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Mental health and development : integrating mental health into all development efforts including MDGs

September 2010

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This paper focuses upon integrating mental health into all development issues, including the MDGs. It presents mental health as an emerging development issue, highlights the vulnerability of persons with mental / psychosocial disabilities, and outlines mental health related to each millenium devleopment goal. It concludes by stating the response from the international community and makes recommendations for a way forward
UN(DESA)-WHO Policy Analysis

The vulnerability and living conditions of older people in Addis Ababa

September 2010

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This report presents the findings of a city-wide survey that aimed to provide comprehensive information on the vulnerabilities and coping mechanisms of poor urban older people in Addis Ababa and to explore options for linkages to existing service and assistance programmes. The report presents a range of issues including food and income security, shelter, water and sanitation, health, HIV and AIDS, training, and family and community care. It concludes by making recommendations for improving older people’s food and income security, access to healthcare, and living environment. It calls for older women to be given special emphasis. This study is intended as a background and guide to government agencies, donors, international agencies and international and national NGOs in order to better target programmes and projects for older people

Leadership for social inclusion in the lives of persons with disabilities

September 2010

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"This article identifies five challenges for those in leadership roles: developing a deep sense of what the concept ‘social inclusion’ really means; confronting the values questions; developing consciousness of what the community is taught through the actions of services; transforming the role of services and workers; and the use of theory-based knowledge. The article also explores the attributes of those in leadership roles, so that they are more equipped to respond to these challenges: ethical and moral leadership; a combination of conceptual clarity, insight, knowledge and wisdom; authentic relationships with people with disabilities and family members; an appreciation of history; and a faith and efforts in things that are likely to bring dividends"
The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services , Vol 6 supplement

Disability rights or disabling rights? CRPD alternative report

August 2010

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This report, prepared by a collaborative network of disabled peoples organizations and their allies, is the parallel civil society report submitted along with the governments report as specified by article 35 of the CRPD. The civil society organisations provide an analysis of the present situation of people with disabilities according to the articles of the CRPD and make recommendations to the Hungarian government to enable evidence based legislative and policy planning. This resource is useful for people interested in the situation of people with disabilities in Hungary

Evaluating the impact of rehabilitation in the lives of people with disabilities and their families in low and middle income countries : a review of tools

August 2010

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“As there are many tools available for evaluating impact in the international literature, CBM commissioned this review in order to obtain clear guidance on how research can be carried across their programmes in order to generate high quality and reliable evidence on the impact of their programmes in the lives of people with disabilities and their families”

SSR : supporting social roles|A second bottom line for services to people with developmental disabilities

July 2010

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This manual explores supporting social roles (SSR) and presents a way for an organization to identify what it is accomplishing by describing the social roles played by the people it supports. The manual outlines SSR as an appreciative process focused on organizational learning and builds on what is already working. Worksheets are provided to describe the roles, supports and lessons in each category

Enabling Australia : inquiry into the migration treatment of disability

June 2010

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This report examines the assessment of health and community costs associated with a disability as part of the health test undertaken for Australia visa processing. It highlights the current approach and provides recommendations for improvement. Case studies and tables are provided. This report is useful for people interested in the migration treatment of disability in Australia

Comprehensive responses to gender based violence in low-resource settings : lessons learned from implementation

June 2010

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"This document reviews the findings, lessons learned, and promising practices in the provision of comprehensive SGBV services in sub-Saharan Africa. It draws on the data generated by the network partners to identify core issues in the provision of quality, comprehensive care for survivors of SGBV. These findings are intended to serve as a resource for programmers and policymakers throughout the region, and contribute to the emerging evidence-base on such program strategies"

Personalised social support : thoughts, method and tools in an approach of proximity social services

et al
May 2010

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This paper is a methodological guide to personalised social support to enhance understanding, thinking about and practising this approach to social work. It is targeted at field workers and public services’ or association advisers responsible for receiving, informing, guiding and supporting people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.
This guide is divided into three sections. First, a "principles and benchmarks" section explores the theoretical aspects of social work, development and personalised social support. This section is followed by a "Practical guide" targeted at social workers, facilitators and advisers responsible for providing support and provides an in-depth guide to implementing personalised social support, based on various intervention techniques and practical tools. This section also offers a section devoted to project managers or social mecha¬nism coordinators, featuring benchmarks for the development and follow-up of a social support service. The third section features a "Toolbox" consisting mainly of tools sourced from Handicap International programmes

Violence through our eyes : improving access to services for women from non-english speaking backgrounds with disability and carers experiencing violence

February 2010

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"Women from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) with disability experience various forms of violence, however due to poor data collection and reporting, the incidence is difficult to estimate. The interaction of disability, culture and violence places women from NESB with disability in disempowered positions with poor access to culturally appropriate information and service provision. This report is a culmination of our individual advocacy work, several consultations with women from NESB with disability and carers who have experienced domestic violence and roundtable discussions with key policy makers and service providers"

The cost of disability : final report

et al

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"The Cost of Disability Report identifies the additional resources (support, equipment, transport and time) and the costs associated with these resources that disabled people aged 18-64 years require to live in the community and to achieve an ordinary standard of living"
The report and budgets are available to download in pdf, word and excel formats

CBR stories from Africa : what can they teach us?


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"Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is an evolving concept. Its effectiveness depends on continuous reflection, debate and learning. This book aims to facilitate this process through the stories of five CBR programmes in Africa, told by those involved with the programmes and reflected on with honesty...Each of the five programmes has been invited to document their work, describing how its programme started and assessing the effectiveness of the approach it has chosen. They were asked to identify their successes and challenges, and to reflect on how difficulties are being overcome. Life stories illustrate the impact each approach can have on individual lives. The book offers itself as a reflective tool, to be used by practitioners. Each chapter asks specific questions of its readers, inviting them to draw comparisons with their own programme. The concluding section of the book outlines ideas for evaluating and developing their CBR programmes"

What really matters : a guide to person-centered excellence|Application for services for people with mental illness


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"This guide promotes quality improvement in behavioral health services and supports. These best practices and the resulting quality improvement initiatives can be applied across the range of supports and services for people with mental illness...This manual has eight main sections and each section contains a key factor with its success indicators. We use the term ‘factor’ to refer to the main area: for example, Person-centered Planning. Likewise, each factor has a number of ‘success indicators’ that describe critical aspects of the factor. For each success indicator there are three parts: a statement of the indicator; a brief explanation of the meaning behind this indicator; a description of how organizations apply this indicator in practice"

Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines|Supplementary booklet

et al

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"These community-based rehabilitation (CBR) guidelines are applicable to all disability groups. However, the need was identified for a supplementary booklet to highlight a number of issues which CBR programmes have historically overlooked, i.e. mental health problems, HIV/AIDS, leprosy and humanitarian crises...CBR is a strategy for community-based inclusive development which takes into account the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, e.g. non-discrimination and the need to include all people with disabilities in development initiatives. Therefore, it is important that CBR programmes take steps to address issues which they have traditionally excluded, such as mental health problems, HIV/AIDS, leprosy and humanitarian crises. While these four issues have been chosen for inclusion in this booklet, CBR programmes are encouraged to think broadly about other issues (e.g. CBR and children, CBR and ageing) that are particularly relevant in their communities and which may be included in future editions of the guidelines"

Choice and control/access to goods and services : a rapid evidence assessment for the office of disability issues

et al
November 2009

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This report, prepared for the UK Office of Disability Issues, shows the findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment and highlights gaps in research evidence that could help policy makers. 'Choice and Control' examines the evidence to highlight the key issues of what choice and control means to disabled people and indicates what has had the biggest impact in improving choice and control, including choice in community living, personal budgets and provision of equipment. This report is useful for people interested in disability issues in the UK

A handbook on best practices regarding HIV and AIDS for people with disabilities : services, policy advocacy, programming

NDUTA, Sarah
et al
November 2009

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This handbook aims to further increase awareness of HIV and AIDS for people with disabilities, to share knowledge and to provide examples of best practices. It also examines the impact of the AIDS epidemic on people with disabilities and advocates inclusion of people with disabilities to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The handbook is divided into four chapters, each addressing a specific topic in reference to best practices for Disability and HIV and AIDS. Case studies are provided for each topic. The categories of disabilities covered in the handbook are the deaf, visually impaired, physically and intellectually challenged. This handbook is useful for organisations, policy makers, disabled people's organisations and donors interested in Disability and HIV and AIDS

Training for impact : international training programme on development-oriented psychosocial care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

November 2009

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This report presents a BasicNeeds international training programme on development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters. Details are provided about the training programmes, the evaluations, the follow-up and achievements. Case studies and an analysis of the experience are highlighted. This resource is useful for practitioners interested in the development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

Outcomes of people with psychotic disorders in a community-based rehabilitation programme in rural India

et al
November 2009

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This article describes "the uptake and impact of a service using the community-based rehabilitation framework for people with psychotic disorders within a defined catchment area in a rural, impoverished community in India. The programme was implemented by the Ashagram Trust, a community-based nongovernmental organisation. We describe the functional (disability) outcomes of people with psychotic disorders; identify the determinants of their outcomes; and highlight the research and policy implications of this study for service provision in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries"
British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 195, No 5

Transitions towards an inclusive future : vocational skills development and employment options for persons with disabilities in Europe & Eurasia

TINES, Jeffrey
October 2009

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This report highlights international models, approaches and best practices for the programming and implementation of vocational skills development and employment-related services. It provides examples of projects that have successfully transitioned persons with disabilities into open, gainful employment in diverse international contexts. The report is useful for people seeking information about economic empowerment and vocational skills training for people with disabilities

