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Disablist Britain : barriers to independent living for disabled people in 2006

HUBER, Julia
January 2006

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This report draws on qualitative and quantitative evidence to portray the extent of institutional discrimination in services for health, rehabilitation, welfare, employment, built environment, media coverage and education. It also addresses societal stigma and its impact on disabled peoples lack of access to goods and services. This report would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights and approaches to disability issues

Jobs not charity : promoting disabled people's access to the labour market and the role of organisations of disabled people

December 2005

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The aims of this project report are to examine the contemporary position of disabled people in the labour market in Britain, to explore the work experiences of a number of disabled people and the impact of policy and practice on their life stories of work and to identify and disseminate the good practices of organisations such as Breakthrough UK Ltd and GMCDP in relation to promoting the work opportunities of disabled people. The report is based on a research project that brought together Breakthrough UK Ltd (BUK Ltd), the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP), researchers from the Centre of Applied Disability Studies at the University of Sheffield and the financial support of the European Social Fund. This project started in March 2004 and finished in December 2005. Versions of this report are available in Braille, Easy Word, Large Print and Audio by contacting the publisher

Afghanistan : community based approach to parents with disabled children : reality or ambition?

May 2005

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The article discusses the exclusion of people with disabilities from mainstream services and activities in Afghanistan, the CBR initiatives to support families with disabled children and their limitations. A number of recommendations are made on how CBR as a comprehensive strategy can be enhanced by increasing the involvement of service users and their families in all stages of the rehabilitation process
Republished from ‘Disability World’ web-zine

Direct payments and mental health : new directions

LOWE, Janice

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Direct payments are community care monies paid directly to the people who require support, so that they can make their own choices about the support they receive. Successful implementation of direct payments in mental health relies on proactive managers who are clear about the task, knowledgable and committed practitioners, and informed service users and carers who are interested in exploring the options of direct payments. This report identifies action for these three groups as well as for national policy-making

Atlas child and adolescent mental health resources : global concerns : implications for the future

World Psychiatric Association
International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

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The information gathered for the child and adolescent mental health ATLAS was collected through a survey instrument designed specifically to gain information on youth services, training activities, and providers resources in all regions of the world. The primary purposes of the report were to stimulate additional data gathering in a systematic fashion and to encourage the development of needed child and adolescent mental health policy, services and training.
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Methods and limitations 3. Rights of the child and adolescent 4. Policy and programmes 5. Information systems 6. Need for services 7. Service system gaps 8. Integration of services 9. Barriers to care 10. Care providers 11. Training for care 12. Financing of care 13. Availability and use of medication 14. The future 15. References

Guidelines for reducing stigma and discrimination and enhanacing care and support for people living with HIV and AIDS

KHAN, Naira

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In many communities, stigma and fear of discrimination often exacerbate the impact of the AIDS epidemic and prevent people living with HIV (PLWH) from accessing support services. This document, commissioned by SANASO, and incorporating inputs from faith-based organisations, union representatives, people living with HIV and the media, examines how to address stigma and discrimination in key settings of social life, such as the family, the workplace, faith-based organisations, and the media. It suggests good practices, policies or behavioural changes which should foster a supportive environment for PLWH and improve the general response to HIV and AIDS



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Adherence is the most important factor in the success of your anti-HIV treatments. This booklet explains why adherence is important and provides some hints on actions you could take to improve your adherence

Human resources and training in mental health : mental health policy and service guidance package

FUNK, Michelle
et al

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"This module aims to provide practical order to assist countries to develop their human resources. Because of variations between countries, the module cannot provide specific norms (such as number of staff required per population unit). Instead, a set of planning and training tools is provided to assist countries to calculate their own staffing requirements and to train health workers and mental health workers according to their specific needs"
Note: This module is part of a guidance package that consists of a series of inter-related, user-friendly modules that are designed to address the wide variety of needs and priorities in mental health policy development and service planning. The modules should be of interest to policy-makers and health planners; government departments, advocacy organizations and NGOs, families and carers of people with mental health disorders

Preliminary guidelines for the implementation of community based rehabilitation (CBR) approaches in rural, remote and Indigenous communities in Australia

September 2004

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This article summarises a forum of health professionals that was held in Brisbane in 2003 to discuss the potential for CBR approaches to be used in remote, rural and indigenous communities regions in Australia. The forum identified principles and guidelines for the development of CBR and recognised that CBR has yet to make a significant impact on the service system in Australia. Forum members noted its potential, and called for recognition of the need for greater community involvement in disability services, the need to develop appropriate training frameworks, and the need to redirect resources to such community models. This article is useful to people with disabilities, rural community members, indigenous people, policy makers and health professionals
Rural and Remote Health 4 (online), No 291

Directory of associations of people living with HIV/AIDS

July 2004

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A directory of organisations for people living with HIV/AIDS. The directory is organised by geographical region. Each entry provides the contact details of an organisation, along with information about the services it offers. There is also a section looking at further sources of information for people living with HIV/AIDS

Children on the brink 2004 : a joint report of new orphan estimates and a framework for action

July 2004

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Millions of children are growing up without parents. Millions more are in households with family members sick or dying from AIDS; children in sub-Saharan Africa have been hardest hit. This report presents the latest statistics on historical, current and projected numbers of children under 18 who have been orphaned by AIDS and other causes. This edition of the biennial report underscores the changing needs of this vulnerable group as they progress through adolescence and calls for the urgent development and expansion of family and community support

HIV and infant feeding : a compilation of programmatic evidence

et al
July 2004

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This paper tries to deepen understandings of the biological and programmatic implications of the transmission of HIV through breastfeeding which have previously been hampered by insufficient study and difficulties of interpretation. It is a careful look at the findings of programmatic approaches. The project attempted to find, summarise and analyse reports on a wide variety of relevant programmes conducted since 1998 UNICEF guidelines were issued. The programmes range from small community research projects to national programmes. The compilation addresses numerous controversial topics and constraints, including human resources, confused mothers, stigma and discrimination, spillover of replacement feeding, free or subsidised infant formula, family economics and the difficulty in providing integrated HIV testing, informed choice counselling, community support, logistics and follow-up care for mothers and infants

The journey of life : a community workshop to support children

June 2004

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'The Journey of Life' is a community workshop curriculum to support children. This workshop seeks to address the increasing psychological and social needs of children affected by HIV/AIDS, war, and displacement. Its objective is to raise community awareness of the problems that children face growing up in a time of HIV/AIDS, war, and family disintegration. 'The Journey of Life' assists the community to identify children in need of social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical support. Through dialogue and reflection the community better understands how to use available resources in solving the problems that children encounter and to strengthen the resilience of their children. The workshop covers the areas of meeting children's needs; understanding children's problems; identifying children who need help; building children's strengths; and community mobilisation. The workshop manual can be used without additional training, though further training has been found to be helpful. A Facilitator's Guide accompanies the workshop

2004 report on the global AIDS epidemic : executive summary

June 2004

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This annual report takes an overall look at the global AIDS epidemic. It considers the impact of HIV and AIDS on people and societies and includes a particular focus on the orphans and vulnerable children. It takes a further look at scaling up HIV prevention initiatives, with considerations about the threat of HIV to young people. There is a look at treatment, care and support for people living with HIV. It also takes into account the notion of human rights and protection. There are finally some considerations of the financing of responses to the crisis, and the need to coordinate national responses to HIV and AIDS. There is a table fo useful information on country specific estimates and data relating to HIV and AIDS

Moving forward : a report on pioneering responses to children affected by HIV/AIDS in Andhra Pradesh, India

March 2004

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Since 2000, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and its country office in India has worked in three states in India to establish and support three Lead Partners, including Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM), and 37 implementing NGOs to carry out a pioneering programme of home and community-based care and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families. In this report, VMM draws on its work to identify gaps in existing services and propose effective initiatives, policies and examples of good practice for dealing with the issues that children face when they are affected by HIV/AIDS

Integrating HIV voluntary counselling and testing services into reproductive health settings : stepwise guidelines for programme planners, managers and service providers


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This guide aims to provide reproductive and sexual health programme planners, managers and providers with the information necessary to integrate voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS within their services. In particular it considers integration within the context of family planning (FP) service provision. FP and VCT provision have similar aims of reaching sexually active people and promoting safe and healthy sexuality. FP settings therefore offer specific opportunities for reaching women with VCT. This guide looks at the continuum of possibilities available for integrating VCT. It is divided into 5 sections. Section 1 provides an introduction to VCT; section 2 details an assessment process for use when considering how to integrate VCT services; section 3 describes factors to consider when planning the integrated service; section 4 covers specific implementation issues; and section 5 focuses on monitoring and evaluation. The appendices contain checklists, sample monitoring tools and further reference material. Most of the references are available through the Internet

Helping children who are deaf : family and community support for children who do not hear well

DAVID, Darlena

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This book was written primarily for parents and other caregivers of young children. It provides a wealth of well-illustrated practical information. The book gives a thorough overview of the different ways to communicate with hearing impaired children. It is written in an easy-to-read style with lots of illustrations and examples from Southern countries.

