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A community for all : implementing article 19|A guide for monitoring progress on the implementation of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

PARKER, Camilla

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"This Guide aims to show how the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) can be used to promote the right of people with disabilities to live and participate in the community as equal citizens. Its primary focus is Article 19 of the CRPD (Living independently and being included in the community), which provides that people with disabilities have the right to live in the community, with the same choices as others"

Enabling equality : furthering disability equality for staff in higher education

EWENS, David
et al

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Informed by in-depth interviews and a widely distributed survey of disabled staff in higher education institutions, this research identifies ten areas that are influential in shaping the experiences of disabled staff in the workplace, and offers recommendations for best practice
Note: This report is available in both pdf and word format

The humanitarian emergency settings perceived needs scale (HESPER) : manual with scale


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The HESPER Scale "aims to provide a method for assessing perceived needs in representative samples of populations affected by large-scale humanitarian emergencies in a valid and reliable manner. This manual includes the HESPER Scale (see Appendix 1), as well as a detailed explanation of how to use the HESPER Scale, how to train interviewers, and how to organise, analyze and report on a HESPER survey"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 1|What is health-related stigma?

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community. This first Guide provides basic information on stigma, its causes, manifestations, and effects"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 2|How to assess health-related stigma

VOOREND, Carlijn
et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The second Guide describes when and how to assess stigma using qualitative and quantitative methods and instruments. It also explains how to use the instruments"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 3|A roadmap to stigma reduction : an empowerment intervention

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The third Guide provides recommendations on how to develop an approach for reducing stigma. Through the use of a roadmap, several steps are discussed for reducing stigma related to a particular health condition"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 4|Counseling to reduce stigma

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The fourth guide explains the use of counselling at a basic level in dealing with stigma. It provides an explanation on different techniques and approaches for counselling persons affected by stigma"

Guidelines for child-friendly spaces in emergencies

January 2011

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The purpose of this guideline is "to give practical guidance to the field teams that establish (Child Friendly Spaces) CFSs in different types of emergencies and contexts. They are also intended to guide advocacy efforts and donor practices in emergency settings where protection and well-being ought to be high priorities"

Feminist psychology and women with disabilities : an emerging alliance

BANKS, Martha E
December 2010

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"This article is an application of the Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Girls and Women to psychological issues faced by Women with Disabilities. It includes culture-specific issues faced by Women with Disabilities, the multiple roles of Women with Disabilities, the importance of informal support systems, and the intersection between feminism and disability...Perspectives of health professionals, disability advocates, and family members are provided to identify issues that need to be included in a comprehensive psychology of Women with Disabilities"
Psychology of Women Quarterly, Vol 34, No 4

The right to political participation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities

November 2010

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This report provides the first results from a legal study carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in the context of its project on the "Fundamental rights of persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health problems." It begins with an analysis of the key international and European principles relating to the right to political participation. The situation in EU Member States is summarised and compared in Section 2. The report then presents the legal situation in the EU Member States and concludes with some possible ways forward
Note: This report is also available in easy read format

Empowering practice

October 2010

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"(T)his book was originally written to accompany a training course for people involved in support work. It's directed at people with the imagination and creativity to recognise that 'how we've always done things around here' isn't a good guide to good practice...The book looks in detail about what can go wrong...about how support can be disempowering...The book goes on to discuss alternative ways of working. It takes a look at what overall aims may be appropriate in support work; how different service design might help; what capacity thinking is; and it presents some ideas on how to work in an empowering way"
Version 2b

Mental health and development : integrating mental health into all development efforts including MDGs

September 2010

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This paper focuses upon integrating mental health into all development issues, including the MDGs. It presents mental health as an emerging development issue, highlights the vulnerability of persons with mental / psychosocial disabilities, and outlines mental health related to each millenium devleopment goal. It concludes by stating the response from the international community and makes recommendations for a way forward
UN(DESA)-WHO Policy Analysis

Leadership for social inclusion in the lives of persons with disabilities

September 2010

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"This article identifies five challenges for those in leadership roles: developing a deep sense of what the concept ‘social inclusion’ really means; confronting the values questions; developing consciousness of what the community is taught through the actions of services; transforming the role of services and workers; and the use of theory-based knowledge. The article also explores the attributes of those in leadership roles, so that they are more equipped to respond to these challenges: ethical and moral leadership; a combination of conceptual clarity, insight, knowledge and wisdom; authentic relationships with people with disabilities and family members; an appreciation of history; and a faith and efforts in things that are likely to bring dividends"
The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services , Vol 6 supplement

Building bridges: a home-based care model for supporting older carers of people living with HIV

July 2010

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This summary guideline describes a model for supporting older home-based carers developed by HelpAge International in Tanzania, which is being implemented in several districts. The model has four elements: collecting baseline data, training older carers in home-based care and counselling, setting up support groups and linking older carers to services. This resource is useful to people interested in home-based care for supporting older carers of people living with HIV

Mapping of child protection M&E tools

AGER, Alastair
July 2010

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The availability of effective measurement tools is a clear prerequisite for the strengthening of monitoring and evaluation within the field of child protection. This report provides a structured review of a sample of 124 child protection M&E tools
Note: Annexes are available to download in separate files

Family-centred HIV interventions : lessons from the field of parental depression

June 2010

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"Traditionally, HIV prevention focuses on individual behaviours that place one at risk for HIV infection. Less widely regarded as a fundamental public health issue is parental depression and the detrimental effects it exerts on infant and child development, as well as its key contribution to non-fatal burden. Much like many HIV prevention and treatment interventions, programmes for depression focus almost exclusively on individuals and individual behaviour. This paper will use the extensive evidence base from research into parental depression as a model to argue for a family based approach to HIV prevention and treatment. The aim of this will be to make a case for targeting a broader set of behaviours that occur within families when developing and implementing interventions"

Caught up in conflict : older people in humanitarian crises in Kyrgyzstan

June 2010

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This report presents the results of phone call survey led by HelpAge International with older people affected by the conflict situation in Osh in 2010. "The interviews revealed that two thirds of the respondents were coping badly with the situation, about 60 per cent stated that they found it difficult to get food. While 70 per cent said that they had to take medicine regularly, only about one third had some medication left. It came out that older people in humanitarian crisis often face life-threatening problems. However, there were also positive examples of how older people cope with these threats. They often are, against all odds, still caring for other people and help out each other, regardless of ethnics or religion"

