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Prevention of mental handicaps in children in primary health care

Shah, P M

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Some 5-15 percent of children aged 3 to 15 years in both developing and developed countries suffer from mental handicaps... the primary health care approach involving families and communities and instilling the spirit of self-care and self-help is indispensable. Mothers and other family members, traditional births attendents, community health workers, as well as nurse midwives and physicians should be involved in prevention and intervention acitivites, for which they should be trained and given knowledge and skills about appropriate technologies such as the risk approach, home-based maternal record, partograph, mobilogram (kick count), home-risk card, icterometer, and mouth-to- mask or bag and mask resuscitation of the newborn...

Disability statistics compendium

United Nations. Department of International and Social Affairs

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This compendium provides detailed national data from the late 1980s on topics related to disability.

Population and health infoshare


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Population and Health InfoShare is an electronic library of material submitted by over 100 partner organisations. It features documents in reproductive and child health, HIV/AIDS, population and related areas. The primary objectives of PH InfoShare are to increase access to important population and health information; provide a means for organisations to share and exchange information; and foster greater dissemination of research findings and lessons learned. For users, PH InfoShare affords easy access to population and health material. Users may access documents by visiting the website or by sending requests via e-mail. Additionally, users may subscribe to e-mail updates, specifying the material they want to receive by topic, region, and partner, or can email themselves documents that they have identified through searching the website. The search facility allows users to select a topic, language, region/country and partner organisation from drop-down lists

Development gateway


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The Development Gateway portal provides a space for communities to share experiences on development efforts. The portal supports the Development Gateway Foundation's knowledge-sharing efforts through services such as an online directory for information on development projects (AiDA), an electronic procurement market (dgMarket), information on major development topics (Topic Pages), and links to a growing network of country-level initiatives (Country Gateways). By offering users virtual interactive communities centered on development issues, the portal's Topic Pages encourage knowledge-sharing and help improve collaboration among development practitioners. Expert guides and global topic advisors work with their communities to highlight the most relevant and useful resources available on the Internet. The topic pages enable you to share knowledge and locate resources on a variety of development topics; build a community of experience around development topics through individual member contributions; receive free email alerts and newsletters; and make connections with thousands of registered users

