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She sweet up the boopsy and him nuh get nuh wine : young women and sexual relationships in Kingston, Jamaica

et al
July 2007

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This report presents findings from a qualitative study into the sexual relationships of young women (aged 15-24) in inner-city Kingston, Jamaica. The study explores the social and economic environment in which young women’s relationships take place; identifies opportunities and barriers to behaviour change; and generates insights into condom use, HIV risk perceptions and types of sexual relationships

Disability prevalence : challenges for measurement

TRANI, Jean-Francois
April 2007

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This article examines the methodology of measuring the prevalence rate of disability through a population based survey using the Capabilities Framework. It presents an example of the methodology used in the National Disability Survey in Afghanistan (NDSA) and discusses the general limitations and political implications involved. This paper is interesting for academics, practitioners and policy makers who are interested in disability prevalence
Working Paper Series No 4

Measuring disability prevalence

MONT, Daniel
March 2007

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This paper opens by identifying that poverty and disability are inextricably linked. The aim of this document is to provide a concrete definition of disability and explain the significance of measuring the prevalence. The purpose is to provide a set of best practices for data collection that is internationally comparable and specific to disability. This resource would be useful to anyone with an interest in data collection/ measurement and disability and development

Nutritional anaemia


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This is guide offers a comprehensive summary of the critical issues from prevalence data and statistics, to economics, through to the diagnosis, funcational consequences and background information on each of the micronutrients believed to be directly or indirectly invovled in anaemia

The forgotten tribe : people with disabilities in Zimbabwe

January 2007

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This report discusses prevalence and causes of disability in Zimbabwe, and explores issues such as poverty, gender, health and HIV, education, employment and sports. It is based on a 2006 survey by Progressio Zimbabwe. The report concludes with a chapter on lessons learned and policy recommendations. This resource provides useful information for people interested in the situation and life of people with disabilities in Zimbabwe

The costs of disability and the incidence of poverty

August 2006

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This resource reviews evidence connecting disability to the risk of poverty using data from the 1998-99 Household Expenditure Survey (HES), demonstrating that in Australian households with a disabled person, poverty rates are higher and hardship is more prevalent than in households without. It then uses the HES data to estimate the costs of disability which rely upon information on household living standards

Tonga national disability identification survey 2006

TAYLOR, Dimity
March 2006

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This survey identifies the prevalence of disability among the population of Tonga; the main causes of disability; the extent to which people with disabilities are able to participate in the community, education and employment sectors and the needs of people with disabilities. A list of recommendations for creating a more inclusive society focuses on government policy and direction, legislation, various government departments and ministries, women's development, the police, national organisations and NGOs, churches, sport and the media. It was conducted on behalf of DACTION - the Tonga Disability Action Committee, and the Tonga Red Cross Society. Executive summary also available in Tongan

First national study of disability in Chile

May 2005

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Using the international classification of disability (ICF), this report presents information about the "prevalence of disability in its different types and degrees, and the extent in which this condition affects individuals in various aspects of their lives." The reports covers variables such as health conditions and socioeconomic and sociodemographic characteristics. This report is useful to anyone interested in disability in Chile

The state of world population 2005. The promise of equality : gender equity, reproductive health and the Millennium Development Goals


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This edition of UNFPA's annual report explores the extent to which the world is meeting the targets outlined in the Millennium Development Goals. It assesses progress, examines shortfalls and provides examples of interventions that have resulted in improvements in the lives of individuals, in families and countries. It highlights the importance of women's education, access to reproductive health services and stopping gender-based violence

WHO’s multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence against women : summary report of initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women's responses


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"Violence against women by an intimate partner is a major contributor to the ill-health of women. This study analyses data from 10 countries and sheds new light on the prevalence of violence against women in countries where few data were previously available. It also uncovers the forms and patterns of this violence across different countries and cultures, documenting the consequences of violence for women’s health. This information has important implications for prevention, care and mitigation... The high rates documented by the Study of sexual abuse experienced by girls and women are of great concern, especially in light of the HIV epidemic. Greater public awareness of this problem is needed and a strong public health response that focuses on preventing such violence from occurring in the first place...This study will help national authorities to design policies and programmes that begin to deal with the problem"

Approaches to treating malaria anaemia

BATES, Imelda
July 2004

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This article forms part of the research conducted by the Malaria Knowledge Programme at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The article considers the prevalence and causes of anaemia in patients with malaria. It looks at diagnosis, treatment and blood transfusions and the prevention of anaemia through clinical detection and the use of bednets to prevent malaria

Prevalence, severity and unmet need for treatment of mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys

June 2004

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This article provides estimates of the prevalence, severity, and treatment of mental disorders from the WHO World Mental Health Survey which included data from 14 countries (six less developed, eight developed) by conducting 60,463 face-to-face interviews with adult individuals representing the general population. The article concludes by recommending careful consideration of mild cases and a reallocation of treatment resources; however, it also acknowledges that structural barriers may exist to this reallocation
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol 291, No 21

Disability issues in East Asia : review and ways forward

May 2004

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This paper provides "the World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific region with information and insights necessary for improving a focus on disability in its activities. There are two major parts to this paper. The first part reviews disability related issues in the region by describing (1) the prevalence of disability and related issues; (2) major issues and challenges confronting persons with disabilities; and (3) good practices, innovative approaches, and effective organizations in the region working to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The second part reviews the Bank’s regional level activities through examining project portfolios and AAA products, as well as through interviews with Sector managers and staff members. Based on this review, the paper recommends ways to include disability issues at the regional and sector levels"

National household HIV prevalence and risk survey of South African children

BROOKS, Heather

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This valuable new report looks at the levels of infection of HIV and AIDS, the levels of orphaning and child headed households, sexual debut and sexual experiences and risk factors and risk environments for children aged 2-14 in South Africa. This has been investigated as the HSRC recognizes that there is very little known about HIV prevalence rates among children or about the risk factors that predispose them to becoming infected. The study looks at the social and community risk factors that predispose children to HIV infection as well as the impact of the epidemic on children in terms of orphan status and child headed households. It examines children’s knowledge of HIV and AIDS prevention, their knowledge about sexual behaviour and HIV as well as their own patterns of sexual behaviour and changes in that behaviour. This study is interesting as it explicitly includes young children

Disability and the labour market : data gaps and needs in Latin America and the Caribbean


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This article is concerned with the difficulties in estimating the prevalence of, and economic costs connected to, disability in Latin America and the Caribbean. Economic consequences of disability are high and largely under-estimated. A common definition must be agreed upon before disability and its links to other labour variables can be analysed, and increased resources are key to gathering the data needed for this analysis

HIV and childhood disability : a case-controlled study at a paediatric antiretroviral therapy centre in Lilongwe, Malawi

MAKAWA, Atupele
KUPE, Hannah
December 2003

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This article presents a case-controlled study that estimated the prevalence of disabilities in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected children in Lilongwe, Malawi, examines types of disability and associated clinical and socio-demographic factors and identifies needs, opportunities and barriers for rehabilitation in Malawi. This study reveals the magnitude of disability among HIV-infected children and the large unmet need for rehabilitation services. It recommends that this expanding issue is investigated further to provide an evidence base for holistic care for disabled children living with HIV

PLoS ONE, Vol 8, No 12

World population in 2300 : highlights

UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT (UN). Department of Economic and Social Affairs

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A set of population projections to the year 2300 for each country of the world. All projection scenarios share the same assumptions about the steady decline of mortality after 2050 and the consequent increase of life expectancy. In addition, in all scenarios, international migration is assumed to be zero after 2050

