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Comprehensive responses to gender based violence in low-resource settings : lessons learned from implementation

June 2010

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"This document reviews the findings, lessons learned, and promising practices in the provision of comprehensive SGBV services in sub-Saharan Africa. It draws on the data generated by the network partners to identify core issues in the provision of quality, comprehensive care for survivors of SGBV. These findings are intended to serve as a resource for programmers and policymakers throughout the region, and contribute to the emerging evidence-base on such program strategies"

Implementation completion and results report on a trust fund grant in the amount of US$5 million to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for a earthquake disability project

WORLD BANK (WB) Social Protection Sector, Human Development Unit
June 2010

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This paper reports on the implementation and the results of a earthquake disability project in Pakistan that aimed to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families in areas affected by the October 8, 2005 earthquake, by ensuring better mobility, improved physical and mental health, increased participation in social and economic life and strengthened empowerment. This study was designed to assess the key factors affecting the implementation and outcomes of this project, the outcomes, the risk to development outcome as well as the bank and borrower performance

Report No ICR00001584

Case of Alajos Kiss v Hungary

May 2010

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This document is a transcript of the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Alajos Kiss v Hungary. The applicant, diagnosed with manic depression, found that his name was removed from the electoral register because he was subject to partial guardianship. The court found that this action breached Article 4 of Protocol No 1 to the CRPD
Note: there is a language versions tab at the top of the page which enables access to official translations of this document in English and French and to unofficial translations in the Russian, Serbian and Turkish languages

Sexual vulnerability and HIV seroprevalence among the deaf and hearing impaired in Cameroon

TOUKO, Adonis
et al
February 2010

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This article describes a study to investigate the prevalence of HIV in people who are hearing impaired among the population of Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, and assess their sexual vulnerability, through interviews and, in most cases, HIV testing. The research concludes that hearing impairment is a significant risk factor for contracting sexually transmitted infections and HIV, and that more research is needed into the impact of HIV and AIDS on people with disabilities, particularly those who are hearing impaired, in order to tackle this vulnerability

Disability checklist for emergency response : general protection and inclusion principles of persons with disabilities/injuries


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Adapted from the 'Disability Task Force', this checklist provides useful guidelines about general protection and inclusion principles for people with disabilites or injuries in emergency situations. The following topics are highlighted: health, food and nutrition; water, sanitation and hygiene; protection; psychosocial support; reconstruction and shelter; livelihoods; and education. This checklist would be useful for practitioners interested in the protection and inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency situations

Mental health and development : targeting people with mental health conditions as a vulnerable group

FUNK, Michelle
et al

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"This report on mental health and development is a call to action to all development stakeholders - governments, civil society, multilateral agencies, bilateral agencies, global partnerships, private foundations, academic and research institutions - to focus their attention on mental health
The report presents compelling evidence that persons with mental and psychosocial disabilities are a vulnerable group but continue to be marginalized in terms of development aid and government attention. It makes the case for reaching out to this group through the design and implementation of appropriate policies and programmes and through the inclusion of mental health interventions into broader poverty reduction and development strategies. The report also describes a number of key interventions which can provide a starting point for these efforts. By investing in persons with mental and psychosocial disabilities, development outcomes can be improved"

The cost of disability : final report

et al

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"The Cost of Disability Report identifies the additional resources (support, equipment, transport and time) and the costs associated with these resources that disabled people aged 18-64 years require to live in the community and to achieve an ordinary standard of living"
The report and budgets are available to download in pdf, word and excel formats

Culture and mental health in Haiti : a literature review


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"This paper reviews and summarizes the available literature on Haitian mental health and Mental health services. This review was conducted in light of the Haitian earthquake in January 2010. The first part of the review describes historical, economic, sociological and anthropological factors essential to basic understanding of Haiti and its people. This includes discussion of demography, family structure, Haitian economics and religion. The second part of the review focuses on mental health and mental health services. This includes a review of factors such as basic epidemiology of mental illness, common beliefs about mental illness, explanatory models, idioms of distress, help-seeking behavior, configuration of mental health services and the relationship between religion and mental health"

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian emergencies : what should humanitarian health actors know


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"This document is for humanitarian health actors working at national and sub-national level in countries facing emergencies and crises. It applies to Health Cluster partners, including governmental and non-governmental health service providers. Based on the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC, 2007), this document gives an overview of essential knowledge that humanitarian health actors should have about mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in humanitarian emergencies"

What really matters : a guide to person-centered excellence|Application for services for people with mental illness


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"This guide promotes quality improvement in behavioral health services and supports. These best practices and the resulting quality improvement initiatives can be applied across the range of supports and services for people with mental illness...This manual has eight main sections and each section contains a key factor with its success indicators. We use the term ‘factor’ to refer to the main area: for example, Person-centered Planning. Likewise, each factor has a number of ‘success indicators’ that describe critical aspects of the factor. For each success indicator there are three parts: a statement of the indicator; a brief explanation of the meaning behind this indicator; a description of how organizations apply this indicator in practice"

Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines|Supplementary booklet

et al

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"These community-based rehabilitation (CBR) guidelines are applicable to all disability groups. However, the need was identified for a supplementary booklet to highlight a number of issues which CBR programmes have historically overlooked, i.e. mental health problems, HIV/AIDS, leprosy and humanitarian crises...CBR is a strategy for community-based inclusive development which takes into account the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, e.g. non-discrimination and the need to include all people with disabilities in development initiatives. Therefore, it is important that CBR programmes take steps to address issues which they have traditionally excluded, such as mental health problems, HIV/AIDS, leprosy and humanitarian crises. While these four issues have been chosen for inclusion in this booklet, CBR programmes are encouraged to think broadly about other issues (e.g. CBR and children, CBR and ageing) that are particularly relevant in their communities and which may be included in future editions of the guidelines"

Including disabled children in psychosocial programmes in areas affected by armed conflict

EUWEMA, Mathijs

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"Children with disabilities are more vulnerable to violence, as well as more likely to experience psychosocial problems in situations of armed conflict than children with no disabilities. All children who live in conflict affected areas have the same rights to psychosocial support, as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the case of disabled children, additionally the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, children with disabilities are often overlooked in psychosocial programmes. In this article, the authors examine the reasons behind this observed exclusion and suggest ways to increase the participation of children with disabilities"
Intervention, Vol 8, No 1

Special theme on HIV and disability : time for closer bonds

November 2009

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This is the editorial to a thematic secion of JIAS on HIV and disability. "With the success of antiretrovirals and increased access to this lifesaving treatment, the life expectancy of people living with HIV has been substantially increased and, in many instances, is comparable to that of the general population. However, HIV infection, as well as its treatment, can cause physical, psychological or social disabilities that prevent people living with HIV from full and equal participation in society. At the same time, there is evidence that people with disabilities are at greater risk of contracting HIV. Although more attention is being paid to these overlapping fields, the field of HIV and disability remains largely overlooked"

Supporting persons living with trauma by rebuilding social and community links : an example of a community-based mental health approach after the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis

PHAN, Xuan
November 2009

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This report provides an overview of the lessons learned from a Handicap International community-based mental health project for children and adolescents experiencing psychological suffering after the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis. It highlights successes and limitations of the project, as well as recommendations for the project’s continuation. This report would be of interest to mental health practitioners, mental health service providers and community mental health organisations

Psychosocial counselling and social work with clients and their families in the Somali context : a facilitator’s guide

November 2009

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This handbook is "designed to be used as training support handbook for helping professionals in the Somali context. The focus is on psychosocial needs for the rehabilitation of persons with trauma, mental health related forms of distress and those who have experienced gender based violence and gender related abuses. The guidelines, developed within a UNHCR funded programme in Somalia, are intended to assist staffs, who are concerned with providing protection and assistance to refugees and IDP"

Training for impact : international training programme on development-oriented psychosocial care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

November 2009

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This report presents a BasicNeeds international training programme on development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters. Details are provided about the training programmes, the evaluations, the follow-up and achievements. Case studies and an analysis of the experience are highlighted. This resource is useful for practitioners interested in the development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

Contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people in countries with low and middle incomes : a 10/66 dementia research group population-based survey

SOUSA, Renata M
et al
November 2009

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This article assesses "the contribution of physical, mental, and cognitive chronic diseases to disability, and the extent to which sociodemographic and health characteristics account for geographical variation in disability." Using cross sectional surveys of people aged over 65 in seven low and middle income countries, the findings highlight specific associations of chronic diseases to disability and overall that dementia, not blindness, is overwhelmingly the most important independent contributor to disability for elderly people in low and middle income countries. This resource is useful to people interested in the contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people
The Lancet, Vol 374, Issue 97041
To access this article, users need to register (free) online

Outcomes of people with psychotic disorders in a community-based rehabilitation programme in rural India

et al
November 2009

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This article describes "the uptake and impact of a service using the community-based rehabilitation framework for people with psychotic disorders within a defined catchment area in a rural, impoverished community in India. The programme was implemented by the Ashagram Trust, a community-based nongovernmental organisation. We describe the functional (disability) outcomes of people with psychotic disorders; identify the determinants of their outcomes; and highlight the research and policy implications of this study for service provision in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries"
British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 195, No 5

The loss of the middle ground : the impact of crises and HIV and AIDS on ‘skipped-generation’ households

November 2009

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This project briefing presents key findings and policy recommendations from a study conducted in the East and Southern African region that aimed to improve understanding on how these households cope during emergencies. A literature review was followed by country case studies in Northern Uganda and Zimbabwe in which members of self-help group households, both older people and children, and organisations involved in the emergency response were interviewed. Recommendations are provided on how emergency preparedness and response can better meet the needs of such households in the region
Project briefing, No 33

Packages of care for depression in low- and middle-income countries

PATEL, Vikram
SIMON, Gregory
KAAYA, Sylvia
ARAYA, Ricardo
October 2009

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This article focuses on the effective management of depression in low- and middle-income countries, reviewing the evidence on efficacy of treatments and delivery of interventions derived from those countries to the extent possible

