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Ageing & development

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Aims to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of ageing, and to get aging recognised on the development agenda. Covers related research, news from NGOs, governments and development agencies, meetings and confences, and publications
Two times a year

Population reports

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Designed to provide an accurate and authoritative overview of developments of issues in family planning and related health and development fields. The information is clearly presented. The journal is now available on CD-ROM which includes interactive enhancements such as video and audio of experts explaining their research, animated charts and diagrams, and links from selected POPLINE records to over 2,500 pages of full-text documents.
Free (developing countries)
US$2 (per copy for readers in developed countries who want multiple copies)
US$35 (full sets of reports in print)

Drum beat

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This regular free email newsletter summarises information included on the Communiation Intitaive's website. Issues are thematic

Leprosy and the eye. Teaching set. Full text


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This resource contains a selection of the materials in the International Centre for Eye Health’s resources library on the management of eye disease in leprosy in low and middle income countries.

Journal of health, population and nutrition (JHPN)

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The open-access, peer reviewed Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition brings together research on all aspects of issues related to population, nutrition, and health.

The journal publishes articles across a broad range of topics including global health, maternal and child health, nutrition, common illnesses, and determinants of population health.

World development indicators


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World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.

