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Human rights and disability : equal rights for all

October 2008

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This paper outlines the international human rights framework for persons with disabilities. It includes a brief description of the situation highlighting key issues for persons with disabilities, which include: the fight against discrimination; the move from institutional care to community living; and the right to take decisions about one’s personal affairs

Seizing the opportunity on AIDS and health systems

OOMMAN, Nandini
August 2008

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This is a comparison of donor interactions with national health systems in Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia - specifically: the health information systems, the supply chain systems for essential medicines, and human resources for health. It focuses on the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the World Bank’s Africa Multi-Country AIDS Program

Fifth quinquennial review and appraisal of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons

July 2008

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This report aims to reinforce the disability perspective in reviews of progress and challenges encountered in implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and updates progress on the World Programme of Action, offering examples of and guidelines for mainstreaming disability in monitoring and evaluation of the MDGs. It also reviews the rapid adoption and bringing into force of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its optional protocol

Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities : advocacy toolkit

et al
July 2008

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This advocacy toolkit provides field practitioners with a user-friendly overview of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) and with a set of questions and answers that will enable them to introduce the main elements to counterparts. It explains how states can become party to the CRPD and provides a model tool for addressing government ministers. The toolkit includes useful guidelines for interactions with journalists, and provides a list of organisations engaged with the rights of persons with disabilities and a useful list of resources. It is designed to support efforts by United Nations-managed and supported mine action centres to advocate for the ratification and implementation of the CPRD and its Optional Protocol. This toolkit is useful for field practitioners to guide their efforts to encourage CRPD ratification and to contribute to CRPD implementation and monitoring

Study on social and health services of general interest in the European Union : final synthesis report

HUBER, Manfred
MAUCHER, Mathias
SAK, Barbara
June 2008

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This report seeks to improve the knowledge of both operators and the European Commission about the situation of social and health services of general interest in the European Union (EU). It is also designed to examine the impact of the EU rules on the development of social and health services. The purpose is to eventually establish a monitoring and dialogue tool in the form of biennial reports

Policy brief : HIV, food security and nutrition : expanded version

May 2008

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This policy brief focuses on the interrelationship between food security, nutrition and HIV, and highlights the actions that governments, civil society and international partners can take to promote food security and nutrition in the context of the AIDS epidemic

Progress report

May 2008

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This report highlights the progress of the first eight International Health Partnership+ signatory countries. It provides an analytical review of country progress against Millennium Development Goal indicators, and considers health financing trends, noting key bottlenecks at the global and country levels. It further highlights progress at the global level, provides updates from inter-agency working groups, and summarises key challenges in moving forward

Chapter 11 : protection of persons with specific needs

May 2008

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This chapter outlines the key issues of persons with specific needs in internally displaced persons(IDP) or refugee communities and provides practical recommendations for a camp management agencies
Published in Camp Management Toolkit by The Camp Management Project

NGOs & UN agencies assisting persons with disabilities : a non-exhaustive reference list of organizations working with and for persons with disabilities world-wide

EGUEZ, Maria Isabel
April 2008

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"This reference list is a mapping of specialized organizations working with and for persons with disabilities around the world. This reference list is intended to help UNHCR field staff identify specialized organizations that may be willing to support UNHCR by including persons of concern with disabilities into their programs...The reference list has been divided into five regions: Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia & the Pacific, Europe, and the Americas. Each region is then alphabetically categorized by country"

Improving global road safety

April 2008

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This resolution adopted by the General Assembly highlights the importance of improving global road safety. It recognises recent global initiatives and concludes by outlining eight points to further strengthen international cooperation and knowledge-sharing in road safety taking into account the needs of developing countries. This paper is useful for anyone interested in improving global road safety
87th plenary meeting on 31 March 2008

Resolution 7/9 : human rights of persons with disabilities

March 2008

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This is the transcript from the annual interactive debate on the rights of persons with disabilities, submitted by the Human Rights Council for the OHCHR. The focus is on key legal measures for ratification and effective implementation of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. It also includes amendments that address equality and non-discrimination. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in disability and human rights

Implementation manual for the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

February 2008

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This manual was created for users and survivors of psychiatry, and user/survivor organisations, as an information guide and reference for working with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It specifically highlights aspects of the Convention that pertain to the human rights abuses of users and survivors of psychiatry. This tool is designed to advocate for the implementation of legislation in line with the Convention

