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Packages of care for epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries

MBUBA, Caroline K
NEWTON, Charles R
October 2009

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This article focuses on the management of epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries and recommends a package of care - a combination of interventions aimed at improving the recognition and management of conditions to achieve optimal outcomes - for epilepsy, that is sustainable

"I washed and fed my mother before going to school" : understanding the psychosocial well-being of children providing chronic care for adults affected by HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya

OGUTU, Vincent O
August 2009

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This paper presents three case studies of young people each of whom is a primary caregiver for a relative living with HIV. They are drawn from a study in Western Kenya of how well children cope with the challenges of chronic care and the psycho-social impact it has on them

Responding to children, young people and AIDS : collection of best practices under UNTG on AIDS, working group on children

June 2009

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This collection of best practices on the prevention of mother to child transmission; treatment and care for women and children with HIV; vulnerability reduction for youth; and stigma reduction, aims to contribute to experience- and expertise-sharing about tailored interventions to meet the needs of target populations. The publication was produced by the United Nations Theme Group (UNTG) on AIDS, Working Group on Children to contribute to sharing between UN agencies, NGOs and bilateral organisations and civil society. The Chinese Campaign on HIV Prevention for Children and Young People was launched by the Government of China in September, 2006 under the global campaign 'Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS'

Playgroup resource book : for children aged 3-5 years and 6-12 years

May 2009

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This book is designed to allow those facilitating the playgroup sessions the flexibility to pick and choose activities, games, songs and group lessons that are suited to the children they are working with, the time and materials available to them, and their geographical location and setting. Play can be especially important for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) because the physical and emotional trauma they may face makes them more vulnerable to sadness and ill-health than other children. Non-structured and structured play become very important support activities for OVC because of all they can do to improve a child’s physical and emotional well-being

Together now

April 2009

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Together Now’ is Alliance India's periodical newsletter. This issue focuses on psychosocial support in relation to support of people affected by HIV and AIDS including interventions that assist children and families to cope

Children to the fore! : an easy-to-use training handbook that promotes child rights and cultural issues in the face of HIV in southern Africa

STALLY, Aulora
March 2009

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This handbook aims to get children's rights known, recognised and respected in communities, particularly where they might be compromised by traditional and cultural practices, and where their realisation is threatened by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. It provides methods for upholding positive cultural practices,as well as opportunities to revisit harmful cultural ways. It aims to develop positive approaches to sensitive issues within the community,such as child abuse and discrimination against young girls

Women and health : today's evidence tomorrow's agenda

DE ZOYSA Isabelle

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This is a report on women and health - both women’s health needs and their contribution to the health of societies. Women’s health has long been a concern for the World Health Organization but today it has become an urgent priority. This report explains why. Using current data, it takes stock of what is known about the health of women throughout their lives and across the different regions of the world

Ugandan memory books

HelpAge International

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This picture story shows the involvement of grandparents in memory work in Uganda - either in writing memory books for their grandchildren or in reading and updating memory books created by their children, for their grandchildren

Inspiring futures : learning from memory work in Africa

DUNN, Alison

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This learning paper looks at the experiences of applying memory work as part of broader strategies to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in five African countries. It explores how six NGOs in sub-Saharan Africa established memory work as a key component of their community-based HIV programmes and draws on the experience of people living with HIV and AIDS, children and young people who participated in the initiative, partner organisations' own learning and analysis and the end of project evaluation report

An introduction to mental health : facilitator’s manual for training community health workers in India

RAJA, Shoba
et al

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The aim of this training manual is to build the capacity of community health workers in the field of mental health so that they are able to effectively respond to the mental health needs of their communities. By the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to: * Recognise symptoms of mental disorders. * Respond appropriately to people experiencing symptoms of mental disorders. * Refer people experiencing possible mental disorders to appropriate services. * Support people with mental disorders and their families. * Promote mental health within their communities. The manual provides a step by step guide to facilitating each training session and contains information on teaching methods, training tips and the aims and objectives of each session. It was developed and piloted in consultation with the Village Health Workers at the Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, Maharashtra, India

Pharmacological treatment of mental disorders in primary health care


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This manual provides "evidence-based information to health care professionals in primary health care, especially in low- and middle-income countries, to be able to provide pharmacological treatment to persons with mental disorders. The manual contains basic principles of prescribing followed by chapters on medicines used in psychotic disorders; depressive disorders; bipolar disorders; generalised anxiety and sleep disorders; obsessive-compulsive disorders and panic attacks; and alcohol and opioid dependence"

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health : a global review of the literature


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This report presents information outlining "the ways in which mental health concerns intersect with women’s reproductive health. It includes a discussion of the bio-psycho-social factors that increase vulnerability to poor mental health, those that might be protective and the types of programmes that could mitigate adverse effects and promote mental health." This review is useful for public health professionals, planners, policy makers and programme managers to raise awareness of mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Mental retardation, poverty and community based rehabilitation


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"This study follows an analysis, based on a review of the Swedish programme for mental retardation during the period 1930-2000. It is concluded that in Sweden a very large proportion of mild and moderate mental retardation has been eliminated though the combination of poverty alleviation with a community-based rehabilitation programme. For these situations a pro-active programme analysing and meeting the needs of the target groups should be useful as a means to achieve poverty alleviation"
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 7, No10

The impact of HIV/AIDS on older people in Cambodia

JOHN, Kylie

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This report presents the findings of a study in 15 rural villages to obtain information on the roles of older people in HIV/AIDS affected households and to identify potential interventions to meet their financial, psychosocial and other support needs. Research methods included case studies, in-depth interviews and focus groups with older carers of children in Cambodia to understand their problems and to explore their support needs. The findings demonstrated that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has led to significant changes in the responsibilities and needs of older people and that older people in HIV/AIDS affected households are vulnerable to extreme poverty, and at times, destitution. The report concludes with recommendations for possible local response interventions to address the needs of older people impacted by HIV/AIDS

Introduction to child protection in emergencies : an interagency modular training package|Child protection in emergencies training and resource CD : psychosocial module


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This document is the psychosocial module of the Introduction to Child Protection in Emergencies and Interagency Modular Training Package. This module is divided into the following sections:
Part 1 presents a background to psychosocial issues including the overall impact of emergencies on psychosocial well-being, psychosocial effects of emergencies on children, and legal framework and advocacy activities.
Part 2 intervention planning presents psychosocial programming principles and priority activities, and co-ordination and sector support.
Part 3 psychosocial programming presents addressing basic services and security developing community and family supports, focused supports, and referrals to specialised services
This comprehensive document will be of particular interest to NGOs, DPOs, international and national bodies and anyone else interested in child protection and psychosocial work with children and their families
Note: The core resources for this module are the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings and the key interventions of the Sphere Handbook (2004) Standard for Mental and Social Aspects of Health

What are we learning about protecting children in the community? An inter-agency review of evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms|Executive summary


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"Drawing on findings from 60 countries and 160 documents, this executive summary: describes different types of community-based child protection groups; identifies common factors that appear to make groups effective (including community ownership, building on existing resources, children’s participation, links between formal and non-formal systems, and balancing power across groups); looks at examples of scaling up, and ensuring the sustainability both of groups and of positive outcomes for children; sets out six key challenges to maximising the effectiveness of groups; puts forward recommendations to practitioners and donors on how to strengthen community support for children’s protection and wellbeing.
This summary will be of interest to everyone who works in this area - practitioners, policy advisers and donors"
Note: The full report is on the CD-Rom

