ER in community-based rehabilitation programmes

Like a death sentence : abuses against persons with mental disabilities in Ghana


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"Focusing on the southern parts of the country, this report examines the experiences of persons with mental disabilities in Ghana in the three main environments in which they receive care: the broader community, the country’s three public psychiatric hospitals, and residential prayer camps...Human Rights Watch found that persons with mental disabilities in Ghana often experience a range of human rights abuses in the prayer camps and hospitals that Human Rights Watch researchers visited. These patients are ostensibly sent to these institutions by their family members, police, or their communities for help. Abuses are taking place despite the fact that Ghana has ratified a number of international human rights treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which was ratified in July 2012. These abuses include denial of food and medicine, inadequate shelter, involuntary medical treatment, and physical abuse amounting to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment"
The report is available in pdf, easy to read and html formats

Who is where, when, doing what (4Ws) in mental health and psychosocial support : manual with activity codes


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"Humanitarian actors in emergencies often encounter challenges in knowing Who is Where, When, doing What (4Ws) with regard to mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). Such knowledge is essential to inform coordination. 4Ws tools are used in many areas of aid to map activities conducted across large geographical areas". This manual outlines the 4Ws with regard to mental health and psychosocial support for humanitarian actors with MHPSS coordinating responsibilities. The tool exists in two parts: a 4Ws data collection spreadsheets application (in excel online) and this manual which describes how to collect the data

Mental health and psychosocial support for conflict-related sexual violence : principles and interventions

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

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This resource outlines principles and interventions in relation to mental health and psychosocial support for conflict-related sexual violence
"Responding to the psychosocial and mental health needs of sexual violence survivors in conflict-affected Settings"
Ferney-Voltaire, France
28-30 November 2011

