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Capacity, change and performance : study report

BASER, Heather
April 2008

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This comprehensive report looks in detail at the issues of capacity and capacity development including an explanation and discussion of the concept of capacity development. The report considers the main actors who play a part in, and different ways to think about, capacity development; the different conditions under which capacity development takes place; and the processes and strategies that can/should be employed to increase it.  The report is structured to enable readers to easily access the sections that are relevant to them

Discussion Paper No 59B

Educator development and support

March 2008

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Limited attention has been given to helping educators to deal with the new challenges posed by the epidemic. Even less attention has been given to protecting educators from HIV infection and to providing care, treatment and support for educators infected with or affected by HIV and AIDS. There are also very few programmes addressing the needs of other education sector personnel, such as planners, managers and support staff. This booklet looks at educator development and support; educator conduct; and prevention, care, treatment and support of infected and affected eduators

Global trends in disability rehabilitation and their implications for leprosy programmes

THOMAS, Maliakal Joseph
March 2008

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This article explores the global trends in disability rehabilitation and the implications for leprosy programmes. It provides a brief summary the Biwako Millennium Framework of the Asia and Pacific decade to gain a better understanding of current issues and the implications for leprosy rehabilitation programmes
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1

HIV & AIDS and supportive learning environments


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This booklet addresses the following issues for learners: - Rights and access to education - Protection - Knowledge, attitudes and skills - Care and support Schools and other educational settings play an important role in educating young people about HIV and AIDS, developing the skills they need to protect themselves from HIV infection, tackling fear, stigma and discrimination and promoting care and support of those who are infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS

Guidelines on the provision of manual wheelchairs in less resourced settings

et al

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These guidelines are designed to promote personal mobility and enhance the quality of life of wheelchair users. The aim is to assist Member States in developing a system of wheelchair provision that is consistent with the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Chapter topics includes: design and production, service delivery, training, and policy planning

The right to live in the community : making it happen for people with intellectual disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo


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This report concerns the situation of people with intellectual disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Montenegro and Serbia. It describes how five organisations working in the region have successfully developed innovative services to support people with intellectual disabilities to live in their communities as equal citizens. The aim of this report is to highlight the importance of developing a range of client-focused, community-based services as alternatives to institutionalisation; demonstrate that such services can successfully be developed in the region; identify barriers to the development of such services; and make recommendations on how to address such barriers

Skills development through community based rehabilitation (CBR) : a good practice guide


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This guide provides an overview of CBR and illustrates examples of skill development for people with disabilities through CBR programmes. Topics are divided into six chapters and case studies highlighting good practices of skills development and enhancing access to work are included throughout the guide. This guide is useful for practitioners, policy makers and programme developers who are interested in skills development for people with disabilities through CBR

Recognizing ability : the skills and productivity of persons with disabilities|Literature review


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This resource highlights the contribution of skills development to enhancing the productivity of disabled persons. General background information is provided about the labour market, people with disabilities, productivity and access to employment. Various approaches to skills development are examined with details outlining 'What works, where, and why'. It would be a useful resource for people interested in skills development of people with disabilities in developing countries

Training for success : a guide for peer trainers


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This guide was developed to help train peer trainers to teach others about how to run a business. It is based on ILO proects and was field-tested in a 2007 project in Cambodia. Key aspects of the peer training method are highlighted with useful steps, illustrations and case studies. This manual is useful for people interested in training peer trainers

Know your rights : a summary of disability rights, services and benefits in the United Kingdom


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This report highlights the rights of disabled people in the United Kingdom, as outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995. It provides information about what disabled people can expect from the law, services available and examples of how to exercise their rights in the everyday life e.g. to health care, social care, education, work, housing, transport, voting and benefits. It would be useful for disabled people in the UK

Disability review 2008


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This report is based upon a survey of 1,000 disabled people’s views and experiences of everyday issues around the UK. The findings highlight various issues including income, education, employment, health and social services, housing, transport and access to goods and services. This report provides an indicator of the impact of government policies on the lives and experiences of disabled people in the UK

Report on the consensus conference on wheelchairs for developing countries

JACOBS, Norman A

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This conference report assisted the development of guidelines on provision of manual wheelchairs in less-resourced settings for which training and education are key elements. It recommends the adoption of the wheelchair International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards as a minimum. This report is useful for government and non-government policy makers, practitioners, providers and users of wheelchair services

IASC guidelines for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings : checklist for field use


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This resource provides a summary of the guidelines for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings. It details a general introduction, a matrix of minimum responses in the midst of emergencies, and eleven checklists for key actions of emergency response. The checklists cover the following areas: coordination; monitoring and evaluation; protection and human rights; community mobilization and support; health services; education; dissemination of information; food security and nutrition; shelter and site planning; water and sanitation. This resource is useful for humanitarian agencies and practitioners

Integrating mental health into primary care : a global perspective


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This report provides the rationale and know-how on integrating mental health into primary health care. It outlines primary care for mental health in context and then presents primary care for mental health in practice, highlighting 12 case studies and key lessons learnt from specific countries. A detailed annex on the core functions of primary care workers is provided, as well as 10 core principles of mental health integration. This resource is useful to anyone interested in integrating mental health into primary care

Factors shaping attitudes towards physical disability and availability of rehabilitative support systems for disabled people in rural Kenya

MONK, Julie
WEE, Joy

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This study examines the range of attitudes towards persons with physical disability in a rural community in western Kenya. It also evaluates the availability of services for persons with disabilities in the community. Qualitative data analysis of interview material led to the generation of a model describing the attitudes towards people with disabilities. Availability of services was explored through interview questions and document collection. Perceived cause of disability, perceived characteristics and activities of people with disabilities by the community and perceived role of society, appear to shape the attitudes towards people with disabilities in the community studied. The opinions within these categories contribute to enabling and disabling features of the environment in which people with disabilities live. It appears that services available are underused by disabled members of the community due to poor accessibility and financial barriers. The results yielded relatively enabling attitudes towards PWD. The responses suggest that this community may be ready to support increased participation by its members, possibly through a community based rehabilitation programme.


Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 19, No 1

Community mental health policy

et al

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This resource presents CBM’s community mental health (CMH) policy which "is human rights based, seeks to empower service users and facilitate their active participation in service provision, is culture, poverty and gender sensitive and based upon collaboration and networking with other organizations and the public sector." There are two main delivery models: integration of CMH into existing community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes, and implementation of CMH services into primary health care services provided by the government with sharing of resources or the implementation of stand-alone CMH services. This resource is useful for people interested in community mental health policy

Forgotten sisters : recognising and responding to domestic violence in the lives of women with disabilities

DOWSE, Leanne
November 2007

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This report outlines the lack of recognition of disabled women in Australia. It highlights the lack of support services for disabled women faced with domestic violence and how services can better respond to their needs
Domestic Violence, Disability and Cultural Safety National Forum 2007 "Diverse and Inclusive Practice: Redrawing the Boundaries"
Brighton-Le-Sands, NSW, Australia
8-9 Nov 2007

Disabled women and domestic violence : making the links|An interim report for the women’ s aid federation of England

MAGOWAN, Pauline
October 2007

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This interim report presents a research project which explores disabled women’s experiences of domestic violence and investigates existing service provision available to them. It is "based on two national surveys, one of domestic violence organisations and one of disabled people’s organisations. Specialist facilities and accessible services were in short supply in both sectors. One recurrent issue was lack of secure on-going funding, which held many organisations back from developing their services as fully and inclusively they might wish. The provision of appropriate training, and improved liaison between the two sectors, would help to provide a better service for disabled women experiencing abuse"

