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Empowering practice

October 2010

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"(T)his book was originally written to accompany a training course for people involved in support work. It's directed at people with the imagination and creativity to recognise that 'how we've always done things around here' isn't a good guide to good practice...The book looks in detail about what can go wrong...about how support can be disempowering...The book goes on to discuss alternative ways of working. It takes a look at what overall aims may be appropriate in support work; how different service design might help; what capacity thinking is; and it presents some ideas on how to work in an empowering way"
Version 2b

Capacity development in disability and development for CLMV government officers

June 2010

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This is a completion report of a disability project which started from July 2007 to June 2010 with the objective of enhancing the capacities of government officers engaged in disability issues to analyse, formulate and implement policies and programmes in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV countries). This project report reviews and summarises FASID’s activities and achievements

Disability and international cooperation and development : a review of policies and practices

LORD, Janet
et al
May 2010

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This paper reviews the policies and practices of major multilateral and bilateral agencies that include disability in development. The paper provides examples of their programs and highlights five emerging trends of disability in international cooperation and development. This paper is useful for people interested in disability and international cooperation and development
Social Protection Discussion Paper No 1003

Inclusive education in Pakistan : experiences and lessons learned from the ENGAGE project

et al
March 2010

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The purpose of the American Institutes for Research (AIR) project, Engaging with Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in Development Cooperation (ENGAGE), was to increase the participation of DPOs and people with disabilities in the planning and implementation of development efforts. This brief describes the work of the ENGAGE Project in Pakistan to address the issue of increasing access and participation to quality learning environments for children with disabilities

Grassroots comics by disabled people


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This article presents information about a series of four Grassroots Comics workshops for its members organised by Shivyawata Mwanza, an umbrella organisation for disabled people's organisations in Mwanza region Tanzania in January 2010. The workshops were designed to work with disabled people to create a series of short comics that highlight issues related to disability in Tanzania

Disability inclusive flood action plan and WASH in a Bangladeshi community

BARI , Nazmul
January 2010

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“From October 2009 to July 2010, the Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), working in partnership with local non-government organisation (NGO) Gana Unnayan Kendra(GUK) and with the support of CBM Australia, implemented a pilot project titled Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project (DiDRR). The DiDRR project broadly addressed inclusive disaster preparedness with a sub-component on improved water and sanitation access for PWD. This case study focuses on the project actions and resulting changes regarding disability inclusive water and sanitation before and during floods, and how it benefited not only PWD but also the wider community”

Case study 10

Child-centred disaster risk reduction : building resilience through participation : lessons from Plan International


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This report “presents the results and recommendations of a five-year programme and…includes a series of case studies illustrating how child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) supports the delivery of the Hyogo Framework’s Priorities for Action, as well as the realisation of children’s rights to education, health and participation within disaster risk contexts…Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction is an innovative approach to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) that fosters the agency of children and youth, in groups and as individuals, to work towards making their lives safer and their communities more resilient to disasters”

Disaster risk reduction : a gender and livelihood perspective

GIULLIANI, Alessandra
August 2009

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This issue emphasizes how natural disasters impact and affect genders differently. It discusses the various ways in which using a gender based approach when dealing with natural disasters can have a significant difference in the lives of those in the disaster zone. It also addresses the degree of vulnerability from a gender aspect, and specifically the sensitivities that needs to be addressed

InfoResources Focus No 2/09

Primary education for disadvantaged children project

May 2009

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This report presents the evaluation findings of the Primary Education for Disadvantaged Children Project (PEDC), a multi-donor project, with support from World Bank, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and Norway, containing a number of sub-projects set specific goals in areas ranging from improving the infrastructure in schools to inclusive education for disabled children and reaching street children and other high risk groups

Norad collected reviews

Resource pack on systematization of experiences

MORGAN, Mariluz

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Systematization of experiences is a methodology that helps people involved in different kinds of practice to organize and communicate what they have learned. Over the past 40 years systematization has evolved and obtained recognition as a methodology for social reflection, in Latin America. This resource pack provides materials for the English speaking world

Advocacy for change : lessons from Guatemala, Brazil, and USA

LEON, Rosario

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This resource summarises a systematization of advocacy experiences related to the status of youth (in Guatemala), the right to education (in Brazil) and farming (in the United States). The systematizations allowed the actors involved to consider the evolution of the experiences and to identify lessons and insights for future interventions. The Guatemala systematization product was documented in writing and film, the US experience in writing, and the Brazil experience in film

Seizing the opportunity on AIDS and health systems

OOMMAN, Nandini
August 2008

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This is a comparison of donor interactions with national health systems in Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia - specifically: the health information systems, the supply chain systems for essential medicines, and human resources for health. It focuses on the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the World Bank’s Africa Multi-Country AIDS Program

Making a difference : M&E of policy research

July 2007

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"This paper aims to advance understanding on how to monitor and evaluate policy research, i.e. research that is undertaken in order to inform and influence public policy. Policy is defined very broadly to encompass both policy decisions and processes, including implementation..."

The problem of handwashing and paying for water in South Africa

CHOPRA, Mickey

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This paper shows the results of some research into whether households respond differently to hygiene and handwashing interventions such as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) depending on the water systems and payment systems that they have

The forgotten tribe : people with disabilities in Zimbabwe

January 2007

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This report discusses prevalence and causes of disability in Zimbabwe, and explores issues such as poverty, gender, health and HIV, education, employment and sports. It is based on a 2006 survey by Progressio Zimbabwe. The report concludes with a chapter on lessons learned and policy recommendations. This resource provides useful information for people interested in the situation and life of people with disabilities in Zimbabwe

Community action and the test of time : learning from community experiences and perceptions|Case studies of mobilization and capacity building to benefit vulnerable children in Malawi and Zambia

MWEWA, Louis
December 2006

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This case study review seeks to identify lessons learned from community experiences and perceptions of community mobilisations initiatives in Malawi and Zambia, particularly the sense of ownership generated and where that has been able to sustain activities to benefit especially vulnerable children. It would be of interest policy makers and programme designers

IMCI : what can we learn from an innovation that didn’t reach the poor?

GWARTKIN, Davidson
October 2006

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In this editorial, the author comments on the feasibility of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) strategy of the World Health Organization aimed at serving the poor. He analyses the reasons behind the failure of IMCI strategy to reach the poor. According to the author, IMCI failed due to several faults in its implementation including its initiation in well-off areas, a horizontal approach, and bad financial infrastructure of the poor regions
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 84(10)

