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Inclusion through community based rehabilitation : lessons learned in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia & Mozambique 2009 - 2011


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"The LIGHT FOR THE WORLD Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Framework brought together 14 CBR projects in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Mozambique between 2009 and 2011 to share experiences and learning. This report reflects the experiences of the projects during this period and the lessons learned that can provide invaluable learning for other CBR projects. It also provides a useful record of the projects’ activities and outcomes, and enables future planning"

Minds that matter : report on the consultation on human rights, mental health and addictions


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"Minds that Matter reports the findings from the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (OHRC) province-wide consultation on the human rights issues experienced by people with mental health disabilities or addictions. It provides a summary of what we heard from more than 1,500 individuals and organizations across Ontario. Many people with mental health issues or addictions don’t know they have a legal right to be free from discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code"

Family perceptions of intellectual disability : understanding and support in Dar as Salaam


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"This article outlines and discusses interviews that were conducted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with family members of children and adults with intellectual disabilities. These interviews explore how families came to understand that their child had an intellectual disability; the availability of family support; and family hopes and dreams for the future, and were a part of a wider exploratory study that gathered insight from individuals with disabilities, families, and other providers of support to explore understandings and perceptions of disability in Dar es Salaam"
African Journal of Disability, Vol 1, Issue 1, Art. #32

Caring for child survivors of sexual abuse : guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings


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These guidelines provide step-by-step guidance on how to implement the main aspects of the Caring for Child Survivors (CCS) Program Model. It is the "how-to" guide for instructing health and psychosocial field staff responding to children who have experienced sexual abuse. The guidelines include multiple tools for monitoring and evaluating the program model, such as: knowledge and skills competency assessments and case management monitoring and evaluation tools
The guidelines are part of The CCS Resource Package which is based on global research on child sexual abuse and evidence from field practice. The CCS Resource Package is a comprehensive and practical approach to help child survivors and their families recover and heal from the impacts of sexual abuse. The three main components are an in-depth literature review, CCS Program Model and the CCS Guidelines

Sterilization of women and girls with disabilities : a briefing paper

et al
November 2011

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The paper gives a background to the issue of forced sterilisation, outlines various international human rights standards that prohibit forced sterilisation, and offers several recommendations for improving laws, policies, and professional guidelines governing sterilisation practices. It is useful for anyone interested in the sterilization of women and girls with disabilities

Fostering and managing change in Algerian nurseries

November 2011

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"This report describes lessons learned from Handicap International’s programme in Algeria which aimed to enhance full participation of people with disabilities and the situation of children deprived of family care"
SD/LL 05

Guiding principles for the domestic implementation of a comprehensive system of protection for children associated with armed forces or armed groups

September 2011

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"These Guiding Principles are intended to serve the purpose of promoting and spreading knowledge of international humanitarian law and, in particular, of implementing the provisions protecting children affected by armed conflicts, especially children associated or previously associated with armed forces or armed groups. The Guiding Principles suggest a number of practical, regulatory and legal measures as means to encourage States to improve such protection. They are based mainly on binding international rules (taking into account the specific obligations of all relevant treaties and of customary law). They also refer to widely accepted instruments of a non-binding character ("soft law"). A checklist of the main obligations regarding children associated with armed forces and armed groups is provided in Annex IV"

Field based training for mental health workers, community workers, psychosocial workers and counselors : a participant-oriented approach

FRANCIS, Felician Thayalara
July 2011

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"This article discusses the training of mental health workers whose basic job is with clients that have been seriously affected by armed conflict and/or natural disasters by using ‘helping through talking’, and who have had little education that is relevant to this work. It sums up the characteristics required of the workers, their learning needs, the messages that the training needs to convey, and the characteristics and potential contents of a tailor made, participants-oriented programme"
Intervention, Vol 9, Issue 2

Ethnographic study of community-based child protection mechanisms and their linkage with the national child protection system of Sierra Leone

July 2011

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"Community-based child protection mechanisms (CBCPMs) are used widely by non-governmental organisations and communities to address and protect children from violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect. The research in this study reviews the effectiveness and sustainability of CBCPMs and aims to strengthen the link between CBCPMs and the national child protection system"

Intellectual disability and aboriginal Australians : training needs for psychiatrists

ROY, Meera
May 2011

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This article highlights that Aboriginal Australians have relatively high rates of intellectual disability, which might be due to poor health and social disadvantage. Given populations with high rates of intellectual disability are more at risk of developmental disorders and mental ill health, the authors explore the training needs for psychiatrists working with indigenous people and how they can be met
International Psychiatry, Vol 8, No 2

Collective action and emancipatory aims : applying principles of feminist practice in a shelter for domestic violence survivors with disabilities

ALI, Alisha
MOWRY, Randolph
HO, Kimberly
April 2011

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This paper outlines that there is a need for need for domestic violence shelters that serve women with disabilities and highlights Freedom House, a fully accessible New York City shelter for domestic violence survivors with disabilities and their families. It presents the Freedom House as one approach of a viable feminist and liberatory model of care that is essential to recovery from trauma among domestic violence survivors with disabilities. Using a combined theoretical framework of the psychological theory of empowerment feminist practice and feminist disability theory, the paper concludes that this emergent model provides both a theoretical argument for empowerment and a framework for responsive feminist practice for women with disabilities within a shelter setting

Psychological first aid : guide for field workers


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"This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people in a position to help others who have experienced an extremely distressing event. It gives a framework for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities. Despite its name, psychological first aid covers both social and psychological support"

Mental health atlas


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This report "represents the latest estimate of global mental health resources available to prevent and treat mental disorders and help protect the human rights of people living with these conditions. It presents data from 184 WHO Member States, covering 98% of the world’s population. Facts and figures presented in Atlas indicate that resources for mental health remain inadequate. The distribution of resources across regions and income groups is substantially uneven and in many countries resources are extremely scarce. Results from Atlas reinforce the urgent need to scale up resources and care for mental health within countries"

Psychosocial care and support for older carers of orphaned and vulnerable children : policy guidelines

MLILO, Ncazelo
MEINTJES, Berenice

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This policy guideline is "intended to offer a concise description of the concept of psychosocial support and how it relates to older carers of orphaned and vulnerable children in a time of HIV and AIDS. It offers recommended strategic focus areas which may be used to influence policies which provide support for older carers. Policy makers may find the guidelines helpful in providing ideas to effect changes that will improve the wellbeing of older carers"

Psychosocial care and support for older carers of orphaned and vulnerable children : programming guidelines


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"These guidelines were especially developed with the aim of impacting on the wellbeing of older carers living in situations of poverty and in a time of HIV and AIDS. The aim of this set of resource materials is to enable home based caregivers, development facilitators and peer counsellors to have relevant information and guidance on strengthening psychosocial care and support to older carers. The ideas proposed can be used individually or in groups as resource materials...The guideline comes in eight units...Each unit begins with an introductory section which gives community caregivers important background information about the topic being discussed. Each section is accompanied by four types of activities: reflection exercises, case studies, practical application and finally planning exercises and general tips...A range of annexes is appended to this guideline for more detailed reference to issues raised in the unit discussions"

