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Lifting the curse : overcoming persistent undernutrition in India|IDS research summary

HADDAD, Lawrence
ZEITLYN, Sushila Zeitlyn
July 2009

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This research summary "...proposes a number of ways in which the state and civil society in India can strengthen the governance of nutrition in terms of capability, responsiveness and accountability... "India contains a third of the developing world's under nourished children, but the country's rapid economic growth suggests it should be capable of tackling the problem"

Facilitating HIV testing and disclosure with children and adolescents

June 2009

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This report looks at the challenges in facilitating testing and disclosure for children in 0-6, 7-14 and 15-18 age groups. The report is based on operations research conducted by India HIV/AIDS Alliance in Andhra Pradesh and Manipur. This operations research was aimed at understanding current challenges with facilitating testing and disclosure for children, and to provide possible short to medium term solutions. Three broad objectives of the study were: * Identifying challenges and factors that prevent the community from seeking HIV testing of their children * Understanding issues related to disclosure of HIV status to children, and the social impact related to disclosure faced by parents and children * Using the study findings in formulating practical solutions to address these issues, and to come up with practical recommendations on building links between policy and practice

Overcoming the barriers for participation by the disabled : an appraisal and global view of community-based rehabilitation in community development

June 2009

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"The number of people with disability worldwide, and particularly in the developing countries, is increasing due to wars, conflicts, vehicular accidents, chronic diseases, mental impairment, birth defects and malnutrition. Many of these people face participation-restriction in activities of life. This paper appraises the emergence and the global view of community-based rehabilitation (CBR). The review and remodelling of CBR in developing countries and its inclusion in community development will enhance the reintegration of the disabled individuals into the society"
African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Vol 1, No 1

Education in emergencies : including everyone

February 2009

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The guide outlines useful principles for an inclusive emergency education approach, provides advice for strategies and actions at key stages of an emergency, offers advice on dealing with challenges, and highlights what support emergencies' education staff should expect from their organisations. It is aimed at anyone working to provide, manage or support education services in emergencies, and complements the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction

Home truths : facing the facts on children, AIDS and poverty

ADAMS, Alayne

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This report summarises the main reports and recommendations of the Joint Learning Initiative on Children and HIV/AIDS (JLICA). The primary inputs are technical papers and synthesis papers produced by JLICA’s four Learning Groups, which over two years researched and analysed the following areas: * Strengthening families; * Community action; * Expanding access to services and protecting human rights, and * Social and economic policies. The report makes the case for redirecting the response to HIV and AIDS to address children’s needs more effectively

Coordination for vulnerable children : Alliance Zambia’s efforts to strengthen government and community OVC systems


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Based on its experience of implementing a programme to strengthen community support systems for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Alliance Zambia sees coordination within government, and partnership between government and civil society, as essential building blocks for effective OVC support

Programming guidance for integrating water, sanitation, and hygiene improvement into HIV/AIDS programs


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This report promotes the integration of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programming into HIV and AIDS care and support. Practical examples of integrated programme strategy development, country-specific tools, guidance and resources for programme managers and trainings are provided. This report is useful to development practitioners interested in integrating WASH into HIV and AIDS programming

Access to social services for persons with disabilities in the Middle East : multi-stakeholder reflections for policy reform

AXELSSON, Charlotte

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This report highlights the importance of ensuring access to services for persons with disabilities. It introduces mechanisms related to access to services and reflects on the roles and responsibilities of each main stakeholder, providing recommendations for regulatory mechanisms. It highlights good practices of service provision collected throughout the region from workshops, field visits and exchanges with stakeholders, providing recommendations for improving access to services for persons with disabilities. This report has been produced under the Disability Monitor Initiative Middle East. It would be useful for stakeholders and advocates interested in access to services for people with disabilities in the Middle East

Impact of rehabilitation care on the social inclusion of people with disabilities in Togo : survey of 30 lower limb amputees

TUBLU, Yawovi
et al

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This report details a study on the impact of health-related rehabilitation as a contributor to social inclusion for people with disabilities in Togo. It uses the 'disability creation process', a model which represents disability as a dynamic and complex process whereby an individual’s impairments alone do not define his/her disability, as a conceptual basis in the West African context. Through analysing the rehabilitation services provided with regard to their effects on the beneficiaries, the study highlights social obstacles and facilitators faced by people with disabilities. This resource would be useful for organisations and practitioners interested in the impact of health-related rehabilitation as a contributor to social inclusion for people with disabilities in Togo

Effectiveness of an integrated model of community based rehabilitation on the quality of life of people with disabilities residing in urban slums south India


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"Considering the need for more information on current practice and research in CBR, the researcher studied the effectiveness of an integrated model of CBR set up in the Christian Medical College, Vellore, South India (VCBR). The objectives of this study were to generate theory on the value of an `integrated model' that uses an educational strategy and to explore the value of secondary and tertiary care services for PWD in a community based rehabilitation programme for the improvement of their quality of life. A 'Case Study' design was used...The study found that an integrated model of CBR that uses an educational strategy, has good links with secondary/tertiary care centres and makes use of social network/capital, which is available in the community, improved the overall QOL of PWD"

Older citizens monitoring in Ethiopia : a handbook


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"The primary aim of this manual is to provide a guide for woreda governments, NGOs and communities to replicate an older citizens monitoring approach to development in the Ethiopian context. The guidance is developed from the experiences of a pilot project on older citizens monitoring which was implemented in several woredas of Ethiopia. The guide outlines 3 main sections: Establish the structure, Develop skills and capacity, and implement monitoring systems. Each section details the steps needed to plan and implement an older citizens monitoring project in the Ethiopian context in an approximate chronological order"

Shifting the paradigm in social service provision : making quality services accessible for people with disabilities in south east Europe

December 2008

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This report examines the ways in which policies and practices evolve in the social services sector in South East Europe, as well as the impact of this change process on the lives of people with disabilities. It aims to identify the main stakes, priorities and steps forward that should be undertaken in order to modernise this sector in an effective and sustainable way

The efficacy of community-based rehabilitation programmes for adults with TBI

October 2008

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"The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the factors which influence the efficacy of community-based rehabilitation programmes in improving the quality of life and functional capacity of adults with severe TBI. This was achieved by identifying the different types of interventions used in community settings, and by exploring their outcomes, taking into account differences in methodological design and quality"
International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, Vol 15, No 10

Disability among clients attending Taif Rehabilitation Centre, Saudi Arabia

AL-SHEHRI, Abdul-Salam A

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This is a cross-sectional study of hospital records of people who were admitted to Rehab Armed Forces Rehabilitation Center, Taif, Saudi Arabia from 1999- 2005. Eight hundred and fifty records were reviewed. Data were collected on age, sex, nationality, data of admission and discharge and type of disability. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed to determine predictors of long stay at the hospital. Trauma as an etiology of disability was more common than non-traumatic incidents among male and middle aged clients (16-45 years). Traumatic accidents mostly result in quadriplegia (72.8%). Male, single, less than 45 years old, people with traumatic accidents and people with paralytic types of disability were significantly more likely to stay longer at the hospital. Home care programme should be expanded to minimize duration of stay at the rehabilitation centres. Health education of the public would help in encouraging disabled people to adapt to daily life activities.

Disabilities among refugees and conflict-affected populations : resource kit for field workers|Improving services for displaced persons with disabilities : lessons learned and ideas for action

June 2008

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This resource kit offers ..."practical ideas on how to improve services and protection for people with disabilities and enhance their inclusion and participation in community affairs. It is based on the findings of five country field studies, as well global desk research into other refugee and internally displaced persons programmes and an analysis of existing international policies and practices relating to displaced persons with disabilities. It would be useful to United Nations, non-governmental organisation, community-based organisation and disabled people's organisation field staff working with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons with disabilities"

